Beat That Bounty Boss!
Submitted 2 years, 11 months ago by
Hey fam, I'm creating this thread as a spot for tips, tricks, and comps for tackling a specific PvE bounty.
If there's a better space for this kind of thing, let me know.
An example, Lord Banehollow's crew have Holy weakness, so bring your holy damage to finish them off.
Second example: I'm stuck on Rend Blackhand. What did you do against a boss that can deal 200 damage in one shot?
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Hey fam, I'm creating this thread as a spot for tips, tricks, and comps for tackling a specific PvE bounty.
If there's a better space for this kind of thing, let me know.
An example, Lord Banehollow's crew have Holy weakness, so bring your holy damage to finish them off.
Second example: I'm stuck on Rend Blackhand. What did you do against a boss that can deal 200 damage in one shot?
I did them a while ago, so my memory is a bit shaky, but a couple I remember quite clearly were:
When all else fails, I've found a couple of ways that can cheese most (though not quite all) bosses:
The downsides of these plans is they don't give you a big sense of accomplishment when you do them, and the Mukla approach especially can end up a tedious process where you only have Mukla left and you slowly punch the boss down. The big upside is they only require 1 merc, so you can bring them along with 5 other mercs who you build a proper plan around, when they provide a back-up plan.
Nature bros (Malfurion, Guff, Brukan) for everything, with the three extra flex slots for individual bosses. Usually I'd have brightwing and diablo in one of those spots.
Haven't fail me yet. The only time I'd ever change this arrangement is in winterspring where enemies attack twice, in which case I would usually add mutanus and xyrella somewhere.
Don't even need to take on difficult hero fights for those level 5 treasures. Just boost up your nature damage and at some point guff would do ridiculous damage, around 60 without crits, on entry. At that point the only way you lose is that you've fallen asleep halfway through.
A "sense of accomplishment" is not my primary goal! I'd just like to unlock the next thing.
I don't think I've ever seen those Assassinate treasures. Closest I can recall is Sylvanas stealing 3x3 from everyone.
The Hunting Party treasure that prevents new things from spawning does not work on Blackhand's gang, so I need these additional ideas!
If you have diablo and Cairne this match is trivial. Just sack your first team (for me its nature bros) and then enter cairne and diablo with fire stomp. Blackhand would then be severely weakened if not outright dead from that move.
If you have that treasure that deals 6 fire damage to everything when something dies from a fire attack (usually gained from diablo) then the game is over. Just sack first team, fire stomp and win. In fact you might have to restart your game because the animation loops kinda too long.
You dont even need a fully loaded diablo to do this. Lvl 3 fire stomp is all you need.
Nailed it! Diablo did nicely as a finisher, and my fire comp held their own and did lots of damage.
Alexstraza's Gambit ability did much work, plus she picked up a treasure that restored everyone to full health. Coupled with someone else's treasure that did not allow health to be reduced below 1, and boom, two extra turns to zap my enemies.
Good idea to create this thread. I am happy with it at least.
Sometimes it's just a struggle, and a simple advice can help you out.
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This is exactly how I defeated Blackhand. I sacrificed Gruul (usable in Blackrock with Fire restistance and Dragon hate), stomped, and restarted the app when Blackhand was at -300 health something and the damage just kept going.
Some short advise on how to play the Nature bros? And/or how to beat Vaelastrasz? Nevermind, got it.
Great thread idea!
As someone who's been doing a lot of bounty hunting, I think the greatest path to success is finding the best treasures. As several have noted above me, treasure like Hex and Assassinate can be OP against the right bosses. I've also found that Xyrella's treasure that makes Blinding Luminescence hit neighbors is insanely good in almost every match.
Next best tip is find strong synergy: a squad with all Nature or Holy abilities, for example, can dish out massive damage, even without critical hits. I've cleared many bosses with Morgl, Bru'kan and Guff. Again, treasures make a big difference. Getting Nature damage bonus treasures, or "Lightning Bolt hits a neighbor" for example, can stack up your damage really fast.
Most bosses have a weakness, so figure out the best way to exploit that.
Never underestimate Freeze effects. Some bosses have ridiculously OP abilities, and if you can freeze them before they act, no problem. Just be aware that if they don't act, they didn't use the ability, so if it has a cooldown, they'll still be able to do it next turn.
Happy Hunting!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
There's nothing to it really. Just malfurion/guff/brukan, with treasures for lightning bolt and living brambles. The only true significant treasure here would be malfurion's liferoot staff, which heals for every nature ability, effectively meaning that you'll be healing for 18 every turn.
Buff up your nature spell damage with brukan and go ham with guff, dealing monstrous damage per turn. Malfurion is pretty much going to spam surge every turn.
Its the flex spots that makes nature bros work in pve. Brightwing is fairly good here, because her attack are nature oriented, meaning it also combos with guff. Another good thing is that everything in pve would aim to snipe her down, so you can bait out attacks then phase back to bench, practically wasting your opponent's turn. Useful against enemy heroes.
Fifth and sixth spot depends on bosses. Nature bros arent always favored against all bosses, so flex accordingly.
Fresh tip: I just completed Heroic Icehowl today, and even after he had turned one of my Mercs into a block of ice, it was still able to cast its abilities. Like they were Rooted instead of Frozen.
Not sure if that's a bug, or a change from the latest patch, but I don't think non-heroic Icehowl worked that way (weeks ago).
So make sure your party includes damage from a distance!
I'm stuck on Popsicooler! Any tips?
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Popsicooler is a ton of stats on board, and I barely squeaked out a win with my holy damage (with lots of healing) crew. There's probably a better way to do it. Maybe more immunity?
I think I did the normal bounties with orcs or something like that, mostly because they have a strong fighter lineup. I would also recommend to not destroy the side-switching taunt, because then the boss will only spam his "gain +50 attack and attack a random enemy" ability.
Do we have to include the specific mercenary in the party to beat the heroic boss for unlocking their equipment? I certainly hope not, because this makes it even more difficult.
I beat heroic Ravak and the related equipment did not unlock for my Sinestra, which might be a bug? Can anyone confirm?
EDIT: Hm, I just read that it is part of the requirement to have the specific mercenary included in the party to unlock the related equipment. This sucks!
