New Warrior Spell - Raid the Docks
Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by
A new Legendary Warrior Spell, Raid the Docks, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warrior Spell, Raid the Docks, has been revealed!
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This might just be insane in wild pirate warrior since the drawback of having a questline taking up a spot in your hand is immediately gone after you finish the first step and the first step isn't even hard.
I eat your fast food spare changes when you sleep.
This looks good - and i just saw Kibler finish the Questline and get the Juggernaut - pretty good.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
On the one hand, I'm not sure about Quests focused on tempo/aggression work...
But on the other hand, The Juggernaut (Portal, Start of Turn: Summon a random Pirate, equip a weapon, deal 2 damage twice.) is looking hype.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me~
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
I'm annoyed by this already. Hopefully, Pirate Warrior is fast enough that having this card in their mulligan turns out to actually not be beneficial.
Arena > Wild > Standard
This is an absolutely nutty Quest. The conditions are piss easy to fulfill considering the amount of playable pirates. The support cards are almost entirely premium and the lategame potential is insane. Control Pirate Warrior anyone?
One thing though: Why does Cap'n Rokara look so...skinny?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Am I correct in seeing that the Juggernaut cannot be removed? That is absolutely insane. Yes, play pirates for control and this will eventually kill your opponent.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Doesn't seem too hard to finish this quest, most Pirates are fairly cheap. The end reward seems bonkers too. This will be the most fun Questline I think.
When you can't pull out the Juggernaut...
... Because you already killed your opponent with your aggro pirate deck =(
An aggro quest with an insane value finisher. This will be crazy. A fresh pirate, a fresh warrior weapon, and two (2) damage pings every turn is pretty nuts.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
" Winning the annual Ratchet Regatta really went to their heads. " ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Love the finisher for a pirate deck. Very thematic with the ship. Looks fun.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Probably my favorite card from this expansion. This will probably be incredibly bonkers in Wild, but I like how it promotes a more mid-rangey and grindy style of play with Pirates, as opposed to the usual aggressive stuff. Those conditions are super easy to meet, and the new Pirates like Stormwind Freebooter and Harbor Scamp look pretty good as well. I'm crafting this one for sure, I miss playing Warrior (didn't play the class that much in Barrens, other than some control decks that sucked).
I wish Cap'n Rokara was a hero portrait, though. That would be more awesome than any of the crap portraits they made of her.
One of the easiest to complete quests and a huge reward.
Your Hero Will have a permanent equipped weapon, Will deal 4 dmg every turn and summon a pirate.
Keep your golden copies, that card will be nerfed soon.
By The Holy Light!
Also you can put Laday Prestor in your deck as top end. After you done the quest you can turn 3-5 leftover cheap pirate into Dragon as another win condition
This is one of those few quests that can actually function outside its supposedly archetype.
I've no reason whatsoever to suspect that this is a pure aggro card. You can easily build control and midrange out of this thing because the conditions aren't difficult and the reward is spectacular.
If it does suffer, its largely because the quest is kinda slow. Like there's just so many situations you'd be playing cpt rokara on turn 7-8, and since she doesn't have rush and the effect only starts the following turn, its essentially asking you to pass the turn.
Easy to complete, with potential infinite value and tempo? Yeah, this good.
Pirates are generally cheap, so this seems really good. I've never been a fan of pirate or aggro decks, but I've been of RNG fiesta and flavor, so I really like this card, may make me try warrior pirate finally.
the random enemy part will keep this from being executed too quickly given that there isn't a whole stock of cards that will do that. But this is something to help get things on the board and fast... on top of drawing them.
Copy the quest reward.
Infinite value!!!! This is really nice.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Pirates will be so fun to play. Captain Rokara!!!
Rogue DH
This makes me like pirate warrior :o
I assume the final reward takes a permanent spot on your board. I've said on some other questlines that they have weaker rewards but are easier to complete. This one looks pretty easy to complete, and the reward looks very powerful.
Perfect addition to Pirate warrior in Standard. In Wild it is too slow and does not add more value to the perfect builds out there.
Easy conditions and an insane payoff. That's just too good...
... there's got to be a Hook to this.
ArtStation | Twitter
So, it's easy to finish the quest, but the reward is a bit lacking... true you keep a board replenish, some damage and a weapon always equipped, but by that time, a Pirate Warrior deck should have already an advantage over the opponent (I'm a wild player, so dunno about in standard).
Maybe in a Pirate Control archetype, but it's not very convincing.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
I'm excited for this one!
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Infinite value for an aggro to midrange deck, this is pretty insane. The fact that you can't remove the Juggernaut is important. Not really a fan of pirates, but this questline makes me want to play them
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
watched some stream ... seems really good (in theory... craft)
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Probably good, even better in wild
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Alright prediction: Even if its absolute garbage, people will still be playing this questline in 1-2 years from now. Why? Because it has amazing flavor and fun. Basicly the same reason that Unite the Murlocs sees play to this day. Yes Unite the Murlocs is not that good of a deck, but people just enjoy playing it a lot, and so will people enjoy playing Raid the Docks.
Okay lets look at the rewards, Raid the Docks 1st reward is drawing a weapon, which is just nice in standard. And in wild you can use it to tutor out Ancharrr. And Cap'n Rokara can be bounced in order to summon multiple The Juggernauts.
Speaking about The Juggernaut, this just seems like a dream card for pirate warrior. Shooting cannons, summoning pirates and attacking with random weapons. It's just so flavorfull and just... fun. Personally i'm not someone that likes aggresive decks/strategies. BUT Raid the Docks just seems too fun and flavorful, i gotta try that deck out regardless of how good/bad it is.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Lore wise Rokara just make Defias dream come true, assaulting Stormwind with the Juggernaut, I remember the Deadmines quest as a horde, and they want to do the same.
Now, in wild with Brann Bronzebeard, 2 Juggernauts are too tempting to test
Very easy to complete, and the final reward looks quite good. Pirate warrior making a comeback, perhaps?
Only six Pirates needed to complete the Questline makes this seem insane. I don't love Pirate Warrior, but I am a sucker for a cool finisher, and this is certainly that.
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