We've got three new Paladin cards revealed for Hearthstone's upcoming Throne of the Tides Mini-Set!
- We're going to see 35 new cards, including new Colossal minions!
- Patch notes will be posted on May 31.
- Patch launches, alongside the new cards, on June 1.
- You can follow along with all the card reveals within our dedicated articles or in our mini-set guide.
High Abbess Alura says hello to Front Lines.
Did not expect to see pure pally support again.
Myrmidon would make me shit myself if Librams were still around. Without them it's meh at best. I mean technically you can super cycle with Maki Roll, but for what reason? I guess it makes building achievement decks easier now that you have a 3-mana Auctioneer.
Front Lines feels like a terrible meme. Ignoring that you basically need to build your entire deck around a card you'll at best play at turn 7 (if you used Barbaric Sorceress beforehand) and even then it might just lose you the game against something like Big Beast Hunter (and you just get wiped by Control decks anyways)
LIghtray looks decent though. Once again Maki Roll carries it but you should probably be able to get it down organically as well. Also belated Pure Paladin support lol (maybe it's in the next Core set). Would probably put this into Holy Paladin just to have some more threats for the lategame
Myrmidon - Turns maki roll into draw for 1 mana. A nice inclusion in control pally, and may completely replace cards like Flash of Light. Fortunately for us, librams have rotated.
Front Lines - Very likely to be a bad card. Costs 9, meaning you might possibly have drawn all your heavy units by then, and then after played if your opponent has an answer youre just dead. Can't even play this along with pyro+equality as a sort of mega dirty rat. So chances are good you'll play this card and start praying your opponent has no answer, or their minions can't just kill you outright the next turn.
Lightray - Completely nuts. Its basically Devout Pupil without divine shield in most cases. Fits into nearly every paladin deck that wants it
Edit: I just realised that front lines is an epic card. So the trend of useless miniset epics shall continue
Pally have some way to cheat that spell?
High Abbess Alura and Prismatic Lens in Wild.
Both of those rely on not running many spells though, so it would be difficult to make a deck that both benefits from Front Lines and doesn't completely fold after only being able to play weapons in the first few turns.
But so does Tip the Scales.
There's a difference: Tip the Scales wants you to play Murlocs, which are relatively cheap; Front Lines, on the other hand, works better with big and expensive units, making your early game almost nonexistent.
Big Paladin is gonna love that spell!
Probably not meta but seems like a lot of fun!
Colossals sure will mess with this card though. Imagine you opponent pulls an Osumat, he instantly fills his board and ends the effect.
Don't really see how unless they give a way to cheat the spell and use it before turn 9.