FiAV Pack Opening Day

Submitted 2 years, 9 months ago by

So...what'd you get? I'm at work on lunch so I won't be opening my packs until later (to keep track of pity timers), but I did see that my two free golden Legendaries were Bru'kan of the Elements and Bearon Gla'shear. The game must've known I did the Shaman review and rewarded me thusly 😁

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2890 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    So...what'd you get? I'm at work on lunch so I won't be opening my packs until later (to keep track of pity timers), but I did see that my two free golden Legendaries were Bru'kan of the Elements and Bearon Gla'shear. The game must've known I did the Shaman review and rewarded me thusly 😁

  • Shifty's Avatar
    Charmander 320 28 Posts Joined 11/16/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I opened about 80 packs and got Wildheart Guff, golden Caria Felsoul, Wing Commander Ichman, Bearon Gla'shear and Tamsin's Phylactery

    My only 2 classes left under 500 wins is Druid and DH so it was nice to get some new toys there.  I'll likely craft Kurtrus, Demon-Render then wait and see how the meta plays out before I craft anything else.  

  • Brandon's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1350 2486 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I did the "small" pre-order (first time buying a pre-order in a LONG time) and i got Magister Dawngrasp and Captain Galvangar as my free legendaries. (I like both, but i'm especially happy with Magister Dawngrasp!)

    Opened 114 packs total, and got Ivus, the Forest Lord, Xyrella, the Devout, Wing Commander Ichman, Dreadlich Tamsin, Caria Felsoul and a pity-timer Najak Hexxen (Which also is THE one leggy i didn't want..) :[

    I'm not sure if they boosted the chance to get epics, or if i was this luckely this time around. But i did get 26 epics, which surprised me a lot. I also unpacked 1 golden epic, 8 golden rares and 8 golden commons. Outside of the pity timer Najak Hexxen my pack opening went very well, and i'm looking forward to playing around with lots of decks in just a bit!

    I really hope everyone else also had/have good pack openings, because this expansion looks very fun on paper and i hope everyone gets to have a LOT of fun the coming days and hopefully the entire expansion! For anyone reading this before opening packs: Good luck, and i hope you unpack the cards you want most! :D

    RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Ofc the first card show up was fucking Drek'Thar.

    Typical horde scum.

    Other than that pretty low yield in general. Only 5 other legendaries out of 150 packs, which isn't horrible but doesn't compare to last expansion where I basically opened every single meta relevant card (including the 3 nerfed quests) and only had to craft a single legendary from the expansion later.

    At least I'm happy I got the Scabbs hero since he's clearly the most relevant card in the entire set and I'm already plying Quest Rogue. Getting Saidan was also pretty sweet since I do want to play Paladin without having to commit to many ressoources.

    Also got Caria, Mulverick and Galvangar, the latter of which I'll try the Warrior OTk deck with since I have most of the cards anyways.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Caro's Avatar
    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    This must have been my worse pack opening of all time 😭😭😭💔💔💔

    4 class packs (DH, Warlock, Rogue and Paladin)

    9 standard packs (1 golden)

    96 FAV packs

    And I get this garbage 😭

    What did I do to deserve this!?!?! Wtf is Vanndar Stormpike and Drek'Thar in packs to begin with?

    (Also got Najak Hexxen and Wildheart Guff)

  • Riffraff's Avatar
    760 370 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Sorry, that sucks. 


    I got Drek'thar too, and was pretty bummed about that, given that I'll get the golden one within a few weeks. At least I get to play those decks now?

    I opened 147 packs with my pre-orders, an arena expiration, and rewards from last month, etc. I opened 7 legendaries, so an average of 21 packs per...

    On the other hand, I have opened a lot of epics, including 3 packs in a row with an epic in each.

    I was disappointed with my haul so far, mostly because I was spoiled in the prior 3-4 expansions (where I averaged a legendary per 12-15 packs, which is really good odds).


    Now to spend some of my hoarded gold on packs.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Man, looks like I heavily underestimated how easy it is to get screwed.

    Got Drek'thar literally in pack 2. That's a waste. Then proceeded to pity timer the next one.

    Most important legendary I got was Dreadlich Tamsin and Bru'kan of the Elements. More or less completely missed those I wanted.

    Once again Ive fulfilled the hearthstone circle of life. Get excited for the new set, opened all my packs and got disappointed. And we wonder why hearthstone is said to be expensive. 100 packs, and 1/5 of all the legendaries. Doesn't look too good eh?

  • Synnr7's Avatar
    Winter Whisperer 1050 637 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I did buy the rewards track.

    29 packs:

    Caria Felsoul - In the words of Moorabi from Gundrak "Get ready for something much... BIGGER!!!"

    Dreadlich Tamsin - Not the hero I wanted but the one I got. Still awesome card.

