New Priest Spell - Activate the Obelisk
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
A new Legendary Priest Spell, Activate the Obelisk, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Priest Spell, Activate the Obelisk, has been revealed!
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Seems really strong in the late game and with some of the new cards, is already getting support. AND the upgraded hero power is objectively much better and not simply an exchange for a different hero power.
Of what we've seen of the quests so far, this is the best one IMO.
worst community ever
What is the HP??
2-Mana Restore 3 Health. If you targeted a Minion, also give it +3/+3
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
You could fulfil the condition with a single Circle of Healing or divine hymn in theory, especially if you include cards like Injured blademaster, high-health taunts and Wild pyromancer. The quest reward is really strong and flexible.
I could definitely see midrange priest become a real deck thanks to this quest.
Edit: I just realised Hench-Clan Shadequill would also contribute to completing the quest. Seems like a pretty sweet deal to play that card all of a sudden.
Interesting card for zoo and inner fire priest.
[edit] Question - so if I am reading it correctly, the HP gives +3/+6, right? It restores 3 health AND grants a minion +3/+3. That's very strong.
Yeah, pretty much. Long as the minion is damaged it’s up to a 6 health gain on it.
Really the only downside I see to running this card is that it effectively shuts you out of using Auchenai, but that hasn’t really been too popular lately anyways.0
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Something that seems good... For Priest ! It looks pretty good, with tons of flexibility and the reward is a sort of better Justicar Trueheart's upgrade so it doesn't completly "change" the playstyle.
I really hope that something like a sort of control/tempo deck will show up, using strong minion like Injured Blademaster to both put pressure and build up healing for the quest, then starting snowballing with the HP buff during the mid game.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Looks really good. Neferset Ritualist keeps looking better.
Sorry, I must have missed that, but Why can you not use Auchenai? Even if the damage on minions is cancelled out, the three damage buff should still apply. And it could serve as a 3 dmg ping face.
Seems like a great card as it strictly upgrades your heropower. In lategame the buff isnt as valuable but still the hp is strong enough that it could see play as a standalone card. Ability to pump that out every turn is really strong and it works well with reborn minions both before and after the quest has been completed.
Once the quest is completed, the fact of restoring 3 health and giving +3/+3 every turn for 2 mana is extremely powerful. Idk if it will be viable but the reward is really good
Because of this quest, priest players have a reason to heal their opponent's faces and emote. "The light shall burn you" and "Greetings" sound intimidating now more than ever.
Because you need to Heal in order to complete the Quest. With Auchenai, all your healing is turned into damage. Not only that, but once you have upgraded your Hero Power, once you use it it effectively becomes a 2 mana +3 Atk on friendly minions with more than 3 health
This seems insane in wild considering Greater Healing Potion almost single handedly completes the quest. RIP Surrender to Madness; We hardly knew ye.
Wow, a pretty good quest for priest.
Crystallizer autoinclude in quest priest?
Whoops, added it to the OP!
Now, thia is a quest! I am going to play the shit out of this. Awesome reward.
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Will this buff a minion with full health? From the wording it sounds like it would, but if it doesn't then that significantly reduces its power.
It will. It doesn't matter, if you restore any health to it (although that would count as a bonus). The HP states that you only need to target A minion, in order to give it +3/+3.
I think it's going to be difficult to have enough damage to heal before the game gets too late making the reward for this less relevant. This card feels better in wild in my opinion, with just more ways to AoE damage minions.
Cleric + Pyromancer + 0-cost spell + Circle/
worst community ever
So dumb.
Except there's no deck in wild that would gain much from this.
Card seems good for standard though.
It‘s allmost impossible that this won’t see play.
1. The reward is completly insane. A buff between +3/+3 and +3/+6 is on blessing of Kings level. For two mana. As a heropower. I don‘t even know why we discuss that. When priest ever manages to get the bord, the game is over.
2. Healing 15 Health is a natural thing for priests. Reborn minions can be healed btw. Sure, it‘s not done by turn 5 but this would be way to overpowered. You want to play the long game with this anyways.
Winner winner chicken dinner
Almost, yeah. I remember that people was hyped about Dinomancy (crys in the corner) too for hunter, but this card never saw play aside from some few guys (1%?) of the community. May be it was just hunter, even hunter had more access to board-specific-decks. So it is possible that priest, who is a control class and don't had many good curve minions won't play this quest too, because it's not worth it.
But the chances are at least higher than with Hunter, because this hero power is more versatile, because you can still heal yourself or buff minions. Time will tell.
I want some of whatever it is you all are smoking because this card is hot garbage
Do you not remember how badly heal paladin and heal druid went? Paladins needed to heal 10 for their "quest" and druids needed 5. This quest requires 15. The hardest part of these quests is usually hitting yourself so you can heal at all and unlike the other two classes, you can't even punch things with your face. You'll need to play cards that hit yourself (which is bad tempo and value) and then play cards that heal yourself (which is bad tempo and value). On top of that, priest healing cards are ironically less powerful than both druid and paladin healing cards. What are you going to do? Radiance and emote?? Hero power 8 times?
