It's one busy day for Hearthstone Battlegrounds, with the announcements of huge content drops and a major patch on the horizon; and the news just won't stop coming. PC Gamer leads the charge with a big reveal of their own - all 10 remaining Quests set to appear with the launch of the new gameplay mechanic, and two new Heroes joining the game mode in the near future. The suspicious pair happen to have very familiar names/faces from the recent Murder at Castle Nathria expansion. 

Here's everything else that we've learned:

Two New Heroes - Sire Denathrius and Murloc Holmes

For better or for worse, you might find at least one of them (Murloc Holmes) to be pretty thematic with its associated Constructed card effect. Denathrius, on the other hand, is content to tie into the new Quests mechanic: 




All 10 Remaining Quests

As the Blizzard blog offering an in-depth look at the new gameplay mechanic wasn't so keen on presenting us with a full picture, here are all the missing pieces: 


They also served us a handy reminder of the just previously announced 3 Quests, with a look captured straight from within the game (as per the Blizzard blog post that we shared before): 


Addendum: Now, you might've noticed that one particular Quest type - Taunt minion getting attacked X times - has indeed been repeated between the blog post and the PC Gamer reveal. That's an error, here is the correct information: 

Quote From Dominic Calkosz
Looks like we missed one Quest in the blog post: "Have 18 friendly minions die."

So how's that as far as first impressions go?