Control hunters!? Anti-Combo Hunters!??

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

So the hunter, a class that used to be limited to SMOrc-ing before turn 7 slowly got sweet cards that allows a much slower play. Coming up is Anti-combo Hunter which I really want to try out..

My question is what survival(Heal)/control tools are the most efficient, including wild, off course.

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    So the hunter, a class that used to be limited to SMOrc-ing before turn 7 slowly got sweet cards that allows a much slower play. Coming up is Anti-combo Hunter which I really want to try out..

    My question is what survival(Heal)/control tools are the most efficient, including wild, off course.

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • Lightspoon's Avatar
    Merfolk 495 405 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Anticombo tech cards are almost all neutral: Deathlord, Dirty Rat and Hecklebot can make you disrupt your opponent's combo by pulling on board a key piece, ruining his day.

    "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Lightspoon

    Anticombo tech cards are almost all neutral: Deathlord, Dirty Rat and Hecklebot can make you disrupt your opponent's combo by pulling on board a key piece, ruining his day.

    He's referring to Wild Bloodstinger...


    Flanking Strike is great removal and decent body. Most slower decks run a Corpsetaker package, although hunter doesn't have a great way to give it windfury. 

    Zilliax is obviously great too. I guess you want Candleshot for early removal and Deathstalker Rexxar for later on of course.

  • Lightspoon's Avatar
    Merfolk 495 405 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Wild Bloodstinger is so slow if compared to other disrupting tools, its cost is far too high and limit what you can do in the rest of your turn by a lot. Not so efficient. Being an Hunter card doesn't mean that it's better than the neutral ones (that also provide a Taunt body in the early game).

    "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    You forgot Unseen Saboteur , Mojomaster Zihi , Mindbreaker and all the fun ways to annoy the heck out of your opponent XD .

    But yea the main reason for the anticombo idea is the Wild Bloodstinger . Time to get me a [Hearthstone Card (corpse taker) Not Found] then!

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Lightspoon

    Wild Bloodstinger is so slow if compared to other disrupting tools, its cost is far too high and limit what you can do in the rest of your turn by a lot. Not so efficient. Being an Hunter card doesn't mean that it's better than the neutral ones (that also provide a Taunt body in the early game).

    Well what's fun there is the beast tag.. for a hunter that means a lot of interactions. Just think of Helpless Hatchling for example.

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • jwbrain's Avatar
    165 18 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Lightspoon

    Wild Bloodstinger is so slow if compared to other disrupting tools, its cost is far too high and limit what you can do in the rest of your turn by a lot. Not so efficient. Being an Hunter card doesn't mean that it's better than the neutral ones (that also provide a Taunt body in the early game).

    However, it also helps with removing the threat as well, which the cheaper combo disruption cards don't do

  • ShotgunSoul's Avatar
    240 168 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    If Wild Bloodstinger becomes a thing, I wonder if Hakkar, the Soulflayer will find a place again in Hearthstone.

    Thanks for starting the corrupted blood count early!

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