Blizzard has revealed even more cards for the Festival of Legends expansion including a new legendary, Tony, King of Piracy.
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This : "Set ruined for me, I'm sick and tired of "Steal /Swap cards", thanks to Nona for chosing the exact words that card makes me feel.
Game breaker IMO, especially against aggro, might permanently drive me away from the game
Didn't notice it wasn't a battlecry... my bad
This card does not have Battlecry, which means it's a continuous effect.
Do you play decks with minions by the way? Because if you do, then by turn 5 you probably have them on the board or some other removal in your hand to deal with it (or even a Silence effect). You kill Tony, and effect disappears, because it's not a Battlecry, YOU GET YOUR DECK BACK. EASY :) only thing you lost is 1 card which enemy drew from your deck, that's it.
Unless... you play a Combo or OTK deck, then yes, losing 1 card might break your win condition.
If you don't play combo, there's no need to worry about it, I bet it won't be played anyways, unless we have a Combo - OTK meta.
I am not sure if Tony is all that scary, but i might not be noticing aspects of it. His effect is passive meaning that he can be answered to rather quickly if he is played on curve, in which case at worst, you lose a card. Its definitely an annoying effect but i dont see how it can be so dreadful as others say but id be fine with being explained otherwise.
Because if your opponent's tony is still in his deck then you've technically switched his entire gameplan for 5 mana.
Not so threatening if its an aggro deck. But against value decks like druid? Or any rogue deck. Druid plays nothing for 3 turns, then get their deck swapped out and suddenly their hand is shit and they need to adapt while you get all their late game.
But certainly the most annoying aspect of this card is the same as mad duke. You got to have this card yourself, regardless of viability, even if its only going into ETC's band.
sorry if this sounds dumb but, can't you just kill him? by turn 5 you probably have an answer to him in most cases, either dealing 6 or silencing. I dont see how you would need ANOTHER tony to deal with him, that's the part that i am not getting.
It might be that Im misunderstanding how this card works. The wording is a bit confusing, because it looks very much like you get your deck swapped back the minute this thing dies or gets silenced, since its not a battlecry.
A bit weird then. Because if it really works like that, then this card is severely less valuable. I just didn't think team5 would design a card that's so, well, worthless. It really appeared to me that its a permanent effect, from the card cost.
It's an aura. The decks switch back if the card is destroyed, silenced, and otherwise leaves play. Two copies don't switch decks again. The devs have made that clear to people who are confused. That's why the combo people are proposing is with The Jailer or with the even cheaper Warrior-only The Fires of Zin-Azshari and Steamcleaner which can easily be done in a control deck.
Steamcleaner won't work according to the Dev, so i think only warrior might get to delete your deck after swapping.
Quoting myself:
Emphasis added. I mentioned that it was Warrior-only. I quoted that dev thread upthread as well. You have to completely edit the victim's deck with cards not from the deck before Steamcleaner can do its grisly work, so, as I mentioned, only Warrior can currently do this in Standard reliably because (as implied) only Warrior gets The Fires.
Outside of Standard, people already mentioned the utterly-doable Myra's Unstable Element for Rogue and Warrior gets another option with Explore Un'Goro (as if that were needed).
thats also what i thought and it took me a while to realize that its only a passive effect. My guess is that their logic was to make something similar to Togwaggle, but costs less, and its answer is not a spell given to the opponent but rather just simply killing it as fast as possible, with the only guaranteed benefit of it all being the finale effect triggering.
I think the only truly scary usages of this card might end up being Rogue deleting their/your deck, and Jailer. But in the latter's case honestly the moment jailer hits the field and you lack an answer you are pretty screwed.
Oh yea, Tony, the Combo Breaker.
Step 1: make shitty deck
Step 2: play this
Step 3: ???
Step 4: profit
It reminds me that brawl where you give opponent your 15 card deck. Best class for that was warlock with tons of self-dmg/discard cards. Even better was DK before giving corpse counter for everybody.
Tony might just get nerfed, because its really reminding me of theotar all over again.
