Achievement Hunting: Deadmines edition

Submitted 2 years, 7 months ago by

So I didn't do one of these for Stormwind because I wasn't really in the mood at the time, but apparently someone else picked up the slack on that so we're good. This miniset doesn't really seem to have any super complicated achievements because I've already completed them all with very little overall effort (although that might vary depending on your collection). Anyways, here goes as usual:

Even Playing Field

Tedious but manageable. JUst fill one half of your deck with card draw and the other with minions with 1-3 attack and upwards of 4 health (Silverback Patriarch meta pog). It'S gonna take a while and it is boring as fuck, but with only 20 hits total it's doable. Something tells me they used to have more and cut them down during playtesting after the Sigil fiasco.

?Por Que No Los Dos?

Same grind as the previous one, although you can speed it up with Moonlit Guidance to create extra copies. Bouncing the Jerrys also works.

Carrion My Wayward Son

Apparently bugged as of now, but should be easy to complete. Not sure how the game tracks triggering different Deathrattles over multiple games, but basically all you need to do is switch out your Deathrattle cards after each game. If you manage to build a deck without beasts you can easily tutor for the Parrot as well.

I Prefer Leftovers

Requires a bit of setup. You can use the Quest to get +3 spell damage and then fill the rest out with Talented Arcanist, Imprisoned Phoenix or Aegwynn. Alternatively, double Phoenix set up into a single spell damage minion also gets you there. Use Terrorguard Escapee to guarantee a 1/1 to shoot.

Robin Hood

Shield of Honor and Blessing of Might make it easy. Make sure you have your 1-damage ping of choice ready to activate Shield.

Should Have Seen This Coming

Possibly the most difficult one. The best way is to build a Shadow Priest deck with a lot of copy cards (such as Thoughtsteal and Mind Vision) and hope you find some burn or a sturdy minion. Everything else is just classic aggro gameplay. This is best to do in Wild because you get access to Mind Blast, which is cheap burst damage that allows you to get lethal out of nowhere and kill your opponent before they conced. Voidtouched Attendant also helps with damage breakpoints. Seance is very useful card for this one because you can actually choose a useful minion to copy.

Alternatively you can also try a more control based approach with a Mind Blast finish where you try to gaslight your opponent into thinking you don't have as much reach.

They're More Like Guidelines...

Very annoying if you don't own the two legendaries that allow you to cheese it: Lorewalker Cho and Valeera the Hollow.

First one means playing CHo, stealthing him with the stealth Gadget from Find the Imposter and possibly adding Divine Shield from Guardian Augmerchant and then hoping your opponent takes up the shenanigans.

The other is a bit more elaborate. You want to find both your Parrrley and transform into Valeera the Hollow. From there you play double Educated Elekk and play 3 Parrrleys, which then nets you a total of 6 shuffled into your deck once the Elekks die. From there you draw the remaining ones with Stowaway (or whatever else you want) and then hopefully survive long enought to play 5 more. Best done in Wild if you run into some sort of slow Priest deck. I was fortunate enough to meet a DMH Warrior who clearly didn't mind getting his entire deck swindled from him.

Thanks for the Loaner, Thrall

Best done in Wild. There are currently 4 6-mana weapons in the game. 2 of those are Epic, the other 2 are Legendary. This means that by equipping Doomhammer or Boggspine Knuckles and playing Suckerhook the next turn you have a 50% chance of instantly completing the achievement. Try until you succeed. It's easy.

Who Ordered Imps?

You need to trade 3 times, have an empty board and most importantly not run out of cards before you fully upgraded because you can't trade into an empty deck. Don't run more than 1 copy of Wicked Shipment, it'll only make it harder.

Hammer DOWN!

Trivial thanks to the multitude of weapon tutors in Warrior. The Quest is one, Corsair Cache is another two and if you really need it you can also get Forge of Souls.

