New Shaman Minion - Canal Slogger
Submitted 3 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Shaman Minion, Canal Slogger, has been revealed!
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A new Common Shaman Minion, Canal Slogger, has been revealed!
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Control Shaman really lacked efficient healing before so this is absolutely fantastic there (and a great target off Dungeoneer). And thanks to the Corrupt OTK they also have an endgame plan now (even though I think Mutanus fucks that deck way too hard to be playable)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Very good - nice healing and removal - and maybe it even survives - and a 4 Mana 6/4 is ok.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Very strong and help with Questline. Big healing for 4 mana AND usually removes an enemy minion at the same time.
This is quite nice. A good chunk of healing that will remove most threats. The overload is just a nice bonus to help out the archetype.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Strong lifesteal minion. Good high damage, unlikely to survive but still a good heal/removal.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Just a super solid card. Rush + Lifesteal is always a good combination no matter the class, and the fact that it's got 6 attack is massive. Clearing a big minion and healing yourself in the process is really good, plus it also helps with the Shaman questline.
I dont need to review this. It speaks for itself.
If you dont think this will be in every shaman deck until the next expansion, I'd be worried about you more than anything else.
This card might make control shaman viable
This is insane, will be played in every midrange and controlling shaman deck.
Overload of 1... 1 !?!?!?!?!? SOOOOOO good
This is incredible, it even feels like a better Zilliax for shaman decks that are still playing it in wild since most of the times you want the healing since the body won't stick around to give you the extra 3 life of another hit.
This is a great, mana-efficient healing/removal tool. And played on curve, it might even live to attack twice.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Ah Zilliax, how I missed you... you look... slimier than I remember.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
It feels pretty strong actually especially with the reduce elementals cost legendary.
6-attack Lifesteal and Rush, plus Overload synergy. That should kill almost anything on turn 4. Yeah, I think this one will be good.
The perfect ovearload elemental card to just tie it all
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Overpowered in EleShaman
Rogue DH
Seems pretty good. Don't know exactly how it fits in current Shaman decks, but it doesn't require playing an elemental the turn previous to get all this tasty keywords.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Walking Fountain's little brother, seems like it'll be a staple in arena drafts. Will most likely be included in most mid-range/control shaman decks. Not sure it's needed or wanted in aggro/doomhammer/curve elemental shaman.
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Great Card, like it.
Amazing elemental to add in a control shaman archetype.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Wow, now the Elemental package receives healing also. I guess Elemental Shaman will stick around for at least another expansion, which I like though!
Elemental Shaman has it all. Aggression, removal, manacheat and healing. The deck can take whichever direction it wants and there is noone to stop it. Besides, this card is pretty much required in Quest Shaman to both survive until the quest completion and enhance the quest.
This minion is the sleeper of the set. Insane attack for 4 mana that will destroy absolutely anything in the mid game and the lifesteal effect makes it useable in so many different archetypes like control, midrange, quest, combo... except aggro, they prob wouldn't run this, but could!
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
A very solid addition to elemental shaman
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Insane card, must include for almost every shaman deck. Amazing stats, lifesteal AND rush. Not only that, but it only overloads for 1 mana AND has elemental synergy. What is there not to like about this card? Really remind me of Walking Fountain, but this comes out a lot earlier, which is really needed these days.
Aggro players are gonna cry about this card being "overpowered" because it provides healing, which is going to probably get the card nerfed. (Just look at priests lifegain after they adressed "card generation".)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
All other shaman cards seem ridiculously strong. This feels like a shaman expansion since there are many good tools are given to the class.
When I look at this card though, it seems pretty… terrible to me. I haven’t touched standard format these days, but if the class is lacking healing at the moment, then it’s a good card. More healing cards outside of standard can do better than this card though.
Think it will see zero play in wild, but still better than many old elementals atleast. We need more powerful elementals! This one is acceptable.
the best card of the expansion
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
That's indeed a massive swing to remove and heal, and a very competitive cost too
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Remove a minion and heal, but don't do it with a spell that breaks your elemental chain. Yeah this seems decently good.
Fireball is 4 mana deal 6. For overload (1) you get whatever is left of a 6/4 body and +6 health for your hero. Sure, Fireball can go face where this minion can only deal its damage to minions on the turn it is played, but that's still a good deal in favor of Canal Slogger. Additionally, you can also drop this without rushing it into another minion.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Very strong heal and support for elemental shaman, even without windfury is better than Walking Fountain
Great tool for both removal and healing, and also helps complete the questline. Auto-include in most Shaman decks, honestly
6 Lifesteal is ridiculously good, especially since it can get even more than that sometimes. The Overload isn't even that bad, all things considered - I'd have expected it to be higher on a card that does this much.
Welcome to the site!
This works wonders in Questline Shaman - not only is it an Overload Card and therefor helps you finish the Quest - it also works pretty well as removal and heal!
Very good card!
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