New Druid Minion - Pathmaker
Submitted 3 years, 1 month ago by
A new Rare Druid Minion, Pathmaker, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Druid Minion, Pathmaker, has been revealed!
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This can be really good. Since this doesn't need to be played the same turn, just sometime after a Choose One spell to be playable. Play Nourish for mana crystals, then drop this to draw 3 seems great!
Anti-synergy with Jerry Rig Carpenter, as the split spells won't count as Choose One. Currently there isn't whole lot of Choose One effects to pair with this or Jerry Rig, but that didn't stop the latter from appearing in both Taunt and Anacondra Druid deck lists, and I think this card will similarly see solid experimentation.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Probably a bigger threat in wild than in standard, because Nourish is probably the only good choose-one card available, and probably the only one significant enough to actually compel playing 2x of these in the deck.
There's Feral Rage, Faire Arborist, and Runic Carvings as basically the only ones I can think of that might tempt you to play these. But none of those curve well into or before this. And runic carvings can only be good assuming you dont mind the overload.
Might be good later when more choose-one cards are available, but for now its a meh. Maybe nourish would be good enough, to be honest, because with guff you'll nearly always make good on gaining mana.
I'm glad I reread that to say that it is a battlecry. If this was a static effect, that would be ridiculous
Pathmaker only triggers the other side of spells, leaving you with pretty limited options today in Standard:
Neither Power of the Wild or Sow the Soil seem worth it in a format with Arbor Up and Composting - you'd have to make some hard replacements in existing Aggro Druid lists for those combos, and I'm not convinced the redundancy helps when you have so much draw potential. The Capture Coldtooth Mine one is good value, particularly in Wild for some Maly Druid that wants to pull Moonfire and Malygos, but I'm not convinced tutoring both ends of your deck will be anything beyond a solid value play in Standard. The Runic Carvings looks to me like a complicated way to get something only slightly better than Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece.
So that really just leaves Feral Rage and Nourish. Right now Anacondra Druid is the only deck using either of those spells, and it's not super competitive. It also includes Jerry Rig Carpenter, which has some anti-synergy with this*. All in all, it's a cool effect, but I'm not convinced it has a home.
*I'm assuming that this only triggers off of the actual choose one spells, but if you could play one of the "half spells" from Jerry Rig Carpenter and then pick up a copy of the other half from Pathmaker that would radically change my view on the value of this card in Standard. That behavior seems unlikely.
EDIT: I think I slightly misjudged this card. The text just says "...last Choose One spell you've cast" which implies that this can cross between turns. That does change the calculus a bit on this, and makes its applications in Token decks a lot more interesting. Curving Power of the Wild into this is no joke (so long as your opponent can't kill your 3/2 before this triggers), and curving Nourish on 6 into a 3-mana 3/4 that draws 3 leaves you with 5 mana for any number of good 5-drops (Arbor Up, Wildheart Guff, Teacher's Pet). I'm still not sure it will displace some of the key cards from existing Archetypes that might benefit from the extra value, but it's certainly stronger than I gave it credit for.
Flavor has to be about eco-friendly reusable options
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Sounds powerful on paper but my god the current spellpool is terrible for this. Like...what do you even do with it realistically? Feral Rage for damage on 3 and then gain the Armor later? Summon a Panther on 2 and then a 4/5 on 3?
IT's not terrible, but I fail to see which deck would spare a slot to run this.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Wow, I really like this card. Even if it isn't good, this is my kind of value! Pretty insane with Nourish and any other high cost choose one spells, but there's not many of them in Standard atm:
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Most decks run very few Choose One cards, and would rather run Jerry Rig Carpenter than this.
Why this card isn't a parrot? Looks like a Deadmines card.
By The Holy Light!
Step 1: Celestial Alignment.
Step 2: Nourish for the mana option.
Step 3: Pathmaker for the draw 3 cards.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Rank 1 legend.
Okay it's probably not THAT good, but still pretty good. Especially if you Nourish for 0 during your Celestial Alignment turn thanks to Pride Seeker.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Will be good if more choose one spells come out. The current ones are not good enough for this to see play.
Most of the time this will read "Battlecry: Draw 3 cards" as there aren't enough great Choose One cards for this to abuse. That being said, it allows Druids to be more open minded with ramping with Nourish, so any deck that relies on some late game strategy will at least consider Pathmaker.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I like it, but I am not crazy about the choose one pool. Warshack's reveal was great, though!
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Might have potential, but that depends on how many good choose one spells there are.
Great write up. Pretty much my own thoughts as well. I'm hoping next expansion after AV or mini-set introduces some better/neat choose type cards.
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Will be really fun to play it in Wild. As observed in posts above, Standard doesn't have plenty spells now but in Wild... oh boy, it does have a chance to be cool addition for some ramping decks if they will be able to spare a slot or cut Vargoth package.
A Wild-only question for now: targeted or targets chosen randomly?
There's at least one Choose One spell that's a buff option (is it summon two raptors or give a minion stats+taunt?). Do you get to pick what to buff?
I like the card, but don't really see it fitting into any deck currently. I hope more choose one support comes in future expansions, I love when classes focus on their class specific keyword.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
I like this a lot. It allows you to get both effects at different times. It will play similar to the minion that draws a Choose One and splits it except this lets you save some mana on the bigger ones. Very solid.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
So thankful that this will show you what spells it will be playing - I can't imagine trying to track that across turns manually. Pretty powerful effect assuming you build your deck right, though of course Standard's pool of cards is... questionably good.
Welcome to the site!
Get some value of playing both choose one effects whitout really playing them
I like the effect, but I'm not sure Standard has enough Choose One spells to make use of it. Power of the Wild and Sow the Soil are really the only ones that usually see play in tempo decks (which this is likely to fit into), so I think we likely aren't going to see this until Druid gets a few omre Choose One spells worth running on their own.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Love the flavor. Druid has the best designed cards in this latest expansion.
It seems good and has decent stats, but might turn out to be a very situational card.