Sorry, I know this isn't the place to ask, but where do you guys find team comps? Wanna get back into Mercs PVP again.
Edit: Thank you, you two! Did not even notice there was that feature on this site.
Your face is already dead
I did it with my fire team, and focused on bursting down the cart (or whatever it's name is) first
They did at least make most of them have some form of weakness to the appropriate merc. That's not really the case for Sinestra or Lokholar (heck, I got Lok'holar's elite treasure to freeze all enemies for the first turn, which was great until I realised the final boss can't be frozen...), but Wrathion's final boss has a human weakness, you fight fire with fire (or rather bleed with bleed) with Galvangar, and Drek'thar kindly provides both fire and frost damage buffs for whatever you plan to do with Balinda.
So while it made it more difficult, it wasn't poorly designed.
On the main page, you can toggle between Hearthstone decks and Mercenaries parties. There aren't nearly as many parties posted, and very few of them have guides, but it's a place to start
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Did it with murlocs, with subpar passives at that. If you have brightwing, then all you need to do is to deal with the two other minions that spawn with popsicooler and damage the cart, thereafter the boss cant really do anything substantial from there on because brightwing heals just too efficiently and the murlocs deal too much damage.
The design is fine and the heroic bosses are indeed beatable. As a matter of fact, I have completed them all in the meantime.
How did you beat heroic Lok'holar? I want that equipment but get badly beaten whenever I get to the boss..
I successfully piloted a few builds from this streamer to beat heroic bosses. He really seems to know what he is talking about ^_^
By the way, except for the latest 5 added mercenaries I have all the other mercs fully maxed out, so that might also play a role in the success rate.
Finally beat Popsicooler with orcs. I found, as always, that the treasures you find make all the difference. Samuro and Rokara both had buffed stats and windfury, plus a horde banner. It was a quick GG. Pretty sure I'd have beaten it on heroic with the power I had on board there.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I know you guys/girls are way further in mercs then I am. Just doing pve side for now and slowly upgrading the mercs in the meantime trying to progress in the bounties.
So is there any info available about the best party combination to beat bounties. Right now i am just stuck and try to find the best combo.
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Fire team. Antonidas/Barongeddon. Third spot is flex, can be rag/mutanus/etc. If you need to grind up strangers, this is by far the best and fastest team to do it.
In terms of viability in beating bosses. Its nature bros all the way. Malfurion/Guff/Brukan. More of less always gets you there unless its a clear unfavored matchup (like facing up fighter bosses). Diablo and Carine is basically almost always in forth and fifth. The sixth spot is up to you. For me its brightwing.
Thanks for your reply, i keep it in mind :)
Right now i am having troubles with Garr, he keeps screwing me over *cries
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I'm back again for some advise on Heroic Galvangar. I want that equipment but don't really have any idea on how to beat him. I figure Orcs might be an option but I don't really know how to use them. Beasts maybe with Mukla and Krush?
Indeed Orcs for this specific heroic bounty. Just mimic what this streamer does in his YouTube Mercenaries video guides and you will have your hands in no time on that sweet equipment.
It mostly depends on the boss's class: use Fighter Orcs to beat Casters, use Nature Casters to beat Protectors, etc. I've found the Nature team to be able to handle most difficulties, especially with how your damage scales with Bru'kan. Someone else here already mentioned this too, but Brightwing is fantastic because the AI will almost always focus on her, then you just tap her out. Just pay attention to speeds. Some of those Fighter elementals in Blackrock Mountain do massive damage at speed 3, so maybe have Bru'kan slow that one, so he doesn't shoot right away on turn 2 and Brightwing has time to bounce.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Daowen, I haven't beaten Heroic Garr either. He does have frost weakness, so that is one avenue to try.
Killing his firesworn one at a time is going to yield less damage, but that Hunting Party treasure (you can get it with a beast party) might help more.
I hope y'all noticed that a couple of heroic bounties have had their difficulty lowered. This time I easliy beat Galvangar on the first attempt. :)
Yesss finally managed to beat Garr (normal).
Went on with the next one without problems. But then, Oh my, Major Domo.....sigh that will take a bit too it looks like
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For those of you steadily grinding out those daily tasks, I wanted to share a couple things I've noticed (just in case you haven't):
-tasks asking you to "deal X damage"or "kill X minions" do not require that specific merc in your party
-If it says "Complete 2 heroic bounties" you need that merc in your party, but if it says "defeat 2 heroic bosses" you don't (difference is "complete" vs "defeat")
That's it for now. I hope you all find many "mysterious strangers"!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Feels like the language of the tasks could be much clearer. I end up checking after the first fight to make sure progress is actually happening.
And in the last patch, I noticed that the Mysterious Stranger now shows the 3 task options when you hover. Maybe that worked the whole time on desktop, but now it works on mobile. So nice!
Does anyone know how "Heal Power" works? It seems to increase healing, but I can't find anyplace where it specifically explains how. The Balinda bounty kicked my ass twice because she set my Mercs to 1 health and I didn't yet know how to use that against her. Anduin's Holy Nova did the trick on my third try.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Heal power is a keyword just like Spell damage is, but instead it increases your healing abilities by 1 for each stack
I am strugling with The General in BRM. Watched videos and tried different setups but no luck so far.
Losing mercs before i am even there as well.
I have the idea i need more maxed out mercenaries for this to get it done.
Am i right in this or what do you suggest to get it done?
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Just curious, what team are you running in BRM anyway? The enemies there aren't usually too bad, definitely not as bad as winterspring.
In non heroic, its easy enough to just snipe off general Drak with a caster team and then sweep the two dragons away with protectors if you lose your first team. Gruul is unusually good in BRM and is good against this boss too. An ideal team would be using nature bros, which will just destroy this boss.
There are some enemies in BRM that you can easily ignore and then there's those you need to kill quickly, usually stuff that do DOT, like core hounds. Would be good to have some healers handy. Nature bros double duties this area because Malfurion allows free heals per attack and can easily deal with most bosses.
You can try some general-purpose strategies to trivialise it. In particular, if you have Scabbs and/or Valeera you can keep trying 'til one of them gets the Assassinate 2 treasure from an Elite encounter. That will insta-kill one of the 3 boss characters at the start, making things a lot easier.
