Nightmare Amalgam + Toxfin + Missile Launcher combo
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
So after being disgusted by another hunter Venomizer+Missile Launcher I came up with the idea of above combo which should essentially give me the same thing for a whopping 10 mana. Any1 tried this?
And how do i change the title of a thread I created? Now it looks horrible!
And I want to see his face when I counter his combo by my own combo.
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So after being disgusted by another hunter Venomizer+Missile Launcher I came up with the idea of above combo which should essentially give me the same thing for a whopping 10 mana. Any1 tried this?
And how do i change the title of a thread I created? Now it looks horrible!
And I want to see his face when I counter his combo by my own combo.
Fixed the title for you, users cant edit that just yet :)
But yeah, that is actually a cute combo and should work.
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No I haven't. Although this may be fun to try, Murloc Shaman usually closes the game out before 10 mana.
EU - TotemBiS#2281
I have never seen any1 play this against me. Did I invent something new here? OMG! I will try it out in some deck tonight and see if I can pull it off.
Sounds pretty terrible but I'm sure you could get it off every once in a blue moon.
Use The Curator to fish for pieces :)
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I will make a deck and ofc its a last resort "if all else fails" in the same way hunters use it when they lose bord control. I am thinking of either a tempo mage mech deck with bonus or a murloc mage deck with some mechs to enable interesting magnetics to irritate the opponent. I do not want to play shaman out of being kinda mage addicted.
I saw some Menagerie deck around here recently, maybe you could try some variant of that :)
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I was thinking of standard. I know nothing about wild...they will kill me even before I play a card there!
And if you put enough blue in a moon combo's in your deck one of them is sure to fly, right?
3 card combos are a bit more difficult to pull off. Though this is a good idea.
Wild is mostly Big Priest, Odd Paladin, Odd Rogue, Even Shaman, Mech Hunter and some Reno decks. It's really not a scary place where you will be killed instantly. I highly suggest trying Wild. I have a lot more fun in Wild than in Standard.
Well. I made a deck to try this out. Started with a mix of mechs and murlocs. That did not work so good, got the combo in one game but did not need it to win.
So then I decided on a full murloc mage package with the extra toxfin. That had a lot more bite, but here the combo comes wayyyy too late. So well. Nice surprise clear but not very competitive.
Nice idea but you assembled a 3 card combo that doesn't even come close to win you the game for 10 mana if there is a murloc/mech hybrid deck it could be used maybe but it's not really something you need to rely on, and it doesn't win you the game against most decks..
vs aggro it's too late, vs control/midrange they can deal with it