New Warlock Minion - Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Submitted 5 years, 7 months ago by
A new Legendary Warlock Minion, Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warlock Minion, Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, has been revealed!
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Quite strong card, especially if we get more lackey generators
Man, that's a strong effect. Heavily dependent on lackey generation though.
Holy Mother of green Jesus! This legendary is going to be insane in the current standard zoolock. Now I understand what the devs said, that warlock is going to be one of the classes with good Lackey synergies.
Yup. I assume we're going to, right? How cruel would that be to give warlock this card and the 3/3 5/5 but no more generators.
That said...I wonder if you play this anyway. No doubt it's super cool. but in a deck that will almost certainly be tempo oriented, this is a lot of investment for a payoff that may only happen once or twice for the rest of the game. I guess we'll have to see what the remaining generator looks like. It probably has to give you at least 2 lackeys for me to think about this card.
Kind of unplayable without one more generator, I really don't want to rely on EVIL Cable Rat in an aggro deck.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
I want to call this crazy powerful but I'm going to temper my expectations slightly due to how situational this is. If the other lackey generator for WL is as good as EVIL Genius then Zoolock just got very real.
I haven't played in standard for a long period of time, but didn't token druid used to run two copies of the cable rat?
To me, at least, Warlock is looking more midrange. I think it is probably going to move away from the all in carpet/grim rally strategy, and towards things like EVIL Recruiter, Riftcleaver, and Diseased Vulture.
Effect is pretty scary for sure but i agree that Warlock is missing one more lackey generation to turn this more consistent. EVIL Genius and EVIL Cable Rat aren't enough. Maybe they print another neutral lackey generator
Even if this card doesn't see play this expansion despite its sweet effect, it's one of those cards that needs to be looked at every time a new lackey generator is printed for warlock.
I'm pretty sure this will confidently slot into zoolock one day. Whether Saviors of Uldum is that day, only time can tell.
As worded, I think it also buffs Lackeys on board. Serious tempo, even if you only hit one.
This feels like a more fair version of [Hearthstone Card (The Cavern Below reward) Not Found], but it also has that Prince Keleseth feel to it. If you draw it early it is great but if you don't you're going to struggle. Like RandomGuy said above, It looks to be midrange considering all the below average stated minions it synergizes with. I don't think aggro wants this. I am very happy with all the midrange support in this expansion so far.
Expired Merchant can generate some more lackeys or more lackey generators too. I guess we need to consider that option.
Well forget it, I forgot about "Highest Cost" part. :D
remember that as discard a random card only. Screw me !
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I disagree. Lackeys are 1 mana minions so they go great with the carpet setup, especially after Tekahn buffs them. You might cut rallies and scarab eggs to make room for more lackeys but I doubt you'd want to touch carpet or the overall 1-drop zoo theme.
Strong effect but it's tied to actually draw and play the card. It also isn't so cheap like Prince Keleseth, that could enter the battlefield already on turn 2 so it'll not be so snowbally even if played asap.
I agree that Warlock may need one more generator to have a consistent synergy/archetype.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Warlock needs some more lackey generators to make this work.
Fair point about carpet + lackeys
Yes, but the problem is that you're not doing cool 4/4 lackey combos until turn 6, where a lot of the time you probably already used your lackeys cause they synergize with your earlier magic carpet/4 mana 8/8 play. Considering that Warlock only has four cards to get lackeys (the cable rat and recruiter), I just don't see warlock drawing fast enough to justify a 5 mana 4/4
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
I'm pretty sure there's still a WL lackey generator to be revealed. And the fact that EVIL Genius generates two lackeys shouldn't be ignored either. I agree that I'd rather not put Cable rat in my zoo deck, but if the new Lackey card is decent you might not have to to make this work.
You used to have to complete a quest to get your minions to be 4/4 ..! ^^
Lackeys got buffed
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First of all, I would like to mention that there are still some cards from the SOU set, which haven't been revealed yet. The devs told us before, that they would implement new lackeys and new lackey generators with each Year of the Dragon expansion. We got to see how the new reinforcement would look like and how shaman and warrior would be able to produce more of them 1/1s. Now, I can't find the article, where the devs told us how shaman and warlock would get more synergies for the lackeys, but it would be kinda awkward to receive Dark Pharaoh Tekahn and EVIL Recruiter without a generator alongside it. But EVEN IF warlock doesn't get a class specific one, I'm more than sure how we would see yet another neutral card, that would take that role.
It's true, that Tekahn doesn't affect the early-game and he would most likely join the party either in the late mid-game or just in the late-game, but that's what I like about him. Right now only Arch-Villain Rafaam and, to some extent, the Sea Giants allow zoolocks to enter the late-game without getting completely smashed by warrior's control tools. Tekahn gives them another push, so a warlock could decide to save some of his lackeys, in order to make them bigger later on. Regarding the inevitable question about whether or not being ultra aggressive with the 1/1s would be more beneficial for the player - I would say it really depends on the board state you are in. If you manage to build a wide board early on and inflict tons of damage with it, it would be better to try ending the game asap before the opponent gets the chance to recover from it. But if you stumble upon a huge resistance, like the case with control warrior, then imho you should definitely save most of the lackeys for the legendary.
Btw I personally think, that there would be a new zoolock variant coming in SOU - it would be something a bit more mid-rangy, which would utilize a strong Lackey package, Magic Carpet and Riftcleaver (probably Diseased Vulture as well). This would be the case, if slower decks appear on the ladder and you want to have a smoother late-game strategy. Regarding whether or not EVIL Cable Rat would be useful in either zoolock variants, I want to say that only time would tell. If the lackey package proves to be strong enough, then I could see some players running the rat for additional 4/4s.
[edit] After reading some comments in the news article, I must agree with you that the rat wouldn't be all that helpful. If people want to generate more lackeys, they could add Barista Lynchen in their decks. I drafted her in arena twice and in all honesty she overperformed in my games there. People used to run her in Pogo Rogue not long ago, so I don't think that she would be a meme in a zoolock deck.
Wonder if there will be a new card to generate additional lackeys, or if they think we have enough.
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LackeyLock incoming
So far you can get what, 6 lackeys with warlock without any copy shenanigans? That does not seem like much imho. WL probably needs more lackey generators and then another one in the next set, maybe after that Tekahn can be playable. We shall see.
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Card is preeety good, but the art is even better. Such a badass!!! :D
To me, Dark Pharaoh Tekahn will absolutely be a deck I try for sure, My only concern is that I would like to see another Lackey generator for Warlock. (or at least another neutral generator like EVIL Cable Rat) Currently Like most people said here there are only 4 direct ways to generate Lackeys for Warlock and 2x EVIL Cable Rat and 2x EVIL Genius for a total of 6 Lackeys. However I am interested in the ways you can indirectly generate more Lackeys! One way you can (although probably not efficiently) use 2x Baleful Banker to shuffle more Lackeys in and use Witchwood Piper to tutor them out. Another way could be in a more late game scenario where you use Glinda Crowskin to make your Lackeys have echo! Lastly (and in my opinion the most likely) is that you run Barista Lynchen to get copies Lackeys on the Board into your hand. Just some Food for thought!