Magician's Assistant

Best done with Rogue. You have access to Brain Freeze, Shadowstep, Potion of Illusion, and various poisons for 4 spell schools already. Wand Thief will likely get you a Fire spell (and an Arcane one too if you don't own Potion). Additionally you can use Shadowjeweler Hanar to get yourself a Holy Secret (or a Fire one too)

Sneed's New Shredder

(formerly Chuck's). JUst throw him into any of the other decks (except DH). It takes a while but it'S not so bad. If you want to target farm it, throw it in a Druid deck with Ramp and Moonlit Guidance for extra copies. Bouncing works too.


That's it, that'S all I got. See you next expansion.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    So I didn't do one of these for Stormwind because I wasn't really in the mood at the time, but apparently someone else picked up the slack on that so we're good. This miniset doesn't really seem to have any super complicated achievements because I've already completed them all with very little overall effort (although that might vary depending on your collection). Anyways, here goes as usual:

    Even Playing Field

    Tedious but manageable. JUst fill one half of your deck with card draw and the other with minions with 1-3 attack and upwards of 4 health (Silverback Patriarch meta pog). It'S gonna take a while and it is boring as fuck, but with only 20 hits total it's doable. Something tells me they used to have more and cut them down during playtesting after the Sigil fiasco.

    ?Por Que No Los Dos?

    Same grind as the previous one, although you can speed it up with Moonlit Guidance to create extra copies. Bouncing the Jerrys also works.

    Carrion My Wayward Son

    Apparently bugged as of now, but should be easy to complete. Not sure how the game tracks triggering different Deathrattles over multiple games, but basically all you need to do is switch out your Deathrattle cards after each game. If you manage to build a deck without beasts you can easily tutor for the Parrot as well.

    I Prefer Leftovers

    Requires a bit of setup. You can use the Quest to get +3 spell damage and then fill the rest out with Talented Arcanist, Imprisoned Phoenix or Aegwynn. Alternatively, double Phoenix set up into a single spell damage minion also gets you there. Use Terrorguard Escapee to guarantee a 1/1 to shoot.

    Robin Hood

    Shield of Honor and Blessing of Might make it easy. Make sure you have your 1-damage ping of choice ready to activate Shield.

    Should Have Seen This Coming

    Possibly the most difficult one. The best way is to build a Shadow Priest deck with a lot of copy cards (such as Thoughtsteal and Mind Vision) and hope you find some burn or a sturdy minion. Everything else is just classic aggro gameplay. This is best to do in Wild because you get access to Mind Blast, which is cheap burst damage that allows you to get lethal out of nowhere and kill your opponent before they conced. Voidtouched Attendant also helps with damage breakpoints. Seance is very useful card for this one because you can actually choose a useful minion to copy.

    Alternatively you can also try a more control based approach with a Mind Blast finish where you try to gaslight your opponent into thinking you don't have as much reach.

    They're More Like Guidelines...

    Very annoying if you don't own the two legendaries that allow you to cheese it: Lorewalker Cho and Valeera the Hollow.

    First one means playing CHo, stealthing him with the stealth Gadget from Find the Imposter and possibly adding Divine Shield from Guardian Augmerchant and then hoping your opponent takes up the shenanigans.

    The other is a bit more elaborate. You want to find both your Parrrley and transform into Valeera the Hollow. From there you play double Educated Elekk and play 3 Parrrleys, which then nets you a total of 6 shuffled into your deck once the Elekks die. From there you draw the remaining ones with Stowaway (or whatever else you want) and then hopefully survive long enought to play 5 more. Best done in Wild if you run into some sort of slow Priest deck. I was fortunate enough to meet a DMH Warrior who clearly didn't mind getting his entire deck swindled from him.

    Thanks for the Loaner, Thrall

    Best done in Wild. There are currently 4 6-mana weapons in the game. 2 of those are Epic, the other 2 are Legendary. This means that by equipping Doomhammer or Boggspine Knuckles and playing Suckerhook the next turn you have a 50% chance of instantly completing the achievement. Try until you succeed. It's easy.

    Who Ordered Imps?

