After a long time, the Heroic Brawliseum is back in the tavern, and with it all the wonderful rewards that only the bravest players will be able to claim. Although the entry cost is quite high (1000 Gold for a ticket), the rewards get exponentially better as you progress through each match.

Speaking of rewards, here is the breakdown of what each score will grant you:

  • In order for you to not "lose" your Gold, you'll need to reach at least 5 wins.
    • 1 Dust is roughly 1 Gold, a pack is 100 Gold.
  • There's a big jump in rewards between 8 and 9 wins - 7 more packs for those who get there!
  • In addition to packs, dust and gold, 10+ wins will give you Golden Legendary cards.

While these rewards are obviously very tempting, we understand that not many players can afford to throw away 1000 Gold without a solid strategy at their disposal, especially since we received a large balance patch not too long ago.

For this reason, we contacted multiple streamers, who will be playing this edition of Heroic Brawliseum and will be sharing their decklists with our community!

Hey, you! If you achieved any remarkable results in this Heroic Brawliseum, make sure to contact us: we'll showcase your results in a community-dedicated section!


Languagehacker is a pro player already used to the "12 wins, 3 losses" format, as he has achieved multiple Arena leaderboard finishers in the past. Definitely someone you want to keep an eye open on.

0 14440 14440 1123 0
0 10700 10700 608 0
0 13040 13040 958 0
0 12120 12120 995 0


Another very skilled player (#8 Legend on EU last season and currently #1) is currently playing this Heroic Brawl. Join PocketTrain as they try to reach 12 wins. 

0 7800 7800 829 0


The Hunter master, Sidisi sits on their 13000+ Hunter wins as they show us how to pilot Rexxar decks in this hellish brawl. They'll start with the Big Beast Hunter you see below, but if you want them to try some ideas you have in mind, make sure to visit their stream - who knows, you may be lucky!

0 10720 10720 861 0


DenimBlue7 is a high-Legend streamer all the way from Germany. Don't let the language barrier discourage you - hop in and watch the stream as they progress through each match.

0 10340 10340 643 0
0 10040 10040 472 0
0 9340 9340 448 0

Other 12-Wins Decks

The streamers we mentioned aren't the only ones achieving great results in this Heroic Brawliseum - there are plenty other players out there hitting those rewarding 12-win runs!


0 8680 8680 980 0


0 10800 10800 923 0
0 10800 10800 437 0


0 9080 9080 748 0
0 7800 7800 610 0


0 10000 10000 359 0
0 9780 9780 469 0


0 10600 10600 773 0
0 7340 7340 366 0

Good luck to everyone joining the fight for the Heroic Brawliseum!