New Hunter Spell - Eversong Portal
Submitted 2 years, 3 months ago by
A new Rare Hunter Spell, Eversong Portal, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Hunter Spell, Eversong Portal, has been revealed!
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Alright, so this might be the main payoff for all the Spell damage boosting, but I#m not sure how consistent it is.
Is there a possibility to just run multiple spell damage boosters as well as stuff like Multicaster to just juice this to the point where it functions as a blowout play.
Is mini Mage still in Standard?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Its not bad, but if you can't juice it with Silvermoon Farstrider on 2, then this card is just not very good. But it does have a fairly nasty scaling, and plays for tempo pretty well so I guess if youre running those spell damage cards then this card would be a easy pick.
Like the rest of the hunter arcane cards, this thing can only be judge through playtesting because its clunky as hell, something hunters aren't very good at making work.
So I'm assuming you get 2 4/4 Lynxes with additional spell damage right? This spell would probably be the best arcane spell out of the lot honestly. If the archetype were to take off, it'd be coz of this spell.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
So is it the amount of Lynxes or stats of Lynx?
I'm guessing spell damage increases the number summoned. If you can get like three (maybe even two) lynxes or so on turn 4, this will be really strong.
It doesn't feel like an arcane spell to me flavorfully. I think it should have summoned some other beasts to feel arcane. Maybe dragonhawks, idk.
Number of Lynxes, its worded the same way as Cram Session. (Unorthodox wording as its usually draw a card and not draw 1 card)
If it was stats, there would be no "1" in the text
"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"
Think we are all dying to know what is improved by Spell dmg
In retrospect, it's pretty impressive that they had the Lynxes just ready go to.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I assume that wasn't sarcasm, but based on the flavor text and card art, it's multiple Lynxes, so I am dumb.
Seems really good as long as you can get 1! spell-damage boost onto this. And even without spell-damage boosts it can be alright. This will see play.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
With spell damage boosting the number of kitties flying out onto the board, this is Scarier Emerald Spellstone. Obviously can't passively upgrade it like the latter, but throwing down either Arcanist or the Spell Damage Hand/deck buffs does make for a very powerful swing.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
I think it's a good card, since it has the ability to scale very quickly.