New Mage Minion - Shivering Sorceress
Submitted 3 years ago by
A new Common Mage Minion, Shivering Sorceress, has been revealed!
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A new Common Mage Minion, Shivering Sorceress, has been revealed!
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Actually insane like holy shit. It's So[Hearthstone Card (uthsea Buccaneer) Not Found] for big spells in a class that famously has very few early game plays. The only issue is that it's just a vanilla minion if you don't have a big spell in hand at the time, but at the same time the deck encourages you to run a great many big spells anyways.
Worth noting that this is good in just about any Mage deck as long as you run spells because you can easily just use it to discount a single piece of burn or card draw as well.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Can we STOP with the mana cheating please?
This is nothing compared to other current iterations of mana cheating. A single battlecry effect which reduces the cost of your highest spell by the same cost you spent to play the 1 drop. That's....tame compared to the likes of Incanter's Flow...
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This is just a very solid 1-drop, even outside of the big spell archetype. Turn 1 this turn 2 Incanter's Flow babyyyyyyyyy
Very solid minion, little bit of mana cheat but the best thing about it is that it's a 1 mana 2/2. Which means mage can contest the board early game AND get their BIG spell mage stuff setup. Seems very solid to me.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
1 mana 2/2 with upside might be good in something.
This goes into every Mage deck. 1 mana 2/2 are already really good stats on turn 1, but also getting a mana discount as well.
If it wasn't from the Mage class, a 1 mana 2/2 alone would be good - but then, it is not a minion heavy class we are talking, so it is just a "might be good". Still, the effect seems useful and aligned with Big Spell - cheating mana and discount is essentially part of the class identity at this point!
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The best part of this card is that its a 1 mana 2/2. Which means its a good minion by default. The mana cheat for 1 is a little iffy, because its not like there isn't Siphon Mana, or Incanter's Flow which technically does the job far better, and being a minion is considered a negative for mage right now.
Will this feature in big spell mage? Im not sure. 1 mana reduction can mean the world, but a reduction gained for something like Rune of the Archmage isn't really going to help against an aggro deck, and if you dont have a spell on turn 1, then this one is just Blazing Battlemage in the wrong deck.
Well, this is nuts. The stats for the cost itself makes it great, and it's an essential minion in the Big Spell archetype they're pushing now but can even be used in any Mage deck. One of the best cards of the set imo, assuming Mage goes back to playing minions.
Seems pretty nice. I don't think there are any spells that you wouldn't mind being 1 mana cheaper.
Pretty great turn 1 play for big spell mage. But any mage can use this minion really... well, except quest/no minion mage.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I hate it. More mage mana cheat.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
One of my favorite cards coming this exp. Strong 1 drop is something that mage needed for a long time. Minion/Big Spell or whatever mage deck not being this abomination of a deck that is played nowadays.
Obviously great in Big Spell Mage, but this could also see play in an Aggro mage that wanted a solid 1-drop that discounted their burn spells. Honestly kind of a scary minion in the right deck.
SI:7 Skulker like effect? I think I like it
Good standalone card fro big spell mage, or with any spell costs mage
This is pretty decent. Do we keep it in the mulligan for a one drop without any spell to benefit from it? I think so, it is still a decent minion even without spell cost reduction.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
It's a 1 Mana 2/2 that effectively pays you back for the Mana you spent on it. This can go into any number of Mage decks- not just Big Spells, but really any Mage deck that runs spells. I think that's all Mage decks. We should get very used to seeing this minion.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Meant to be played in Big Spells, but let's be honest this will be played with ANY size of spells.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
You want to be running minions on the low end of your Big Spell decks anyway, so having them have such great stats seems like they're really trying to push this. I'm down.
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Solid 1-drop plus mana cheat. What is not to like? (or hate by your opponent)
A very good minion, specially considering the stats for the cost. Will definitely see play in most Mage decks.