    You need to trade 3 times, have an empty board and most importantly not run out of cards before you fully upgraded because you can't trade into an empty deck. Don't run more than 1 copy of Wicked Shipment, it'll only make it harder.

    Hammer DOWN!

    Trivial thanks to the multitude of weapon tutors in Warrior. The Quest is one, Corsair Cache is another two and if you really need it you can also get Forge of Souls.

    Magician's Assistant

    Best done with Rogue. You have access to Brain Freeze, Shadowstep, Potion of Illusion, and various poisons for 4 spell schools already. Wand Thief will likely get you a Fire spell (and an Arcane one too if you don't own Potion). Additionally you can use Shadowjeweler Hanar to get yourself a Holy Secret (or a Fire one too)

    Sneed's New Shredder

    (formerly Chuck's). JUst throw him into any of the other decks (except DH). It takes a while but it'S not so bad. If you want to target farm it, throw it in a Druid deck with Ramp and Moonlit Guidance for extra copies. Bouncing works too.


    That's it, that'S all I got. See you next expansion.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Cece's Avatar
    195 31 Posts Joined 09/04/2021
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    What i think to add to OP

    Even Playing Field :  

    - dormant and divine shield minions dont work  , minions have to take damage. ( dormant fixed november 9 i dont know divine shield or other immune interactions)

    - i used Glide to send minions to deck while searching for the spell Proving Grounds , plus helps keep enemy low on cards if outcasted.

    ?Por Que No Los Dos?:  

    - you can do this in a meta deck while ranking , so i moved it to last quest to do while playng good decks.

    Carrion My Wayward Son

    - yeah bugged , stay low on beasts number so more options to find it eary and have extra copies with Selective BreederDevouring Swarm to get extra copies , bouncers  , Carrion Studies for change of extra copy.

    - pen and paper to remember deathrattle already triggered ?

    I Prefer Leftovers

    - if im not wrong you need +5 spell dmg on 1hp enemy ..

    - without quest you can do it discounting spells and cards , Aegwynn, the Guardian and Faceless Manipulator may help placing a +4 spell dmg on lowcost minion.

    They're More Like Guidelines...

    - there are different 1 mana discovers , Wandmaker , Cobalt Spellkin or general discovers like , Entrapped Sorceress if you have quest , Venomous Scorpid , Steward of Scrolls 

    Archmage Vargoth helps

    Magician's Assistant

    - Clever Disguise , Hench-Clan Burglar , Swashburglar   and bouncers , shadow steps , etc.

    Sneed's New Shredder

    - without the card , Deeprun Engineer help discover it , usually for big cards i use hunter Resizing Pouch , Youthful Brewmaster can be a bouncer of Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece


  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    A few of those achievements clearly doesn't suit Standard deck at all.

    I just pity them players who didn't have access to Wild cards, as completing them is downright impossible, and on limited time too.


    Anyway, thanks for the guides.
    I've been so confused as how to finish Parlay and Multicaster one.

    My Shaman weapon evolve got done when playing Quest Warrior, the Juggernaut luckily gave me Suckerhook.
    My Priest achievements got done lucky stole Fireball just to kill the opponent.
    Can't do Hunter achievements at all. still at zero.

    Knowledge is Power

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    A few additional comments from my own efforts (with all done except the bugged hunter one and a few kills to go with Goliath): Generally, I'm glad none of these were frustratingly grindy. Hopefully that's a sign of things changing in future, and not just a one-time-only deal due to probably only having 1 month to get XP from these.

    DH: I was really annoyed it didn't work with dormant minions, and obviously doesn't encourage deathrattles either. So give DH is a class with mostly aggressive statted minions, I wasn't really sure what they were aiming for with this one, since it seemed to actively discourage the very things that the card is best at.

    Priest: I just went full shadow and thief priest and assumed when I won a game it would probably be with something stolen from the opponent. That was indeed the case pretty quickly, though I was annoyed when a minion summoned by Princess Talanji didn't count when it got the finishing blow. I'm not sure what happened there.