To get there without mercs dying, it helps to bring Gruul with his fire resistance equipment. Even if it's not maxed out, having any fire resistance will save you a lot of health and make it safer to put casters out against Fire Sworn.
Good luck!
The General's troops have major fire resistance, and can't be frozen, so that's a few comps sidelined.
He has such powerful healing, that I think my next attempt (my Orc team just got their butts kicked on Heroic) will include Tamsin for her Veil Of No Healing ability.
I lost a couple Mercs on the climb also - those Immolate abilities snuck up on me! I think I'll be more aggressive with my healing and maybe give the Holy/Shadow gang a whirl.
I tried with Xyrella, Malfurion, Brukan, King Mukla, Cairne and Samuro
Then replace Cairne and Samuro for Anduin and Velen.
I can remember I had Gruul in there before, no idea why i took it out....scratches head
Anyway thanks guys/girls for advice, I will keep on trying.
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You really should just get liferoot staff on Malfurion and go full nature bros, Malfurion/Guff/Brukan. Absolutely absurd damage from guff just destroys red bosses.
Xyrella is a good choice, because she deals well with many of BRM's DOT enemies like core hound. I'd personally have Xyrella/Gruul/Brightwing as my secondary. Or if you dont have brightwing, you can just go either cariel/mutanus for taunt or Chi-ji for heal.
Ok, so I'm playing through the new bounties that just dropped, and I noticed something funny: the SI:7 dudes are all labeled "Human" even though, looking at the art, one of them is obviously a Night Elf and one is either a Gnome or Dwarf. That, plus Gruul still has no label, despite the fact that he's a Gronn. Just seems lazy to me. I wish they'd focus on fixing the game as is (like the coin issue) instead of adding all this new content so quickly.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I've posted here before about using Cookie to grind out onerous tasks like "destroy X minions with Devilsaur (or other summoned minion)". Just want to add to that: if it's not too late, DO NOT upgrade Cookie's Fishing ability to level 4. If you do, the swordfish does 15 damage instead of 12, which will kill any other summoned fish. This means you cannot grind out kills endlessly.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I held off upgrading Cookie's Fishing to level 5 for a while because of this, and when I finally maxed it out I expected to have shot myself in the foot. But tbh I wasn't very bothered by it in the end. A lot of the tasks cookie helps with are still about as easy, since you can just not attack the Swordfish. It only really messes with tasks involving uncontrolled attacks that don't end up killing everything anyway, but even then I found it no more tedious grinding them across multiple fights than picking on fish within one.
So I guess my point is it may be optimal to stay at level 4, but it's not as big a deal as it first looks. Certainly the added effectiveness when not grinding can be argued to win out on balance, even if it's primarily just for the extra +1/+5 stats for maxing Cookie out.
Right, I said level 4 and meant level 5. I think you're correct entirely. The task I was working on was Kurtrus' "kill 75 minions with Aimless Assault" so I had no control over which target he hit.
It's also frustrating how unbalanced the tasks are. For example, I think everyone's final task is "deal 450 damage to heroic bosses." As the final task, it should be harder, but that's a piece of cake. On the other hand, the Kurtrus one was PAINFUL. You have to use an ability with cooldown and you can't choose the target. It took SO MUCH grinding. Same is true for any task you need to use summoned minions like Krush's devilsaur or Mukla's brother.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Yeah, there are some serious grinds in a few of them. I've now completed all the tasks for every merc that wasn't released a couple of weeks ago, and recall a few that just baffled me as to why they set the number so high. Warmaster Voone had one that required you to kill 2 enemies with Axe Throw... 150 times! For an ability capped at 8 damage due to having no spell school, and requiring setup just to get that far, it was ridiculous.
I think mercs they've added later have been less bad though. Long'xin had a similar task for her Celestial Breath ability (both were task 17 I think) that only required dealing 40 damage to neighbors, which was soooooo much easier. That said, I was a bit confused why her task 16 (likewise for Chi-Ji) was to deal 500 damage to heroic bosses, when they kept the same task 18 as everyone else. As you said, it's not that bad and probably quicker than the usual task 16 of dealing 900 damage to role X, but it was weird.
I thought the most annoying task so far was one of Jaina's: destroy N enemies with Water Elemental.
Not just summon the things, but make sure they get the kill shot. Cookie's target dummies would have sped this up, but still irritating.
Also the Voone one you mentioned, ugh.
Destroying enemies is easily done in Felwood on Furbolg Totemics and you can you use Cookie's skill as additional targets. For me most annoying tasks would be FreezeElf's deal 200 damage with ice lance and Grom's oneshot 95 enemies.
Yeah, I tackled that one in Alterac Valley - the summoned wolves are good targets for Gambit.
We can put some N'Zoth event tips in this thread, you know, help Avalon out with those guides.
I completed Task 2: ice-free Ice Howl with dragons. Longxin's ability to swap places is very helpful for getting the boss to damage the starter ice blocks.
Nzoth task 1;
Just put any murloc in your team. Dont have to play it
Nzoth task 2;
You can just play cookie. Spawning the fishes will prevent the game from ending as we know, and you can finish off the ice blocks to your heart's desire before ending the game.
I did it with nature bros. Get rid of icehowl early, spawn fish, kill off cookie and then bring in the big guns to finish off the ice blocks.
Nzoth task 3
All this means is you cant use the naaru shard to do anything useful . A fairly trivial requirement with nature bros. Otherwise you might have to rely on alternative healing sources like anacondra, alexstrasza, etc.
Hey, thanks so much! Btw, the first two guides are pretty much ready, and we just need to push them. The same could be said about the third one, but some stupid (some fucking stupid) bug doesn't allow me to play the Mi'da Bounty.
If you all are having success with specific comps, make sure to post them here, so that I can include them in the site guides - community comps are great!
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
I may have forgotten what the Mi'da boss involved, and took a fire team with all its healing coming from Chi-ji... who was the one merc I foolishly let die on the way there. Fortunately you can whittle Mi'da down entirely with the naaru shard while only healing with its nature ability, but it's not advisable :P
Having a ton of trouble with N'zoth task 3. I have never beaten Mi'da before. My current strategy is to hope to get the Assasination treasure with Kazakus or Scabb (dont have Valeera) by the time i get there, but for some reason the demon encounters on the way there keep smoking me...I see a lot of advice for the nature bros but i dont have malfurion, only guff and brukan. Any advice to deal with those encounters? and also for farming mercs in general since i might be unaware of certain tricks.
