Two new cards have been revealed by USgamer. A new lackey has also been revealed.
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It's more situational for sure but I think in those situations it is quite powerful. There aren't currently any early taunts people play and barely any taunts in general. That isn't because taunt isn't strong in this meta because with all the board fighting it actually is a very strong keyword, but it's because there aren't good early taunts.
This can be a very powerful card in early board fights late game stabilization.
That's probably the point, they're adding more cards that generate lackeys so they need to dilute the pool a little bit so the lackey classes don't become too strong.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn is a great card - the power of Crystal Core attached to a 4/4 body is pretty compelling, and the fact that it will only affect up to 6 cards (at least today - 2x EVIL Genius and 2x EVIL Cable Rat) means its power level is not absurdly oppressive. This may limit the extent to which Warlock can get more lackey generating tools - we don't need a new Quest Rogue deck in the meta - but it may also make for some wacky games where you fill your hand with lackeys and use Plot Twist + Augmented Elekk with Fel Lord Betrug and/or Dollmaster Dorian to get a bunch of extra 4/4s both in play and in hand. Given the sheer power of each lackey's battlecry, shuffling a bunch into your deck actually doesn't seem like a crazy thing to do.
Sort of a bummer that EVIL Recruiter ends up far less impactful after you've dropped Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, but it's still a great effect if you use your 4/4 lackey to value trade and then destroy it to get a 5/5 with (potentially) relevant tribal synergies.
How did the League of EVIL managed to convince a golem to join their crew? 😅
Love that Legendary artwork. Looks lit!
Golems have been mindless lackeys since their conception. Haven't you watched that incredibly old German film about them? Or , well, that Halloween Simpsons episode that parodies it.
Despite the comparison with The Caverns Below, Dark Pharaoh Tekahn doesn't have the same consistency or inevitability that Quest Rogue did.
A very strong card, but I think a deck based around this alone would need more. If zoo is strong in the next expansion, then I would bet this card will be bonkers. If zoo will be in a similar state as in RoS, then I'm not sure this card alone will save the deck.
Damn, his summoning Animation looks hella fine!
Some zoo support... Also defensive lackey finally!
A very interesting warlock legendary - either it will be broken or it will never see play - I don't think there is a middle ground for this one.
[Hearthstone Card (Titantic Lackey) Not Found] is pretty cool, great for lackey decks that need survival tools like Hooktusk Rogue and Quest Shaman.
Interesting it's a lackey legendary and it is a warlock card.
And? Warlock was 2nd best lackey generator. Pretty obvious they are trying push zoo lock to tier 1 deck with this lackeys.
Vilefiend isn’t too bad. Solid arena curve card, demon synergy, life gain. It’s not flashy but might see a bit of standard play in some tier 3-4 decks
Why is he not 5/5? 4/4 makes him very underwhelming if you have to play him as a tempo in case you don’t have lackeys.
I hope warlock gets more Lackey generating cards. Dark Pharaoh Tekahn could be insane
Well, at least the Lackeys don't have Charge or create additional copies of themselves like Quest Rogue minions did. In addition, this is a one-of in your deck and doesn't start in your hand like the quest did, so often your lackeys will still just be 1/1 and you can't really build your entire strategy around this. Good zoolock has to exist first and when it does this will go right in. But this will not create a zoolock on its own.
Huh so the speculation on this site regarding Tekahn being important in this expansion were true (he was the warlock henchman in the rise of shadows solo adventure). Nicely done!
Tekahn ain't bad at all, although still yet to see if warlock gets another good lackey generator as I don't see cable rat and EVIL genius being enough
If there is enough Lackey generation, Tekahn seems ridiculously powerful in a zoo deck.
Imagine giving your 4/4 lackeys rush with Magic Carpet.