Its not what this card is doing that's the problem, the problem is that the card's viability forces every deck to need to play it. If you dont have this card, you're an aggro deck that doesn't care, or you just get screwed out of a game. Having it means you have a chance, just a chance to reverse this bs.
Imagine using this against druid, and they dont have an answer. No early game, and then no late game as well. Yes, team5, this card can end games on card draw rng alone.
Merch Seller has the potential to lock people out of the game. There are many, many, many dead spells you can draw that won't destroy Merch Seller, so if you don't have card draw in-hand when it drops, you can find yourself unable to reach your deck. This is one of the most severe anti-combo cards ever printed as it ALWAYS costs a draw to a deck dependent upon draw. This has the grimly ironic effect of making all the cheap draw Blizz has introduced utterly necessary just to survive.
And it's sitting right next to a neutral that swaps decks. We're looking at a denial package that any class can play that can, at the very least, crush one archetype.
Previously obscure cards like Prosecutor Mel'tranix and Disarming Elemental might actually make this lock stick long enough to get something done. I'd be almost okay with a soft-lock like this if it wasn't for the fact that after you get done forcing your opponent to play Casino Mage, you can follow it up with deck-stealing and perma-immunity.
Reno needs to not be in this rotation, btw. It will make Jailer even more noxious.
Tony is a really hard card to be certain on but I don’t think he’s breaking anything right now, there’s some reason the be concerned in wild but I don’t think it’s pushing anything over the edge, yet, hopefully. Myra’s rogue is a concern but I think the hoops rogue’ll have to jump though for what’s not even an otk are too much. It might make the cut in mill druid as a tech against less draw heavy decks to kill opponents with your fatigue, but it hopefully isn’t enough to break the game, yet, hopefully. Will probably never see play in standard atleast atlest outside of funny inclusions in thief priest.
Merch seller is a decent naga, maybe it makes the cut if naga decks resurface but it’s never gonna be the reason they do. At worst it’s a neat discover option in usually mage. People probably aren’t going to be running this in their decks solely for the disruption, but it does make predation cost 0.
Outfit tailor is a neat handbuff payoff, it’s already usually a better silvermoon portal, and getting any handbuff on this card is amazing. If handbuff dk (or any handbuff deck) is good this could be a reason why
Reveal-season poopbombs like Tony, King of Piracy is why new sets haven't excited me for a long time; they just feel like a checklist that makes adapting to the new meta somewhat faster. The dev's commitment to effects people don't like while enthusiastically ignoring effects that people do like stops being outrageous and just gets tiring.
In any event, you now have a one-slot fuel source for aggro. So long as aggro doesn't completely lose board, they have a reason to stay in the game. If they can burn their deck out of any answer to Tony, losing the game wins it.
Remember how Warlock Quest turned an interesting limitation into a free win condition and how much fun it was to lose to that? So much fun that Wild became unplayable? Remember how you asked for more of that? You didn't? Well you fucking got it.
Our best hope for this card is irrelevance. Our best hope for that is that the meta is literally so fast and horrible that slow decks destroy you before this can be reliably drawn. Again -- our best hope is that everything is such shit that this shit never sees play.
Edit: I thought I'd mentioned it but apparently forgot: any aggro deck -- any deck, really, but this works best with aggro since aggro takes and holds boards -- that has two slots available, not one, can run this and The Jailer and get that inevitability on 10 going. If you're Druid, you can make going to 10 far more reliable.
Also: why even bother fixing Wild if a month later you're going to toss it into a cesspool?
Well, Set ruined for me, I'm sick and tired of "Steal /Swap cards" cards. looking like the next two years are going to be hot garbage meta in Standard.
Honesty, outside of Myra’s shenanigans tony looks really weak, I think togwaggle’s probably the better effect usually. Very well could be wrong I guess. Hopefully the myra’s combo isn’t too good, atleast they’re both 5 mana legendaries that aren’t the same card type so finding both consistently and cheating them out early sounds alittle difficult atleast
Oh, cool, it's Rogue's turn to break Wild like a twig. (Thanks, Demon, for pointing this out)