I totally messed up with the Naaru shard on task 3 the first time (hey, at least I can get in, lol). I selected a team with no holy abilities, I carefully avoided holy treasures on the climb, and yep, first turn with the shard I picked its holy ability. Whoops!
I ran it with my Nature crew too, but there are so many demons on the climb that I see the value of including Kurtrus.
While you only need to bring one murloc to Darkshore, you might as well bring as many as you have, because there are lots of enemies that buff all murlocs. I think that's going to be the case for the rest of Darkshore. Mggrgll!
Unfortunately, that's pretty much the easiest way to finish up task 3. There are other comps you can try;
- Dragon build with Alexstrasza/brightwing/Yulon or Brightwing/Sinestra/Yulon. Yolun's treasure allows for some passive damage reduction while also having abilities that either taunt or give dragons health. Its also useful to note that Sinestra (and nefarion) can get a passive that grants 20 health to dragons. Just wittle away the trash mobs and heal with brightwing for the win.
- ChiJi/Trigore/Cornelius. The nice thing is that ChiJi's heal ability doesn't have a cooldown so you can just spam it. A bit squishy, which is why Cornelius is here. Trigore can just backlash all day while cornelius plays defense. Its nice that the naaru shard synergizes with ChiJi's heal abilities.
As for the climb, you can easily use dragon comp as long as you have sinestra. There's nothing really noteworthy except most of them are demons so Kurtrus generally does well here.
that should help, thanks. , i have nefarion, sinestra and yulon but lack the healing dragons which sucks but i might give it a shot anyway if nothing else works. Here's hoping i just find the right mercs in the packs i am gonna get
I beat it with a beast-heavy comp, which includes Chi-Ji, Anacondra, and Brightwing as the main healers, and Trigore, Niuzao, and Cornelius for offense/defense. It took me two tries, because the first time I beat it, I accidentally used the Holy healing spell from the shard in the main boss fight.
The road towards Mi'da is what I find really tough though. I hate facing those different voids along the way, especially the one that damages your Mercs for each non-Holy ability they have and grants all of those abilities 1 cooldown. Just incredibly frustrating to beat.
also, unrelated, but is there a fast way to level up mercs? my method right now is to bring low level mercs in a team without playing them vs easy high level bounties, but id love to hear if theres a more efficient method
I do not think there is a more efficient way. I grind the toughest (or latest) heroic bounty out there using the most efficient fire comp (Balinda Stonehearth + Baron Geddon + Ragnaros) and leave the new mercs sitting on the bench. N'Zoth was level 30 within just a few hours and after completing all his 18 tasks and 6 special event bounties, he is now only 8 upgrades away from max level.
Have you bought the training grounds? You can level 2 mercs at a time up to level 30, only takes about 2 days.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
yeah i have it maxed out. it helps.
honestly my main trouble right now is just having to work with unoptimal mercs. Dont have a lot of the big boys yet
Genuinely the most annoying task i had to deal with (heroic probably has worse to offer but i havent tried it yet). The voids abuse your lack of holy abilities, which you are forced to have to beat the task, so it just sucks.
A little heads-up: event task 6 is bugged. I've completed it twice already, definitely triggering the appropriate number of deathrattles in the boss fight and still... no reward.
After reading into it a bit, I've found that the current advice seems to be to avoid nodes and boons (and potentially elite fights) on your climb. Yeah, it's this again.
Hello everyone. In case you're interested we started publishing site guides for the N'Zoth event - the first one's already live, and more is coming in the upcoming hours/day!
Edit: task #2 guide is live!
While our guides may have a wider reach, we love the fact that our community gathered together, helping each other through every obstacle one may find - keep going everyone ;)
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
I was struggling to beat Dragonbone Golem, and then finally got it with a Frost team... and no task completion. So I either didn't trigger quite enough deathrattles or the boon bug got me.
Will be trying again, maybe throw Kazakus in there and score his final equipment.
That task involving Corrupted Viscera looks tough. Anyone manage that trick yet?
I will try it out later, but I guess we can let Cookie fill the opponent's board with harmless fish while we buff up minions big enough to do 100+ damage at once.
this is probably a very dumb question so i apologize but i Really need Malfurion. Is there a way to directly aquire a merc you dont have yet, or do you just have to get lucky with pack pulls?
That is exactly how I completed this task and is I think the easiest way to tackle these kind of recurring tasks in the future and beyond.
The conditions are bugged or the wording is all wrong. There's plenty of discussion but after about 3 tries I finally got it. There's a possibility that you have to trigger 10 deathrattles in one turn, not the entire game.
So just let dragonbone fill up his board, then he'll use an ability that grants all minions a deathrattle. After that you may safely AoE all the skeletons away. That's how I did it, not sure if it'll work a second time.
Used a holy team with cornelius. Nearly impossible for the boss to kill your side as you wait for him to setup everything just right. Infuriating to say the least.
My Frost team just beat Dragonbone Golem again, and now I have all of the Kazakus equipment, still no task completion.
Had a full board of undead, plus 2 of my golems had deathrattles, plus something else, so definitely 10 rattles triggered, though maybe not all in one turn.
Took one spirit healer, and one elite fight, no other boons or nodes. Dammit.
Well, I can't keep throwing myself against a brick wall, so will have to circle back to this after a bug fix or a better workaround.
Bounty is definitely bugged, tried to do it with NatureBros and added Kazakus + Drek'Thar into party to open their equipment, Kazakus got "Assassinate 2" treasure and what do you know - killed Golem with it.
It still completed the task somehow.
The fix is in for the Golem bounty, as well as for the event timer. So if your timer (visible on the task screen) says 17ish days instead of 1 hour, you are good to go.
I'm off to build a wall of fish, and throw some Viscera at them. Eeewww....
Next bounty is bugged too and also i need to read abilities descriptions better. I thought that N'zoth blows up all minions at once, not one by one.
I used viscera when i had 3 minions 33/~50 and two enemies on board, first minion blew up, killed both enemies and task was completed dunno how. Only used viscera once in the fight.
