More reveals from Blizzard, and this time intentionally! These 9 cards were revealed on a Hearthside Chat video that you can watch below.
More Murder at Castle Nathria Card Reveals
Reveal season is here and as usual, we have an expansion guide to help you follow along with all the fun! Use it to see all the card reveals, organized by class.
so far it feels like 80% of the cards are "same old stuff, but + numbers when stuff has died" ...
can't say this bunch of cards feel inspired at all ...
Oh boy, can't wait to pull out more of my hairs from mages playing Solid Alibi.
More balanced than Ice Block.
I like the new Rafaam and the Imp centric warlock. Feels better than other things like Reborn for Paladin in Uldum were it was so limited. At least imps are just a thing warlock has and can be added in most any set. Seems decently fun to explode a bunch of imps on board end empower them or use them to draw. Still waiting for a fel spell or two that'll work with those cards from Alterac. Though maybe Imp Swarm (Rank 1) is now good enough?
Also a bit worried about the DH relics for the same reason. Might be to limited. The mages skeleton synergy doesn't feel as restrictive but I can't put my finger on why.
I'll just touch on interesting cards here;
Solid Alibi - For 2 mana you practically gain immunity, which is insane. Mage being one of those classes which regularly gets to scam wins out of nowhere meaning this card will see play, and I will hate it a lot
Convincing Disguise - Here to haunt everyone's dreams because evolve shaman might make a comeback and is nastier than ever. I can't imagine this card not getting nerfed at some point, either because team5 has gotten tired of all the death threats, or because the meta has now become 'draw this early and win' with shaman at the forefront.
Imp King Rafaam - Our supreme archeologist has now added imps into his resume. Im not exactly sure if this is good enough. Aggro token decks have taken quite a beating as of late, so unless the imps rapidly scale hard and can consistently present a threat this deck may well be dead on arrival.
Impending Catastrophe - is very dangerous, because Runed Mithril Rod is still in standard. In curselock you can easily play stuff like Fiendish Circle or Wicked Shipment along with this card and thaurisan your hand twice in one turn.
Red Herring - Even if this stealths your entire board forever in quest rogue I would still rate it as trash. Basically if you're playing a turn 7 minion that has no rush or taunt you're asking for trouble. This card goes one further by actively removing your taunts on board.
Probably see it more often out of evolve shenanigans rather than any actual inclusion.
Edit: As helpfully pointed out, because I cant seem to read, red herring does have taunt itself. But nevertheless I dont expect it to see play regardless. It does somewhat reminds me of Robes of Protection
It does have taunt though
Imp King Rafaam . . . is an Imp. Is that . . . is that a biological change? Do energy beings have biology? He's an imp that's not a demon, too. They'll probably pre-release errata that.
What is happening in Imp-ending Catastrophe?
Solid Alibi looks . . . solid . . . for a deck that generates a lot of value and that doesn't need nor develop a lot of board. In other words, Quest Mage might come back. I'm sure those are words that everyone was eager to hear. It obviously could work with the skeles build. (Actually, I wonder if Quest could, as well . . .).
Red Herring will be just the wackiest thing to evolve into. Bad stats? Good stats? Good for me? Bad for me? Orderlol by not attacking before evolving? Played my outs? Oh, the headaches our second-guessing will cause us. And that's before its permastealth mechanics. I hope it's coded like a novel take on Divine Shield, where the Stealth aura gives you a stealth token that gets flipped (from providing stealth to not provide stealth) when you lose stealth, but the aura can't give you another stealth token if you already have one from it, so once it flips you get no more stealth out of it.
Who am I kidding? It'll be broken perma-stealth.
Edit: The attacking minion didn't lose stealth once it was granted it by the Red Herring, so, yep.
I expect the only things that will keep stealth when the Red Herring dies are minions that would have had stealth regardless of the Herring. So, normal stealth minions that haven't attacked yet or something that has been given stealth some other way. 12 health is lots to get through, but it hardly counts as perma-stealth a la Akama Prime.
You can get true perma-stealth though in SI:7 rogue. Slap a Noggen-Fog Generator on the Herring and if the opponent can't AoE it down they'll never be able to target your board. Mwu-ha-ha-ha-ha. (I suppose having 2 Herrings would work too.)
2 Herrings would not work, given the way the Herring is phrased :P
Oh yeah. That's what happens you quickly internalise an effect upon first reading it and don't bother checking the text again for edge cases. I guess it makes sense flavour-wise; only the most sneaky could hide even the red herring.
The imp mechanic seems interesting but not that strong view that other aggro tools for warlock have been designed primarly for murlocs. The Beast seems cool while infused, as well as the evolve spell. The point is that these infusable cards seems a bit underpowered in the beginning and then become overpowered when infused.
I'm sure these cards will make an Imp-act...
I find that imp-robable, though not imp-ossible, given the current meta. At least it will be an imp-rovement for warlock over the imp-otent decks it has now.
Is it just me, or is the flavor of Solid Alibi really weird? I still don't think I entirely understand it.
I think it's a bit weird, but each constituent part makes sense.
I think the flavor is that the Legendary suspect could not have committed the murder because they were frozen? And because they are frozen they take less damage?
He couldn't have been the killer because he was frozen to his seat. Not sure how that connects to the 1-damage-at-a-time gameplay, though lol. Frozen blocks are hard to damage, I guess?
I think that part is just calling back to Ice Block, a card used to save you from fatal damage. This is a literal new ice block, albeit one that needs to be timed more carefully.
Peak inconsistency with Imp-King-Rafaam...