New Priest Spell - Embalming Ritual
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Priest Spell, Embalming Ritual, has been revealed!
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A new Common Priest Spell, Embalming Ritual, has been revealed!
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In hearthcards a person made a similar card and people told him, that Desperate Stand exists and it would be very unlikely to see a cheaper reprint of this card in another class. The moment, when I saw Embalming Ritual, I facepalmed.
As far as gameplay goes, I think this has potential in some wild Auchenai-Heal Priests (you will revive the minion, that "heals" the opponent's face and deal more damage to them), probably in some greedy N'zoth decks as well.
This could actually go into wild big priest to improve their resurrect pool.
I absolutely hate it already.
I thought about it for a split second, but doesn't priest already have enough resurrect spells there? I guess if you combine the ritual with Obsidian Statue, you could potentially gain 4 extra health and kill an additional minion, but I'm not really seeing this being used in big priest just because the minions will come to life with only 1 health and can easily be picked off on your opponent's turn. Casting Embalming Ritual on something without a deathrattle won't bring you much value (except in the cases, when you make a trade, the big minion revives and you heal it a bit). Imho big priest needs either a cheap AoE or a cheap recruit-like spell, in order to become more annoying.
Big Priest needs more way to cheat out its minions (now that probably Barnes will be nerfed), not other ress tools since it already has plenty.
I don't really see this card fitting atm.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
WTF this is literally just a reprint in a new class. r/hearthstonecirclejerk is going to have a field day
Also, why is this in priest??? Fuck flavor, stop giving dead classes shitty cards already
Yeah, hence the could. I'm not sure they'd want this either but then again I didn't expect them to be greedy enough to run both Catrina Muerte and Mass Resurrection either. And I still don't really understand it to be honest.
I saw the "could" part, I just wanted to tell you why I'm skeptical this could happen. ^^
Btw you are not the only one, who didn't expect both of the aforementioned cards to appear in the decklist so soon. I also thought, that in aggressive metas they would feel way too slow and not that rewarding enough, but I guess Big Priest doesn't mind it.
It's a win more card, big priest won't run it, if a value minion in big priest is summoned you better start using ress cards rather than double down on your opponent not having silence or a polimorfic effect.
Once you start resurrecting stuff as big priest you generally won.
I also think BP won't use this. The decklist is already extremely tight, and the card can only improve the already favourable matchups, but not the unfavourable ones: you do not have enough mana to topple your first summoned minion with this card, and a full resurrect is just better.
But Miracle Priest may find a place for this. Improving the stickiness of Radiant Elemental, Wild Pyromancer is often game-winning.
Please see my previous response to Kovachut.
Just as a funny note, you Could give your opponents reborn if they are playing cards like Doomsayer but I know that’s a very fringe scenario.
I didn't mean it's a greedy option but more of a card that makes counters to big priest even stronger (silence,polymorph, mass polymorph) and doesn't help in bringing minions back from empty boards those 2 cards you mentioned do help with resurrecting minions.. this card only ressurect a minion if you can attack with it and kill it in the same turn or if your opponent doesn't run transform/silence effects which they should since big priest is quite popular.
I'm wondering how I could break this with Test Subject.
worst community ever
Would other classes play Ancestral Spirit Lite?
And priest is the class best suited to heal a reborn minion.
I mean, it costs 1, so that's a pretty good starting place.
It's an okay card. Could be very good somewhere. But I'm not sure what that deck is at the moment.
This midrange-y priest deck is being pushed hard.