This is the thing about Mercenaries that really frustrates me. You can craft them once you've earned enough of their coins, but that can take a lot of grinding (especially for legendaries). Plus, then you have no coins left to upgrade them. I am currently only missing 4 Mercs, and I have 1300-1500 coins for each one, but I'm holding off on the craft so that I can upgrade their abilities if I get lucky enough to unpack them. That's been working pretty well for me.
Slightly related topic: I feel like they said there was no non-duplicate rule for Mercs, but I have yet to unpack a repeat Merc, and I only get portraits for rares and epics, which I already own all. Every time I am lucky enough to unpack a legendary, it's a new one. Am I just super lucky? Or is there in fact a non-duplicate rule after all?
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
There is a non-duplicate rule, but it's kinda convoluted. I'm pretty sure there are two distinct things you need to look at in each pack: the merc slot and the coin slots possibly being replaced with mercs.
The merc slot will be a legendary once every 20 packs (with no pity timer, grr), an epic once every 5, and a rare otherwise. If you don't own all the mercs of whatever rarity you land on, it will do non-duplicate things and give you one you don't own. If you do own them all, I think it picks one completely at random, giving a portrait if you don't have all of them for that merc, and coins otherwise. Note it doesn't go through any non-duplicate process when picking mercs in this case.
As for the coin slots, they have some small chance of being turned into a merc, either a portrait or a base version if you happen to not have it yet. There's no duplicate protection here though, and you very probably get a few portraits this way before owning every merc of the corresponding rarity. When this happens it looks like duplicate protection is broken, but it's actually fine and just doesn't apply here.
not a task bounty but any tips to fight Lokholar in altrec valley? Just trying to get to rotimer but i am stuck here.
If you got velen and anduin, you can try holy comp which will probably get you there. Or a beast comp with king krush and mukla can cheese this fight.
I havent tried it yet, but there's a possibility that if you have very strong taunt mercs (cornelius and mutanus are probably the strongest) you should be able to easily cheese this with trigore. Worth a try. Especially since its on budget.
Maybe cornelius/trigore/xyrella would be optimal and budget friendly.
i have all of those except Mukla. How would trigore cheese it? right now i am just abusing the monstrous heart treasure, is that it?
Just set trigore in the center and spam backlash while having at least one taunt. Since lokholar attacks multiple times per turn you're essentially pouring damage into him as long as you can keep cornelius up. Just get xyrella to reduce lokholar's damage whenever he's attacking, otherwise keep cornelius healthy.
You dont need monstrous heart. Just ensure that your taunt stays alive and take any treasure that increases trigore's attack.
But if I understand correctly, if you have velen and anduin, then this should be a cake walk with holy comp. Velen/Anduin/Xyrella/Cornelius are the mainstay here.
alright thanks for the advice!
nevermind trigore strat doesnt work. lokholar swarms the field with enemies that are all faster than trigore/cornelius/xirella and smoke them. Lokholar doesnt even go down 100 health. I guess im just gonna try other stuff until i find malfurion/anduin to finish the op comps
I'm trying to beat Heroic Drek'Thar to unlock Balinda's equipment. He just keeps kicking my ass. Anyone have a suggestion for this one? I own all Mercs except Rexxar, Garrosh, Sylvanas and Gul'Dan.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Most optimal in my opinion is fire team because of the boost you get from one of the minions. Focus fire on the statue boosting drekthar's speed. Once the statue is dead, you should be on your way to a win courtesy of geddon's massive AoE.
I think I went with Antonidas/Geddon/Cornelius, mainly because cornelius has a good chance of getting a defensive passive over the better taunt in mutanus. ChiJi/Rag for replacement in case antonidas goes down. If Geddon goes down early this might just be unwinnable, unless the statue is dead.
Haven't went there with any other comp, but heroic drekthar is insanely difficult and there's really not many caster teams that can realistically take down the statue fast enough.
I'm stuck at Murlocs vs Popsicooler. A team that's half Murlocs and half Dragons just isn't good enough to take these things down. Didn't get anywhere with Fire or Nature either.
I try to reduce the health of the cart first, but the damage from the rest of the bosses wipes out my team.
Gonna try Orcs next, I guess. Am I missing something?
I managed it with murlocs and fire, thanks largely to Murky getting the Assassinate 2 treasure from Elite encounters (it makes no sense thematically, but he does). As long as he hits something useful it makes things a lot easier. Obviously he can hit the boss itself, but for me he hit the fighter ally, which simplified my choices as I only had to defend against casters afterwards. So if you weren't already using him, you can try switching your murlocs up to include Murky.
I was also running Chi-ji to simultaneously provide fire damage to keep the ice cream cart's health low and keep the team alive. Popsicooler is pretty limited in what it can do while the cart is on low health, so I just ground it out slowly without taking any risks once the allies were taken out.
There's a very old (and crucially budget) build with rokara/samuro/grom. Rokara with the treasure that boost her offensive rally and grom with sash. The key is to get windfury on samuro and you'll be able to comfortably take down popsicooler in turn 2.
Turn 1, you may destroy the cart, doesn't matter. Turn 2, rokara turns on offensive rally, grom hits popsicooler with shattering slam, and then completely destroy that shit with samuro attacking 4 times. After popsicooler is dead, all else is just fluff.
The problem is of course that you need windfury on samuro or otherwise its going to take 1 more turn and a huge dose of luck. Your backup can easily be murloc build, Murkeye/mutanus/murky (if you have him upgraded this becomes a whole lot easier) or morgl, which is fully capable of taking down popsicooler too, but needs some luck as well. As a backup though, they're still pretty solid.
I've been ill the last few days and wanted to start this task with a clear mind. So I delayed it until today because I heard that a lot of people have trouble with this.
I did it first try with the following comp:
Balinda@Water Elemental (4) Skills: 5-4-3
Geddon@Mark of .. (4) Skills: 5-5-5 (not maxed)
Ragnaros@Blazing Rune (4) Skills: 5-5-4
Murky@Time to Krill (3) Skills: 3-2-2
Old Murkeye@Bubble Wand - maxed
Mutanus@Earthen Armor (4) Skills: 5-5-5 (not maxed)
I climbed with fire. Treasures = 2x Elemental Studies, Pyroblast on Rag, Murky 2 spead faster, the other Murlocs got nothing of importance (like full belly and the 2cooldown spell to get less dmg). I picked up a Boon Fighter though giving every Fighter +10 Atk. Credits for the Murloc and equipment selection go to YT user XxDarkMatterx1 (who commented on Old Guardian)
In the Boss fight I started with all green Murlucs placing Murky in the Middle to react on t2 according to the damage. I focused Popsi and ignored the Trolley. I made sure that at least two Murlocs are protected with Divine Shield in the turn where Popsi does dmg equal to Trolley Health. I guessed wrong and lost my Mutanus. Replaced it with Balinda to keep killing the Popsi. The Frost Elemental kept the highest threat in check and the rest killed popsi. I added Rag after Murky died to kill the green and from there it was a easy.