I know the quest doesn't specify that the healing needs to be on your own face, but let's be real here: priests don't get to have minions on the board. That's doubly unfortunate because +3/+3 to an active minion is very different from +3/+3 to one that can't attack yet
You can try wild pyromancers but most of the time, if your deck is built around them, you need to throw them out there to clear boards. And sometimes you don't draw your circles in a timely manner. Pyro packages are big and take up a lot of card slots. If you're running that as the quest activator, it's unlikely you'll be able to fit in back up options and you're going to be sad if you're forced to play out both of them or if they're bottom deck. It also means your deck will be extremely spell heavy, which means less minions for your quest reward to buff
Just because current versions of priest do not utilize minions does not mean that priest cannot utilize minions. The hero power effect is insanely strong. This quest will create a brand new archetype all by itself
Priest cannot utilize minions because good early game priest minions do not exist LUL
And there's no such thing as neutral minions. You're totally right, my bad
Dinomancy wasnt secure at your opening hand, you didnt want to include two of them just to increase finding chance, because it wouldnt result in an upgraded dinomancy, and at the end +2/2 is less then +3/6 by a lot
Coin go... brrrrr
That's an additional point. T5 made Hunters Dinomancy a joke against this.
Here's a possible build that I just threw together. I'm absolutely certain that this could be built better, but this is a starting point anyways.
Priest is the only class to have cheap AoE healing, which should optimally take care of the bulk of your healing. That is one of the main reasons why Paladin has a hard time reaching its healing quota. Also, because Paladin is known for small dudes, which are bad healing targets. Priest is known for big dudes, which are good healing targets.
Ornery Tortoise and Crystallizer are the only self-harming cards which people are seriously considering for this quest, both which have good tempo (especially Ornery Tortoise).
The question now is, what have you been smoking?
Northshire Cleric is one of the best 1-drops in the game. Priest also got an insane 2 and 3 drop this expansion. Don't forget Auchenai Phantasm which is also a very strong early game minion, and which will thrive in a deck with healing spells and abilities. Priest has strong early game minions, and then there are the neutral minions too.
Pretty strong buff. Depending on bord will be easier to complete, for instance by healing your opponent minions as well. I also like the way they incorporated the Uldum theme here with the obelisk. I like obelisks.
Even though I understand that the healing is wide open, 15 is still a lot. You basically have to (1) play some manner of Pyro turbo stuff to activate this or (2) just take it crazy slow.
This is a strong effect, but the deck building aspect is going to take a lot of iteration.
Definitely. But we are up to the challenge ;)
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Sure, have fun with your amani berserkers and crystalizers in a meta where even zoolock with their flame imps and life tap are struggling to keep up. Also, northshire cleric is a great card. A shame you can't run more than a pair of them, because minion based tempo decks need to have 1 drops on 1 consistently to not fall behind against literally anything
You can have fun with your turtles too. The reason no one is running them is because the burn decks like bomb warrior and rogue are going to eat you alive. The goal is to heal things, but keep in mind that your (good) heal face options are limited to divine hymn and priests running divine hymn are dying to burn decks hard enough as it is without hitting themselves. The turtle isn't good tempo either, despite what it says on the tin; it's not 3 mana 3/5, it's more like 4 or 5 mana 3/5 because healing your face costs mana. Even disregarding the need for a heal followup, a 3 mana 3/5 is just good arena stats; you need to be a lot more broken than good arena stats to see play in constructed
In any case, I'm done here. We'll see just how bad this card is soon enough when the expansion drops. Priest has had a long history of getting the bad end of legendary prints and I've spotted them a mile away each time (and I always get downvoted because everyone really love their shitty priest legendaries)
I remember a time, where Evenpaladin was a thing and he did run Amani Beserker or when an legend player like TrumpSC rated "Caverns below, 1 star". Just wait and see how the new meta evolves and your trys to say sth about the new meta fails.
The new priest quest is no Genn or Call to arms, mate. Also, everyone and their mom rated caverns below 1 star. What makes you so sure it's not the other way around this time and this card is just deceptively bad instead of deceptively good? The way I see it, you're all just hive minding towards this card being playable just like every streamer hive minded towards the rogue quest being 1 star
They supported the ever loving fuck out of this quest.
Ok so let's run this out.
Turn 1: Cleric
Opponent Turn 1: Some minion that has 2 (maybe 3) health.
Turn 2: Pyromancer + 0 cost spell + Circle of healing = 3 health healed.
If you play somewhere mid game you'll realistically get 4 or 5 health healed.
At best you have a FULL board and heal for 14 and you're STILL one off. By that time it's so late in the game the hero power is not very powerful anymore.
I stand by what I said.
Ok so let's run this out.
Turn 1: Cleric
Opponent Turn 1: Some minion that has 2 (maybe 3) health.
Turn 2: Pyromancer + 0 cost spell + Circle of healing = 3 health healed.
If you play somewhere mid game you'll realistically get 4 or 5 health healed.
At best you have a FULL board and heal for 14 and you're STILL one off. By that time it's so late in the game the hero power is not very powerful anymore.
I stand by what I said.
You are indeed done here. Plenty of time to write several paragraphs yelling at me, but apparently not enough time to actually look at the list I posted. No worries, have fun in other places