New Druid Minion - Wickerclaw
Submitted 3 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Druid Minion, Wickerclaw, has been revealed!
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A new Common Druid Minion, Wickerclaw, has been revealed!
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So I was sort of iffy on the Quest before, but this is exceptionally good with stuff like Pounce, not to mention the snowballing potential. Maybe midrange Druid will not be hopeless after all.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Notice it doesn't say that it gains attack "this turn" so that's permanent. This guy could be very good.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
So, this is supposed to be run in conjunction with the quest? Quest on 1, this on 2, HP and an attack spell on three makes this a 2/5 and completes the first stage of the quest. Plus the attack helps to swing the board back to you after losing turn 1.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Feral support, I like it. The fact that it out the gate has 4 health and there is now Druid Health support for minions, this is a pretty rad card
Support for the Druid Questline. This has potential, especially if you can get it out early and start building the +Attack before your opponent has an answer.
I was going to say without giving this minion Rush it will just get traded into. But that's a great point Pezman, it doesn't say "this turn". Facinating. Still think it may be on the slow side but it could get big easily then. Might be stronger than I thought.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
In a dedicated deck, this card may be the most dangerous card in the deck. You play this on 2, it survives, you play Pounce + hero power and suddenly this is a 5/4 for 2. If it survives, it'll just snowball hard.
But that's the problem isn't it. It'll never realistically survive more than 1 turn, and without double Pounce, you're essentially skipping your turn just to make a 4 health monster, which isn't bad but its not game winning neither.
I have no faith in an attack druid, and this card doesn't have enough activators besides Pounce.
2 mana 1/4 is weak, even if you can buff him to 5/4 at t3.
By The Holy Light!
I wish this was the other way around. I think what "Feral" Druid is missing is not more payoff for giving your hero attack, but rather more ways to give your hero attack that are actually playable. This card is far from weak, but I am a little disappointed that there weren't any hero buff cards in this set aside from Park Panther.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
The big downside of this is playing it turn 2, at least if has high health but I dunno.
So all you have to do is press the hero power button, and this permanently gains another 2 attack. And if you play something like Pounce, it could gain +4 in one turn. I think you're going to want to kill this very soon if your opponent plays this.
Interesting Card for the new Druid Questline - also has 4 Health so it could survive long enouth to have at least 2 buffed up attacks.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
VERY strong card, because of 1 reason. 2 mana, 4 health. 4 health on a 2 drop has profen to be extremely hard to remove in the early game (just look at the watch posts) so i'm sure you will be able to at least keep it alive till turn 3. Not only that, but THE EFFECT STACKS. It will keep growing and growing in attack. But thats not the end of it oh no.
Read it's effect. "whenever your hero gains attack" what does this mean? It means that if you hero power it gets +2 attack, and with each other card you play that gains your hero attack DURING THE SAME TURN Wickerclaw gets even more attack.
Example: hero power (+2 attck) + Pounce (another +2) in 1 turn gives Wickerclaw +4 permanent attack. OH and if you play a Wickerclaw alongside a Oracle of Elune on turn 5 you get another Wickerclaw so at least it also has that synergy... and the quest obviously.
Yeh i'm feeling a lot better about the druid quest. I already was thinking that it would be decent, but it seems like it got some good support.
Oh and as for wild. It wont see play. Bad card for token druid, and OTK/combo druid. Maybe it sees play alongside the questline in wild, because there is a lot more support there? I'm not sure.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
I am going to play this in even druid.
I just realised this attack is permanent. Really snowbally type of card. Not sth to ignore.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
So it's same stats as Efficient Octo-bot which means it'll be hard to remove on turn 2. It would be a must kill eventually when it's attack gets too high, so decent minion, but we'd need to see how well the questline goes
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Quest piece. The 4 health keeps it alive, so it probably attacks. Solid.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Support card for the Druid Quest, but new Quests are bad, so this card suffers from that.
Mediocre card on its own and in order to be good it needs the support of other mediocre cards like Pounce. I hope it works out in a Lost in the Park deck, but I certainly have my doubts.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Only sees play in Questline Druid, nowhere else.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Can be scary, and considering that questline is probably good, this can see some play
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
You mean, beside Pounce and the constant hero power ? ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
2 mana 1/4 is weak also is its statistics increase
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
With your hero power it becomes a 4 mana 3/4, with another hero power 6 mana 5/4... still not convinced ;)
High snowball potential, is kill on sight target. The high health make it survive the summoning turn. Strong, not busted but strong
This with Secure the Deck can make for a fun little OTK. Gonna try to see if it can be done.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Alright, that is a fair verdict - I retract
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
My vote was on that it was going to be weak, but reading comments here seems mixed, maybe it'll be hard to kill and very agressive. Will simply have to wait and see.
Battlefiend's big brother, I really wish this was a Demon Hunter card instead. It would not be busted at all!
Insane 2 drop for the Questline, probably doesn't make the cut otherwise. The body is hefty enough that you might be able to land some buffs on it, but taking time out of a turn to Hero Power for the Attack boost isn't worth it except to advance the Questline.
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