Card reveal season for Forged in the Barrens continues with a Warlock card reveal from Thijs!
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Not that I like this card but I can see this being played after the lock has already drawn most of their deck and can assess whether the risk is worth it. Or better still for them playing it when their deck is already drawn...
It will be very annoying to be on the receiving end of this
Not my cup of tea, but might be better than I think if deck destruction Warlock becomes a thing. To me this card is not playable until you set up your hand/deck correctly, which makes me think this will be awkward to make work.
Now, if there is Tickatus + more deck that destroys the opponents deck really fast and this helps that game plan at the cost of some of your own cards, maybe ok. Maybe.
There isn't enough aggro decks on the ladder, I think this will be good to incentivise people to play aggro for a change...
I mean seriously, what is going on with this game? Yes a few of the cards from the new expansion look ok but mostly I feel like Blizzard trawled the forums for players views and came up with a list of the most soul destroying, frustrating to play against ways to make a card and then shot them at this expansion with a blunderbuss!
This type of card only creates bad situations. It's a very arbitrary type of disruption. Hearthstone doesn't allow any counterplay for this kind of card unlike LoR. The only thing you can do is watch your opponent burn your cards and hope that they screw themselves in the process. However, they do have a synergy or win condition for an empty deck and you don't. This card is probably bad in a similar fashion to Void Contract (probably even more because combo decks are losing too much in the rotation) but it will never feel good to play against just like Tickatus.
That video was weird.
I think people are overrating this just like they did with Glide. It is basically a 1 mana (and card slot) "Do nothing" when you play it. It doesn't even give you an fatique advantage. I can only really see this card as an anti-combo tech and even then it's questionable.
It occasionally burns a key card, but it's just as likely to burn garbage cards and get your opponent closer to their good cards, so that's a net neutral unless it's a combo deck that can be instantly ruined by a burn. Other than that, you're paying 1 card and 1 mana to get 3 steps closer to small-deck synergy - and if that's your aim, just play Backfire instead.
I really hate this, and don't feel cards like this should be in the game. What's intended as a counter to combo (Tickatus and this) also works as a counter to control decks BY A CONTROL DECK. It prevents other control decks from effectively being explored. Granted, running this card in Control Warlock takes a little more thought and some of the new cards, but they have Neeru Fireblade as a win condition (along with Y'Shaarj).
Kibler joked that his favorite classic card buff was Tracking because he no longer had to explain to players that it was good. Even when this doesn't truly affect the game, I'd argue that players hate the feeling of their opponent burning cards even if it's equal to randomly not drawing them that game. And when it does burn a legendary or spell that was one of your outs, it's going to feel terrible. It's one of those cards that's really bad for the game if it ends up being good.
I just don't get why they would print something like this and not something more about actual self milling.
Like...the gameplan for Self Mill Warlock is pretty clear: Yeet your deck then play the Portal guy and Imp rush your opponent to death. Burning your opponent's deck is irrelevant in that deck because you're not trying to win a fatigue war.
This could have easily been something like "deal 4 to a minion and yeet 3 cards from your deck".
I woudln#t even play this for the disruption, I'd just play it to burn through my deck and get my Portal online. The enemy burn is literally just "oh and fuck you btw" and will occasionally just win you games because you destroyed their main win condition.
I have no idea if that Warlock archetype will even take off but if it does it will eventually have to be nerfed just because of how aids it is
They don't nerf decks just because they're annoying. Otherwise Wrenchcalibur wouldn't exist.
tell it to all the polarizing combo decks that neve rbroke 50% winrate and still got nuked
some archetypes are allowed to be annoying YPN because they don't annoy people that play on iphones.
I'm actually more upset its just 1 mana. Had it been 2 mana there's plenty of argument can be made that its simply unplayable because even a midrange deck that curves decently can deny warlock ever playing a card like this, but its literally such a small investment that they easily destroy your board and play this in the same turn.
Wand Thief exist too oh boy...
Because OTK DH and *insert upcoming OTK deck* will kill you before you kill them with your ultra slow win condition without this card
and that's what they should do (regardless of wheter that's healthy for the game)
essentially what we have here is a grindy contrrol deck with unbeatable inevitability that also shit on combo decks by randomly nuking their combo pieces.
The only thing that beats this is hard aggro (which is severely nerfed after every single aggro class lost their main burn spells)
I don#t wanna play a meta where Warlock just dominate by not letting me actually play my cards without suffering any drawbacks
I'm not gonna comment if this is healthy for the game or not.
I agree that this beats both control and OTK.
But there is still plenty more decks than "hard aggro" that beats this.
For example:
Libroom pala
Tempo warrior (looking pretty good for new expansion)
Midrange hunter
Weapon/tempo/miracle rogue
Which will hopefully (and likely) keep this deck from being Tier 1 or Tier 2, otherwise the meta might become pretty toxic again indeed
c-c-c-combo breaker. This is going to be loved by whoever uses it and hated by everyone else.
This is going to be so infuriating to play against. But think of all the Wild meme decks you could play with all these deck disruption cards.
Mecha'thun Warlock. This card is essentially a Russian roulette of either "draw" 3 cards without self-damaging or burning your combo pieces.
This card + Neeru Fireblade for a Hakkar Warlock deck that goes to fatigue.
Or ThanosLock with this card, Tickatus, and the infamous Void Contract.
This in a world without Tickatus would be ok, but this is just ridiculous. You can easily burn 16! of your opponents cards only with the cards in your deck, much less with extra generation.