I just discovered a nice little "cheat" for everyone's Task 18: Deal 450 damage to heroic bosses. You can grind Bounty One super quick and easy, then face the boss with Trigore and Deathwing and any shooter in slot 3 (I'm currently using Balinda). Backlash on turn 1, maybe throw some damage at the healer doesn't matter. Turn 1, Backlash again, shoot the boss with whoever your third merc is, then attack with Deathwing. DW deals his attack damage plus his combo, then Trigore shoots him, then the boss hits all of your mercs in reaction to being attacked, and Trigore shoots him 2 more times. I dealt over 200 damage to the poor bastard who only had 60 to start with. With a little luck, you can clear the task in 2 fights.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I do it with Vanndar and a Merc whitch can damage your own stuff. Shoot at Vanndar to get him as low on health as possible. Then use Avatar on the Boss. It may not be 200 dmg, but I combine this with the "Complete x (heroic) Bounties" task for other Mercs. So it does not matter if it takes 2,3 or 4 runs.
More than 150 dmg is guaranteed turn 3, but you could delay it right to do more damage by using the first Avatar on the blue add.
Yeah, that would be good too! I just thought about Lokholar as well. Balinda can shoot an ally with Frost Dart so you can build up Snowball to an insane amount. It would take awhile, but probably still better than grinding the whole bounty 4 or more times.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Grommash, Samuro, and Rokara did the Popsicooler trick! Samuro was 70+ attack by the time we got them all.
And by comparison, the final task was easy.
Lokholar stops at leathel.
After the most demoralizing and frustrating series of losses (sometimes by losing a key Merc along the way, but more often to the boss itself), I finally beat the Murlocs vs. Popsicooler task.
My squad: Murky (equip: plus attack when hitting taunt), Old Murk-Eye (equip: attack boost and divine shield), Mutanus (equip: extra damage reduction), Cookie (equip: appetizers), Brightwing (equip: extra healing) and Alexstrasza (equip: Gambit healing).
The dragons made the map encounters doable (Alex just melts those fighters). Do not underestimate Mutanus as a defender. I won MANY matches simply by having him taunt every turn while others healed him and shot the enemies.
Boss fight started with the 3 greens. Murky forced taunt on Popsicooler, then Murk-Eye and Mutanus swung in for LOTS of damage. I had picked up a couple of the +5/+5 for Murlocs treasures. Was hoping for Windfury for Murk-Eye, but didn't find it. Still took a few turns to finish him off. The others weren't too hard with him gone. I ignored the trolley, and it dies once the last enemy dies.
I hope this helps anyone who's struggling with this one.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I'm guessing you're thinking about Hailstorm, which stops firing once all enemies are dead. I'm talking about Snowball, which stacks up damage over time whenever you play a Frost ability. If you can drag out the fight long enough, you could get Snowball to do a huge amount of damage, which would be a single shot that would count damagewell past lethal.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Heck, N'Zoth Task 9 is fricking difficult - I cannot complete it, no matter how hard I try! Any tips please? <3
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
As mentioned in the past, try out the great video guides of Old Guardian. I always use them with lots of success. This N'Zoth special event task #9 was no difference, though it did take me a total of two attempts to complete it.
Thanks! That did the trick. I think I got pretty lucky with treasures and winning some crucial speed ties, but it was a breeze. I went with Chi'Ji, Rag, Antonidas, Geddon, Cornelius and of course, Balinda. Only Antonidas died in the final battle
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Check out my comment two above yours: I used a Murloc/Dragon hybrid squad that worked great. The key is using Murky to give Popsicooler taunt so your fighters can all swing right in on turn 1. Good luck!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Murloc build, Murkeye/Murky/Mutanus can do this but you need windfury on murkeye to make it less dependent on luck.
Or you can try rokara/samuro/grom, which also requires windfury on samuro to properly win in two turns. Turn 1 destroy cart, turn two slam popsicooler, rokara turns on offensive rally, and samuro goes in for 4x attack. Popsicooler should be dead now.
Just go with both comps in your team. Even if one goes down, you still have the other. I posted this as a response to DragonDraena earlier this week.
Okay, so I tried Murkeye/Murky/Mutanus against Popsicooler and got utterly wrecked. Turn 1 like Pezman said - Murky gives Popsicooler taunt and all greens attack. However, this is immediately countered by Popsicooler gaining health equal to cart's health. So basically a zero-sum thing. Next turn, Popsicooler one-shots Murkeye (deal damage equal to cart's health) and from then on, my damage output simply cannot do anything to ever endanger Popsicooler which is alternating between health gain and damage dealing (45 to all) turns.
Is it all about the right treasures (+x/+x murlocs, windfury on Murkeye) and about getting lucky (Murkeye not being slowed and insta-killed in turn 2)?
I hate to say it, but yes it comes down to the treasures. I wasn't lucky enough to find windfury, but still got by with stat buffs. Are your murlocs maxxed out? That helps too. My Mutanus and Murk-Eye are. Which equipment you use makes a difference too. Then there's just good old perseverance.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Alright, maybe I'll try again and see whether I can pick up something better than in my first run - where I only got +5/+5 on murlocs once, the rest was rubbish. My Mutanus and Murk-Eye are maxxed out, however Murky is far from being maxxed out.
You have to use Devine Shield on turn 2.
Look at my guide on page 5.
New try, no luck. Picked up assassinate (the "good" one from an elite fight) and guess which unit it hits? You guessed right, the trolley.
