New Neutral Minion - Neferset Ritualist

Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by

A new Rare Neutral Minion, Neferset Ritualist, has been revealed!

Neferset Ritualist Card Image

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  • Arthas's Avatar
    Robot Black Lotus 1265 5754 Posts Joined 03/10/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    A new Rare Neutral Minion, Neferset Ritualist, has been revealed!

    Neferset Ritualist Card Image

    Discuss this card below or head on over to the card page to give it a rating!

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  • Icko's Avatar
    115 25 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago


  • Watermelon86's Avatar
    Magma Rager 475 207 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Looks to be a fantastic Arena card considering how good Hozen Healer was.

    As far as constructed play, maybe it could see some use in a heal priest deck with Injured Kvaldir and Injured Blademaster?

    Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Hozen Healer was decent in Arena, and this has much better stats for the cost and affects two minions.

    Not sure if it will see constructed play because it doesn't seem very synergistic, but it is a very good individual card.

  • ThatFinn's Avatar
    115 32 Posts Joined 07/04/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Have to see if they print high health reborn minions, this could be quite good with those

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Great with reborn minions that's for sure, bad ress target for priest but paladin seems to be a reborn class so it might see play there.

  • Meenz's Avatar
    335 150 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Reborn minions become 1-health minions, rather than resummoned with 1 health remaining. So I don't believe this would work 

  • Tofukozo's Avatar
    250 48 Posts Joined 07/15/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Maby nice in priest. 

    Btw are reborn minions damaged when they come back at 1 health?

  • drfelip's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago


    The pleasure is mine.

    My last standard decks: nothing special right now.

  • Zwane's Avatar
    Wizard 320 423 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    This card is crazy. Can be used in aggro/tempo decks (say zoo) as a decent body with bonus effect, can be used any time in the game to heal up that big boy(s)  the opponent desperately tries to remove, can be used with those battle cry minions that injure themselves etc.for only 2 mana. Very high value card.

  • drfelip's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Yes, you can see this in the videos of the expansion announcement and in the embedded video here:

    The pleasure is mine.

    My last standard decks: nothing special right now.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2784 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    More stuff for Heal Druid, yay!

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  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Heal Priest, Heal Dudu, Arena, but no one thought of Auchenai-Heal Priest (where you use the healing to kill the opponent). The last interaction might be admittedly weak or hard to pull off, but it's still something worth noting.

  • frosthearth's Avatar
    655 585 Posts Joined 03/18/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Kovachut

    Heal Priest, Heal Dudu, Arena, but no one thought of Auchenai-Heal Priest (where you use the healing to kill the opponent). The last interaction might be admittedly weak or hard to pull off, but it's still something worth noting.

    How would you kill the opponent's minions with this? You could kill one of them with Cabal Shadow Priest I guess, but I think it's too situational.

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From frosthearth
    Quote From Kovachut

    Heal Priest, Heal Dudu, Arena, but no one thought of Auchenai-Heal Priest (where you use the healing to kill the opponent). The last interaction might be admittedly weak or hard to pull off, but it's still something worth noting.

    How would you kill the opponent's minions with this? You could kill one of them with Cabal Shadow Priest I guess, but I think it's too situational.

    I meant with deathrattle minions who heal the opponent (Hench-Clan Shadequill) and you can use the 2/3 to instantly kill those minions. Like I said in the previous post, I am aware that such combos are weak and hard to pull off (and in wild players can utilize cheap cards like Circle of Healing and Zombie Chow, Corrupted Healbot + Twilight's Call). I just wanted to share this little information with the users, so that we could use it, when priest gets more deathrattle minions that heal the opponent for a bunch in standard.

  • Enk's Avatar
    290 70 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    So goooood!

    ᄽὁȍ ̪ őὀᄿ Please check out my Wild Spider Queen deck! Fanfiction included. Mwuah! ᄽὁȍ ̪ őὀᄿ

  • frosthearth's Avatar
    655 585 Posts Joined 03/18/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Kovachut
    Quote From frosthearth
    Quote From Kovachut

    Heal Priest, Heal Dudu, Arena, but no one thought of Auchenai-Heal Priest (where you use the healing to kill the opponent). The last interaction might be admittedly weak or hard to pull off, but it's still something worth noting.

    How would you kill the opponent's minions with this? You could kill one of them with Cabal Shadow Priest I guess, but I think it's too situational.

    I meant with deathrattle minions who heal the opponent (Hench-Clan Shadequill) and you can use the 2/3 to instantly kill those minions. Like I said in the previous post, I am aware that such combos are weak and hard to pull off (and in wild players can utilize cheap cards like Circle of Healing and Zombie Chow, Corrupted Healbot + Twilight's Call). I just wanted to share this little information with the users, so that we could use it, when priest gets more deathrattle minions that heal the opponent for a bunch in standard.

    Oh I see what you mean now. Such a combo wouldn't be too far-fetched, I would say. The auchenai combo with Corrupted Healbot was a decent deck while it was in standard, although hard to pilot. It shouldn't be underestimated at least.

  • Chimera's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    This will be top tier in arena at the very least i imagine. 

  • RandomGuy's Avatar
    430 614 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    I don't exactly know where this fits, but that's good value on a well statted/costed body.

  • Tofukozo's Avatar
    250 48 Posts Joined 07/15/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    great thanks! Makes reborn really nice for priest also! 

  • NegativeNemsy's Avatar
    405 206 Posts Joined 07/10/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    This looks absolutely broken in arena!

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    I really like this in Priest, and not just because "PREEST = HEAL CLASS", but because a long time problem with T1 Northshire Cleric was trading into something and taking advantage of the draw engine, which meant not developing the board.  This card gives you a lot more flexibility and actually has good stats for a 2-drop.  

    worst community ever

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