KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago
I really love this card. It looks like a bunch of fun to play, and its some nice combo disruption. I can see this being played in a control deck if burst decks get to good. maybe you could get a mage to fireball her own Kirin Tor Mage.
I never thought about what kind of spells opponent holds in their hand, this is a 6 cost minion so by the time opponent will probably have more than 1 spell. You need to consider playing against each class to evaluate this card. For example if you play this against a hunter, right now its likely that they got a masters call or unleash the hounds. Cards that they wouldn't play in the early turns like flanking strike is for turn 4-5, animal companion is for turn 3. Maybe they kept their coin and you discard their coin. So many things to consider, i love how complex it is
I love this and Hecklebot. More neutral gameplay disruption akin to Deathlord and Dirty Rat.
I really love this card. It looks like a bunch of fun to play, and its some nice combo disruption. I can see this being played in a control deck if burst decks get to good. maybe you could get a mage to fireball her own Kirin Tor Mage.
C-C-Combo Breaker!
But seriously I love this as another neutral way to allow us to interrupt combo decks.
I never thought about what kind of spells opponent holds in their hand, this is a 6 cost minion so by the time opponent will probably have more than 1 spell. You need to consider playing against each class to evaluate this card. For example if you play this against a hunter, right now its likely that they got a masters call or unleash the hounds. Cards that they wouldn't play in the early turns like flanking strike is for turn 4-5, animal companion is for turn 3. Maybe they kept their coin and you discard their coin.
So many things to consider, i love how complex it is