So, Popsicooler gains 50 attack and together with its adds, it kills Mutanus turn one. Turn two, Murky acts at Speed 8 with the divine shield, so too late to prevent the big swing from Popsi. But Murky (10 health) and Murk-Eye still live. Next turn, I actually kill Popsi but Murky and Murk-Eye go down. So Alex, Brightwing and Cookie take on the remaining adds. I manage to kill the green one but then it's only Alex against the blue one. Which of course means no chance to win anymore.
I'm not giving up but my gosh, this is a frustrating task.
Keep going, you'll get it eventually! Took me at least 10 tries (I didn't actually count).
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I beat Popsicooler mainly through Old Guardian's guide and some luck.
My team was Fire + Murlocs; Ragnaros, Balinda Stonehearth & Geddon + Murky, Cookie & Old Murk-eye. I was lucky enough to pick up Assasinate treasue (it hit a side-kick) and started with fire-team vs the boss. They burst down Ragnaros pretty quickly, I replaced him with Murky. Murky's ability gives taunt to Popsicooler, which lets me hit it with Balinda's Water elemental that freezes. When you freeze Pop at the right times, the fight is so much easier.
Maybe it will work for you too, good luck!
So, I finally did it and beat Popsicooler. Thanks for the support and advice, guys.
In the end, it was absurdly simple. I got the "Attack until you die" treasure for Mutanus. So Murky gave Popsi taunt and I let Mutanus loose. Attacking into the trolley and Popsicooler first because of taunt, each attack increasing Mutanus' attack value because of Murky's Time to Krill equipment and dealing 40+ damage to Popsi while only getting hit back for 2 damage meant that at the end of round 1 I had: a suicided Mutanus, no trolley, no Popsi, Popsi's blue add down to 50 health and the green add rather healthy. From then on, it was easy pickings: Turn 2, the blue add was down and the green one alone was no match for the rest of my team.
By the way: Task 10 then - first try on heroic with the fire comp + N'Zoth allowing me to complete the task and get the N'Zoth equipment at once.
Good job! That sounds like it was an epically fun final match!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I'm currently working on Xuen's Task 17: "Deathblow 25 times." Just killed an enemy with Tiger Lightning, triggering the Deathblow. Task is still at 0/25. WTF?
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
That's the same task as Grom's. You need to oneshot the enemies, not trigger the deathblow, also enemies can damage themselves attacking you, but you can't damage them by yourself, only oneshot for quest to count it as deathblow.
I am on task 2 of the Y'shaarj event and I as wondering if I have been misunderstanding the task's wording or if its just THAT hard, cause i am led to believe its asking me to oneshot all three 160+ health enemies in one turn which, sounds a bit much.
You have to deal the lethal blow to all 3 bosses in the same turn, which means you have to bring down their health gradually in the turns before and not kill them. I managed to complete this task using Old Guardian's Holy strategy.
Just read up, makes a lot more sense now.
Ok, I tested this and you are correct. How f-ing stupid is that? Deathblow is a keyword with a specific meaning and function, but here they just arbitrarily use it to mean "one-shot"? Bunch of BS.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Upsetting that task 3 y'shaarj forces you to have a full human party, it really cuts you off from even having a chance at trying it if you lack even one. If only Mercenaries had a dust-like system to craft mercs you need instead of just opening packs.
I think I happen on a bug for Yshaarj's task 5, the one where you need to finish Ursula Windfury without her attacking once.
Apparently if you finish up any fight then this one is completed automatically. Its obviously a bug. I think the trigger is if you finish off a fight without any of them attacking then this procts immediately.
This bug will save you the need to have Elise in your team, because from what Ive seen there's really no other way to do this other than one-shotting Ursula from full, with attacks that are speed 4 or less in turn 1.
I just tested this and can confirm that it worked for me. Thanks for saving me the hassle.
I'm stuck on Belinda Stonehearth Bounty. Any advice would be appreciated.
Edit: Never mind, I finally got it with Murlocs & Brightwing.
I did Yogg Event #8: Mountain Rescue (Heroic Avalanchan with no casualties) using a modified Dragon comp. It relies on Onyxia, so it doesn't fit within the definition of a budget comp, but the other five mercs are rares, so it's relatively accessible. The final fight has a nice tank (Kazakus summoning taunt golems) + DPS (Onyxia) + healer (Sinestra) role distribution.
A word of warning: if you're doing Yogg task #9, don't use Riptide on the Coral Elemental with one Swarmer alive. I found out the hard way how that interaction works: it keeps attacking in a loop while taking a tiny bit of damage itself.
A few tips for the C'Thun event, should you happen to be stuck on anything:
For the "beat Ravak with all Mercs alive" task, you don't need to use a party of 6. I used a party of 4 (the Nature gang) to concentrate the treasures on the 3 for the final fight.
For the "beat Xaril with only protectors" task, my MVP was Trigore with a Monstrous Heart treasure. A little healing from Malfurion, and additional nature damage from Athissa, and my party was still at full health when the bosses crumbled.
Good luck!
With the coin changes coming, I thought I might try and collect a few missing equipments. Maestra has me stuck. She's supposed to be on a team beating Heroic Garrosh.
With an orc comp, I can barely beat Garrosh on Normal. Dragons also got their tails handed to them. What else should I try?
It had been a while since I last went against Garrosh, so I just went and did this bounty (heroic) to remind myself of what he's all about. Clearly, he's teched pretty hard against most spell-heavy teams, so I understand picking something attack-heavy like orcs, especially since Maestra is herself an orc.
The good news is, I beat the bounty and can legitimately give you a winning strategy. The bad news is I took my favourite meme team of the female rogue characters:
The team is very... shananigans-y. There's lots of bouncing around and changing positions, not to mention tons of role changing. It also has stealth, speed changing, attack debuffs and discovering abilities. Frankly, it's a lot of fun, and avoids the usual problem of becoming boring by just using the same abilities over and over because it's so damn janky you have to change plans on the fly. I finish so many fights with this team thinking "well that was a scrappy mess, but somehow it worked" :P
As for how well it fared against Garrosh... well, both Maestra and Valeera managed to pick up Assassinate 2 along the way, so I insta-killed 2 enemies before the fight began. That trivialised it somewhat, and means I don't really know how well they'd fare normally. But it's worth noting the team can actually do that, and usually getting just a single Assassinate 2 will make things much, much easier. So it's definitely a real advantage. It does mean you'll want to brave the elite encounters to get it though.
