A new mage card has been revealed by Nightmare.
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Well yes, the copy of the spell you choose goes in your hand, but then you also cast it.
No, by definition, discover lets you choose one card from three options. This casts the chosen spell and you only get a copy in hand if it has twinspell.
At first, I read Totalitarian Pilgrim and was wondering why on Earth would Blizzard print a card about a fusion of Adolf Hitler and the bassist of Sex Bob-ombs.
You Sir, you deserve many upvotes!
Basically a much better version of Tortollan Primalist, which already saw limited amounts of play in Mage decks. This will be particularly strong in singleton decks, where we've already seen this kind of effect in the form of Inkmaster Solia, but for one mana more this has the benefit of only spending one card for two effects. The only potential downside of Tortollan Pilgrim relative to the Primalist is that you could draw your AoE spells, etc., early and be stuck with a very expensive 5/5, but that's probably not a serious risk.
Mage is going to be bonkers this set and i love it. Always enjoyed a good casino mage.
Seems really strong, not quite sure the best way to use it yet, but I think it'll have it's day in the sun.
So you're telling me I can go and play 2x Tortollan Pilgrim, 2x Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron and Raid the Sky Temple and live the dream, laugh like a lunatic and die with absolute style? Well, if you insist...
Now, trying to be serious, it can work quite well with cards such as Secrets, Unexpected Results, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Power of Creation, all AoE and yes even Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron. Honestly? If you build your deck around it, it may be cool. It may not be the most competetive, but it might go for fun decks
Are you sure Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron works with Raid the Sky Temple? As in does it count as 10 spell casts?
No idea. Probably not. You've just killed my dream.
Well, let's look at the bright side. 1600 more dust to spend on other cards
Sorry, your dream would have been awesome but I guess it's better to know beforehand that it probably doesn't work instead of wasting all your dust on crafting the cards only to be disappointed afterwards.
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron! Deck of Wonders! It's a dream come true!
Also, not a good 8 drop for Cyclone Mage. This should slow down Cyclone mage a bit.
Highlander support. Im always for highlander support
A build-around that can be *really* sweet!!
Sick tool for Control Mage.
Thins out your deck and allows you to (probably) cast something on the line of Flamestrike while getting a 5/5.
Nice tempo play.
EDIT: whoopsie doodle. I guess someone misread the card. My apologies fellas
It does not thin your deck, it's "discover a copy".
It copies the card
There will definitely be people playing it safe with only board clears and other non-targetable spells in their deck, and those who only play Pyroblasts and stuff for the ultimate casino time.
Deck of Wonders and Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron