I've been playing this game since beta off and on and this is something I've seen other people do that I have never done. They play a deck, know it's bad against a certain class, or only good against certain classes and just keep conceding until they get the matchup they want.
This is something I have never really liked the idea of doing, but now I am considering doing it. The whole thing just seemed like a waste of time and effort because if you know you're going into a favorable matchup it kinda takes the fun out of it ya know? But this expansion is really testing my patience for not doing it.
Rogue and mage have always been my least favorite classes to play against ever since the inception of "discover". I am a naturally unlucky person. So I like to cover all my bases and hedge my bets the best I can to where if I'm unlucky I can continue moving this is for games and in life. But every class I am facing is either rogue or mage and there is too much random for me to hedge against.
So I'm looking for a second opinion.
Do you autoconcede? Why?
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I've been playing this game since beta off and on and this is something I've seen other people do that I have never done. They play a deck, know it's bad against a certain class, or only good against certain classes and just keep conceding until they get the matchup they want.
This is something I have never really liked the idea of doing, but now I am considering doing it. The whole thing just seemed like a waste of time and effort because if you know you're going into a favorable matchup it kinda takes the fun out of it ya know? But this expansion is really testing my patience for not doing it.
Rogue and mage have always been my least favorite classes to play against ever since the inception of "discover". I am a naturally unlucky person. So I like to cover all my bases and hedge my bets the best I can to where if I'm unlucky I can continue moving this is for games and in life. But every class I am facing is either rogue or mage and there is too much random for me to hedge against.
So I'm looking for a second opinion.
Do you autoconcede? Why?
Living like that.
Never concede
I personally never auto-concede on Std ranked ladder, because well, for your rank it's obviously bad (The sole exception being at one of the rank floors and having lost your previous game). Every game you lose instead of winning requires a net of 2 more wins to get in a similar position again, which often is 10-20 more games even with a decent win rate. So why not give even the worst match-up a go for a few turns? Even in heavily unfavored matchups you often still have a 25% chance of winning if you draw the nuts or your opponent draws dead. (I do concede during the game if I am absolutely convinced that I can't win, to save time and move on.)
But if you don't care at all about your rank or play non-ranked, then there is definitely a case for it. You play for fun after all... for me, the fun in ranked std is to play my best and see how far I get, no matter how much I like/dislike my opponent's deck. But I play funky decks on wild ladder every now and then. There I auto-concede against Priest (sorry to the 3 people out there who look for a fun game with priest and don't play Rez/Raza).
I can't say I can ever advocate anyone to avoid their problems. Especially given that in hearthstone, trying to avoid specific classes is fairly futile as its largely dependent on the meta.
Right now the only deck I really can't stand is lunacy mage, but I'm not going to concede the minute I see a turn 2 Deck of Lunacy, because then I'd might as well just not play the game. Hearthstone can sometimes offer you more downs than ups, but that's basically a signal to close the game, do something else, then come back. Or do a little research and try finding the best ways against the problem. Part of the fun is finding ways to overcome the problem, because as you say; it takes the fun away when its a favorable match, especially if its orchestrated by yourself.
Tldr: No, as I enjoy overcoming the odds. However feel free to enjoy the game how you want. If you don't like a match up, don't play it.
I think people who concede that early miss out on the potential for a win. Too often if I play the hated class people concede without realizing I'm playing something way off meta. What could of been an easy win for them just gives me the W instead and still doesn't feel good because I wanted to try something crazy.
Being on the other end, matching up against a tough class is thrilling for me. Sure there can be frustrations. However even if I don't win just putting up a fight can be satisfying (especially with a meme deck).
The other day I had an amazing long fatigue game Vs a C'thun priest as Warrior. Such a tough grindy match. He played about 7 Shadow word Deaths from generation. I couldn't keep a board for more than a turn. Frustrating but I pushed through, kept enough health floating around that I won out. I wouldn't have that story, that victory, if I had just conceded based on my previous losses to Priest.
In the end it's a personal choice based on your enjoyment. Do what is fun with your game time.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
I do most of my autoconceding in LoR, as I think nearly all HS games are winnable if you draw well enough. I will concede pretty early though if I have a bad start against a bad matchup.
It depends. I play wild and standard. In standard I never concede. In wild I play a big priest with reasonable results, but most of the other priests are highlander, and with them I have almost no chance to win. So why to spend lot of time (priest games are very long) when I have only a small chance to win?
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
I like to see at least a few cards before conceding. Sometimes I will stay in an unwinable game if I think I can get achievements or if I suspect my opponent is trying to do the same. I will even try to help them out. I rarely ever auto concede and I do not care about my rank.
At that point its more likely you just need a break. Even with how toxic standard is atm, there aren't any entirely unwinnable match ups. The waste of time argument makes no sense either since auto conceding hurts your rank and your xp is based on match length. It's basically a lose lose for the auto conceding player no matter how you slice it. If your time is too valuable to spend it in a lost game then why isn't more valuable than a winning one? It's really silly logic.
If you autoconcede bad matchups in anything but casual, your mmr will have to suffer. Your legend rank will be stuck in 5 digits once you reach it. But if you don't care about the mmr, you get worse players, which means you can have more fun or queue into more homebrews with your tier 2 deck. So it's really up to your goals, nothing is wrong. But don't expect to ever get good at the game while playing bad players, or conceding turn 1.
People try to get good at this game? Where everything is random and little to no skill is involved? Lol
Living like that.
Every time I face a priest that plays nothing but spells until turn five I always say: " if he plays the 2/6 in leaving"
Living like that.
All of your problems in Hearthstone boil down to this excuse. Stop merely "hedging" and start making an effort to actually improve. Good players make their own "luck." (Sarcasm quotes because luck has nothing to do with it -- it only appears to be luck to those who don't know what's really going on.)
As for conceding, it depends on your goals. If you are looking to climb quickly, conceding can save you a lot of time. If you are in it for pure enjoyment, concede in bad matchups that you know you won't enjoy. Good luck with that, though. The meta is awful, and it's not going to get better anytime soon.
Obviously I should play around and draw RNG and my opponent discovering the perfect answer all the time. Obviously I'm just bad and not because it's a card game where most outcomes are based around luck and random generation that you or your opponent can do nothing about it but because "I should have played around it"
Living like that.
That is actually more correct than you probably believe. Until you accept the fact that the universe is not working against you (no more than anyone else, anyway), no other advice can help you.
I dont think the universe is working against me as much as I believe that the power of positive thinking will make it work toward me. Things happen around me. Good or bad and I notice them.
Living like that.