The first Masters Tour event of the year took place last weekend with almost 400 players battling it out in an online tournament. You can re-live the action with our spoiler-free post below. We also featured an in-depth look at the entire competitive field, with a special focus on the new cards:

Top 8 Decklists

These decks carried their respective pilots to the final eight.

Top 8

DeadDraw's Decks

0 69406940 476 0
0 38003800 458 0
0 98009800 740 0

deads17's Decks

0 1320013200 482 0
0 1232012320 474 0

JPmixter's Decks

0 56405640 364 0
0 1022010220 421 0
0 81008100 392 0

Judgement's Decks

0 39003900 509 0
0 47404740 525 0
0 1072010720 460 0

LoveStorm's Decks

0 31803180 534 0
0 55805580 599 0

lunaloveee's Decks

Unknown's Decks

0 83208320 477 0
0 60406040 417 0
0 56005600 612 0
0 38603860 376 0

Youth's Decks

0 97609760 472 0
0 46804680 441 0
0 71207120 333 0
0 88608860 441 0


You can find the VoDs of the three days of competition below, with timestamps provided by HSEsports.

Day 1:

Day 1 Timestamps

Day 2 :

Day 2 Timestamps

Day 3:

Day 3 Timestamps


You can find out how the Top 8 single-elimination bracket played out within the spoiler below. The preceding Swiss results can be found on Battlefy.

Top 8 Results


The lineups for the tournament were unusually varied when looking at OffCurve's stats: Shaman and Druid are neck and neck as the most popular picks, with the latter having a lot of variance in archetypes as well. At the other end of the spectrum Paladin has fallen a bit behind, but despite being the least popular, Uther got almost 60 picks. Based on the archetype winrates the best decks of the tournament were Ramp Druid, Questline Fel Demon Hunter, and Quest Rogue, all exceeding 55% with a clear margin to other decks. As for the class performance, Battlefy's stats show that Demon Hunters were the clear winners (55% WR) whereas Warriors did not perform too well (46% WR); however, Control Warrior was also the most popular deck ban which has had its effect on that piece of winrate data.

Result-based Discussion

Despite the tournament schedule being rather unpleasant for Europeans, top 16 was once again Europe-heavy. UK had the best collective performance with three players in top 8: Unknown in his very first Masters Tour event, DeadDraw as one of the most consistent performers out there, and Judgement who was building on his impressive performance back in Masters Tour Silvermoon.

However, the grand prize eluded all of them as the Chinese JrsLoveStorm was able to take home the victory with his unique lineup after beating his compatriot Youth in quarterfinals, Brazil's first semifinalist JPmixter in semifinals, and Judgement in the grand final. This meant that JrsLoveStorm also managed to become a rare #1 seed winner as he had won the Swiss portion with a perfect 8-0 record, bringing his tournament total to 12-0.

(Game 5 of his semifinal (SF #1) is definitely worth the watch and showcases why he deserved the victory.)

Hearthstone esports year continues with Grandmasters 2022 Season 1 beginning later this month!