Stealer of Souls

Stealer of Souls Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

The first card you draw each turn costs Health instead of Mana.

Flavor Text

The tooth fairy gig didn't work out.

Stealer of Souls Sounds

Play VO_WC_023_Male_Jailer_Play_02

Attack VO_WC_023_Male_Jailer_Attack_01

Death VO_WC_023_Male_Jailer_Death_01

Card Balance and Changes

Patch Change
Battlegrounds Revamp

Cost increased to 6 (from 4). Attack increased to 4 (from 2).

Festival of Legends

Nerf reverted; Cost decreased to 4 (from 6), Attack decreased to 2 (from 4). No longer banned in Wild.


  • darkjak's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 860 1147 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Plot Twist, Thresh got a side gig.


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