    Wing Commander Ichman - Expensive but I'm going to make it work!

    Saidan the Scarlet - Amazing card

    Vanndar Stormpike - Cool card even if I am getting him anyway. Still cool.


    Korrak the Bloodrager (diamon)

    Lokholar the Ice Lord

    Drek'Thar For the Horde!


    Feels good so far. Not sure what to build but playing around with the new stuff is refreshing.

    Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast. 

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2890 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    From my 5 golden packs, I got Magister Dawngrasp :D

    From my 81 normal packs, Kurtrus, Demon-Render, Saidan the Scarlet, Cera'thine Fleetrunner, and Rokara, the Valorous. Interesting mix of stuff. Will probably buy more packs tomorrow with gold, but I have to get up early so I can't even play tonight :(

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    One of the best pack openings ever for me! Though not quite Synnr7's level, that's just bonkers!

    3 class packs - nothing

    93 packs - Kurtrus, Demon-Render, Wildheart Guff, Balinda Stonehearth, Saidan the Scarlet, Xyrella, the Devout, Tamsin's Phylactery, Ivus, the Forest Lord, Vanndar Stormpike and a nice bunch of epics.

    All of them were in the first 70 packs!

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,

  • Skorpionex's Avatar
    Headless Horseman 1445 426 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    What's the most powerful card in Hearthstone?

    A credit card.

  • Tetsuo's Avatar
    Magma Rager 840 638 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I opened 94 packs (bought with my 9000+ gold) and I got:

    Wildheart Guff

    Balinda Stonehearth

    Caria Felsoul

    Tamsin's Phylactery

    Xyrella, the Devout



    Lokholar the Ice Lord

    Vanndar Stormpike (I'm having regrets choosing Alliance for this expac since I'm really a Horde guy, but whatever...FOR THE ALLIANCE!)

    I consider that a crappy haul, because they don't fit in any of the decks I want to play (Freeze Shaman, Cariel Paladin, Big DH). I guess I'm gonna abuse Tamsin's Phylactery for now with the Humongous Owl OTK.

    I really am cursed when it comes to the 3rd expansion of every year...I've had terrible pack openings for Rastakhan's Rumble (the worst one), Descent of Dragons, Darkmoon Faire, and now Fractured at Alterac. Feels bad. 

    (Though I've always been extremely lucky with the middle expansion, like Boomsday, Uldum, Scholomance, and Stormwind lol)

  • aposteljoe's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_600_HS 1170 644 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I bought the big pre-order and 40 packs with gold (~125 packs + 5 golden). I'm pretty satisfied with the results. During the opening I opend three Legendaries in 7 or 8 packs, two of them in a row. After that I had to click until the pity timer hit. I have most of the heroes and dodged the Honor Legendary.

    Golden Pre-Order: Galvangar and Caria Felsoul

    In the 5 golden packs: Wildheart Guff

    In the rest: Cariel, Rokara, Brukan, Scabbs (gold!), Tamsin, Kurtus, Bearon, Najak Hexxen

    (Reward Track, Level 20: Mulverick)


  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I've opened 57-ish Alterac packs since launch. 4 legendaries which is a better rate than usual and strong ones as well: Lightforged Cariel, Dreadlich Tamsin, Shadowcrafter Scabbs and (well...) Najak Hexxen. Looking forward to my freebie at lvl 20 later today.

    Also 12 epics which feels avarage at it's best, including double Ur'zul Giant, The Lobotomizer, Mass Polymorph and Spring the Trap. Weirdly enough I'm still missing 5 Rares or so... 

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Well, this time I was very unlucky. I´ve opened 58 packs (8 free, 50 with gold) and opened 2 legendaries and 11 epics (two doubles). The 7th pack gave me Wing Commander Mulverick, then I had to wait to hit the pity timer, so 47th pack gave me Dreadlich Tamsin. That left me with 11 packs with.. well, nothing really. I guess I´ve hit the bare minimum, kinda dissapointed, but at least I got all the common and rares. I will keep buying packs until I open another legendary and start to save for another expansion I guess lol.

    BTW, my RT legendary was Balinda Stonehearth.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From allthehype

    I've opened 57-ish Alterac packs since launch. 4 legendaries which is a better rate than usual and strong ones as well: Lightforged Cariel, Dreadlich Tamsin, Shadowcrafter Scabbs and (well...) Najak Hexxen. Looking forward to my freebie at lvl 20 later today.

    Also 12 epics which feels avarage at it's best, including double Ur'zul Giant, The Lobotomizer, Mass Polymorph and Spring the Trap. Weirdly enough I'm still missing 5 Rares or so... 

    I kept my tradition with getting Warlock legendaries from the reward track (3 times in 4 sets) and got Tamsin's Phylactery. I guess that means... Hoot hoot!

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