    Rogue: I don't think you need to try quite as hard as @YourPrivateNightmare did. The opponent playing Parrrley contributes to the total (it is a 2-way conversation after all), so if you have a game that goes long enough for both players to draw most of their decks, you can probably do it without any real set up. I did it myself only using Valeera the Hollow to make a couple more copies.

    Warlock: I ran a deck with only a single spell (the Wicked Shipment, obviously), so Hullbreaker let me draw it lots really easily.

    Magician's assistant: some variant of thief rogue is definitely the way to go. The fact rogue already has 5 spells schools available is helpful, and it's easy to use thief cards to fill in gaps and/or speed up finding them.

    Sneed's new shredder: I just wanted to say I really like Goliath! While it is tough to get much mileage out of an 8-mana removal card in the current standard meta, it does feel good to play him, and just plain cool launching the little missiles. It also helps with the achievement that they coded it like 5 separate battlecries, so deathrattles go off between missiles, letting you kill any minions spawned that way.

  • Cece's Avatar
    195 31 Posts Joined 09/04/2021
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Yeah the priest one needs a discussion ..  i done it with direct spell damage Bash and Eviscerate

    Did it work with stealed weapons , enemy minions put in board to do lethal damage? other mechanics ( deathrattle damage , etc. )


  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    A few additional comments from my own efforts (with all done except the bugged hunter one and a few kills to go with Goliath): Generally, I'm glad none of these were frustratingly grindy. Hopefully that's a sign of things changing in future, and not just a one-time-only deal due to probably only having 1 month to get XP from these.

    DH: I was really annoyed it didn't work with dormant minions, and obviously doesn't encourage deathrattles either. So give DH is a class with mostly aggressive statted minions, I wasn't really sure what they were aiming for with this one, since it seemed to actively discourage the very things that the card is best at.

    Priest: I just went full shadow and thief priest and assumed when I won a game it would probably be with something stolen from the opponent. That was indeed the case pretty quickly, though I was annoyed when a minion summoned by Princess Talanji didn't count when it got the finishing blow. I'm not sure what happened there.

    Rogue: I don't think you need to try quite as hard as @YourPrivateNightmare did. The opponent playing Parrrley contributes to the total (it is a 2-way conversation after all), so if you have a game that goes long enough for both players to draw most of their decks, you can probably do it without any real set up. I did it myself only using Valeera the Hollow to make a couple more copies.

    Warlock: I ran a deck with only a single spell (the Wicked Shipment, obviously), so Hullbreaker let me draw it lots really easily.

    Magician's assistant: some variant of thief rogue is definitely the way to go. The fact rogue already has 5 spells schools available is helpful, and it's easy to use thief cards to fill in gaps and/or speed up finding them.

    Sneed's new shredder: I just wanted to say I really like Goliath! While it is tough to get much mileage out of an 8-mana removal card in the current standard meta, it does feel good to play him, and just plain cool launching the little missiles. It also helps with the achievement that they coded it like 5 separate battlecries, so deathrattles go off between missiles, letting you kill any minions spawned that way.

    I totally agree on Goliath. If the meta was just a tad slower I could see it be a staple in any Control deck and possibly even any ramp Druid decks that don't rely on spells only. Big potential post rotation imo.

    Same goes for Multicaster btw, that card is extremely useful in a multitude of classes (I'm specifically thinking Secret Hunter because of the Fire/Frost you get from the traps)

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Duels Mind Tether Priest runs a lot of 'steal' cards, and dealing the finishing blow with them is rather easy, given the low health total in the first few matches!

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

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    • Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU)
  • Cece's Avatar
    195 31 Posts Joined 09/04/2021
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago
    • Fixed a bug that caused Monstrous Parrot’s achievement, “Carrion, My Wayward Son” to not count certain Deathrattles.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Dormant minions to not count towards the “Even Playing Field” achievement.

    Didn't tested

  • Riffraff's Avatar
    755 370 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you for putting together this quick-reference guide together!

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