I'm really worried about SoU warlock

Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by

I guess everybody agrees that this expansion's general power level is off the roof, perhaps even more so than KFT two years ago. What worries me in the most is that; in this sea of OP cards, warlock's cards are very weak in comparison. [Hearthstone Card (Supreme Archeology) Not Found] is a joke and is even worse than Lakkari Sacrifice. Tekhan is nice but unlike The Caverns Below, it requires to be drawn. Overall, I think Lackey support won't save zoo.

RIP warlock players.

  • Cheese's Avatar
    275 163 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I guess everybody agrees that this expansion's general power level is off the roof, perhaps even more so than KFT two years ago. What worries me in the most is that; in this sea of OP cards, warlock's cards are very weak in comparison. [Hearthstone Card (Supreme Archeology) Not Found] is a joke and is even worse than Lakkari Sacrifice. Tekhan is nice but unlike The Caverns Below, it requires to be drawn. Overall, I think Lackey support won't save zoo.

    RIP warlock players.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Control warlock got a lot of removal this expansion as well as tonnes of new zoo options, the fact that the zoo deck lost to priest doesn't mean zoo is bad, the list used in stream tried to showcase as many new cards as possible and is by no means optimal.. 

    Zoo looks promising this time around with many new tools and sticky minions it can use as well as lackey synergies. 

    Control warlock although gaining more removal still seem to lack strong late game and the quest seem to be part of the plot twist deck which is fun and works well with reborn minions. 

    I think there should be some tinkering before you totally dismiss warlock the lackey synergies seem quite powerful. 

  • ShotgunSoul's Avatar
    240 168 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Control Warlock can utilize some of the more aggressive cards (Tekahn in particular), but I have to agree, it's lacking something more than lackeys.

    Portal Warlock didn't get anything other than more big targets to throw in the mix. Being able to generate more portal spells would help a lot for one of the more original decks we've seen.

    Getting into a long game with a Control or Bomb Warrior or Control Shaman won't have the odds in your favor, Big Shaman (Colossus of the Moon could rise this fun and above average deck) and Uldum Quest Priest probably can outlast you as well (I don't see it as the main course card of priest decks, but one hell of a mid-to-late game threat), but you do have a chance against Conjurer's Mage with the removal and minion generations.

    Another concern is the emphasis on sticky minions. If reborn stuff is viable, problem.

    Save room for silences if Lucentbark Druid decks become viable.

    Bet: Warlock probably remains a mainstay for wild in the Uldum meta with various deck options, but only shows aggro in standard.

  • SinFFX's Avatar
    125 30 Posts Joined 06/05/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    warlock is gonna be nuts when the expansion hits.. not the control one but the zoo one.. you gonna hate it

  • RandomGuy's Avatar
    430 614 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Cheese

    I guess everybody agrees that this expansion's general power level is off the roof, perhaps even more so than KFT two years ago. What worries me in the most is that; in this sea of OP cards, warlock's cards are very weak in comparison. Supreme Archeology is a joke and is even worse than Lakkari Sacrifice. Tekhan is nice but unlike The Caverns Below, it requires to be drawn. Overall, I think Lackey support won't save zoo.

    RIP warlock players.

    I agree that Warlock didn't get as much as some other classes.

    But Warlock's bigger problem this metagame wasn't that it was inherently bad. The meta just wasn't a good fit for it. Rogue, Warrior, and Mage's playing Freeze have been Zoo's nemeses since the beginning of the game, and they happened to be the best classes this time around.

    That said, Zoo got some really good shit. Neferset Thrasher and Diseased Vulture are disgusting cards. Riftcleaver is also pretty busted.

  • Zwane's Avatar
    Wizard 320 423 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I think it is impossible to predict the precise impact of this expansion on each class. There are so many options available to every class that I expect it will take a long time before we have a stable meta and all that time warlock can be as good as any other class in my opinion. It still has the best hero power in the game.

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