Otherwise, you'd be surprised how effective this team ends up being when you get used to using it. Every merc is independently good, and while there isn't lots of obvious synergy, they do work well together. The attack debuffs help with survival as you quickly punch the enemy. Also, by being an attack-based team, it should be OK against Garrosh.
Defensively, the team is weirdly tanky. Valeera hides in stealth; Aranna can bounce out of there, obliterate the enemies' attack stats and switch places to redirect attacks; Garona can draw all the fire from protector-heavy teams, using Shimmering Toxin to tank all/most of the damage before yeeting herself back to the bench; while Tess provides some healing while simply having the best base stats of any merc, plus she can easily change her role to remove weaknesses. Vanessa often attacks first and returns to the bench when Maestra swaps in, so she rarely takes much damage. Maestra herself is often the only one in much danger of dying, but between gaining role advantage and helping nuke enemies faster than they can kill us back, she's normally fine.
I could go on, but it's such a weird team you're probably best off just trying it out and learning the rest of its quirks for yourself. I highly doubt it's the optimal way to beat Garrosh, but I do know it works, and most of all, it's a lot of fun.
I see no bad news here. While that's not a team I would have come up with, it worked, and on the first try!
Valeera snagged an Assassinate 2, and Tess picked up a Darkmoon Rabbit; both of those were very helpful.
Mask of Rage is the equipment that Garrosh provides, and now it is mine, thanks to your good advice.
I'm glad they did their job so effectively :)
I find that team to be a perfect counter-example against the people who talk like Mercs (PvE) only encourages a few optimised teams. In reality you can find success throwing together all sorts of mercs, even in max-level heroic bounties, so there is nothing stopping us just messing around with what we find fun, rather than what's efficient.
That said, there were some refinements along the way, with Maiev and Hooktusk being left out for a reason. Maiev's issue was that she was a bit too slow, since Maestra and Valeera really wanted someone to have a speed 3 attack to avoid tripping over each other. Hence why Vanessa + Dreadblades was so important. Also, while Maiev does have some of the usual rogue role changing and bench bouncing to fit that theme, hers are are a bit awkward to make good use of in PvE.
As for Hooktusk, she's all about role changing, which is redundant in a team that already changes its own roles so much. So she just never felt needed, and Aranna took her place. Ending with a nice balance of 2 protectors, 2 fighters and 2 casters, with 1 of each being able to change roles on a whim.
So, didn't want to create a new thread, and have a question about visitor quests.
So i tried to do Alexstrasza one, which required me to complete Azshara bounty with Athissa and Garona in party.
Ok, slotted them into nature bros, completed - nothing. Okay, maybe even if it doesn't say it, it needs to be completed on Heroic. Done - still nothing.
Is it me missing something or they just don't work yet?
So it's a bit vague but what you need to do is include the visitor in the team so for you it would be Alexstraza along with Athissa and Garona and then it works.
Thanks. I did think it may be the thing, but wanted to check before the next run just to be sure.
Rattlegore event time!
How did you beat Prince M without summoning any of his taunty imps?
Even on Normal, he summons a 13/13 demon that attacks with no sense of self-preservation.
You need to rush down melchazar before killing any demons. Best achieved through a defensive build that can also focus down red targets, like nature bros. Just remove brukan for something like nemsy, who comes with a renewable natural taunt minion.
Dont need to worry too much about them demons killing themselves, since one of them usually buffs demon's health.
Should be able to easily kill off the prince before anything else dies.
I lucked out on assassinating Prince M, but that can be an answer to pretty much anything.
Yep, it was Bru'kan who inspired my "self preservation" comment. I had already figured that the Nature gang would be good here, but sheesh, give that troll a lil buff and he becomes a demon magnet.
Nemsy did the trick, thank you!
Oh, that is lucky indeed! I scored an Assassinate on the next one (C'Thun with all Mercs alive) and it was a huge help there too.
I don't think I've seen that offered to Finley before.
Rattlegore's Babbling Book task is a nightmare to prepare for i dont know what to even do
Since the final fight forces everything to be casters (kinda), you don't need to worry too much about your own role balance, so long as you have a team able to reach the end. Having ways to switch to fighters will help though (I used Garona and Tess for this).
Otherwise, having a team that can cast every spell school (Arcane, Fel, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature and Shadow) will obviously harm your ability to make an especially synergistic team. I started by looking at the naga, since they have a whole 'use lots of spell schools' sub-theme, but couldn't get everything in it. An even bigger problem is actually that you need a way to switch your mercs in and out - or otherwise wait for them to be killed - to use all the spell schools. Again, Garona helped since she can bounce out at the end of each turn.
In the end, I used the following mercs, each listed with the spell schools they provide:
That gave me multiple options for every spell school except Fel, so I had to make sure Vashj didn't die on the way there. In the end, I only used Garona, Tess, Khadgar and Vashj in the final fight. Tess was mainly helpful because she can become a fighter like Garona, meaning I could get through the fight pretty efficiently, but Natalie would be 'safer' to fill in the Holy school in case Garona doesn't discover one. Either way, just make sure Vashj gets the Fel ability off and you shouldn't have too much trouble filling in the rest. Thankfully the fight itself doesn't require any super specific plan to win.
Merciful heavens, that Babbling Book task took me so many tries, even with AngryShuckie doing the heavy lifting on team building (and grammar-parsing).
Several of my attempts had my team annihilating the bosses before launching an ability from each school. And many more attempts saw "Something Fun" turn into something more like scorched earth.
After Yogg finally smiled upon my Book attempts, the remaining tasks were easy. Whew!
Not really anything to do with bounty and bosses, but a task from Khadgar. To be precise task 14: cooked with perfection.
Question: is this task bugged?
No matter what i try it never counts...or am i missing something?
I'm not online
it's just your imagination
Iirc the issue comes from using the equipment that starts his buff ability upgraded. Take that off and it will probably complete fine (just a little slower than you had hoped).
Why has this bug not been fixed yet when it has been known for nearly 2 months? I wish I knew.
thanks, will check it out if it works then
I'm not online
it's just your imagination
Did you notice that there was some kind of bug preventing you from unlocking the 3rd equipment for Lilian Voss?
There was, and now it is fixed. A fairly easy run, as the Felwood on Normal can be handled by most comps.