Card reveals continue during day 4 for Hearthstone's Festival of Legends card reveals.
Today you can expect to see Priest, Shaman, Druid, and Paladin cards. Missed previous cards? Check out our expansion guide!
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Today's Card Reveal Countdowns
March 21 Festival of Legends Card Reveals
Here are all the cards that Blizzard have revealed today, March 21, 2023, for Festival of Legends.
Î think you're being overly pessimistic, especially considering Overheal will feature heavily in the Core set which we haven't even seen.
The whole point of Overheal is to give Priest something to do with all their healing that doesn't just involve not dying.
You're also massively overstating how broken trading + healing is. If that was such a great strategy Priest would be a lot better in Arena than it usually is. Board-based Priest decks are only a problem when they just shit out massive stats in a single turn (e.g.: Bless Priest), so as long as you remove all this "buff health and then oneshot" crap there's nothing inherently unbalanced about the idea of keeping your board healthy.
They're actually trying something for Priest that isn't just derivative of other classes or reliant on gimmicky bullshit and you're already doomsaying when we've seen a total of 3 cards with said keyword.
That's exactly what I'm doing. I look at the overheal cards they've revealed so far and I can honestly say I wouldn't want to play a single one of them without having the perfect heal combo piece already prepped. In some cases that combo piece doesn't even exist currently. Even looking at the best case scenario, let's say I have a Circle of Healing in my mitts. That's not even enough to overheal Heartbreaker Hedanis. It summons a free 4/4 with Heartthrob, ey, that ain't bad! In this very specific combination. Anything less than Circle and, well, stick Gift of the Naaru alongside it and do the math. Let's be generous and assume you're not helping your opponent by healing their stuff, BTW, which both Gift and Circle do. With Gift you've paid 4 mana for 5/8 worth of stats for two cards. Didn't Silence Priests use to make 3 mana 4/8s for 2 cards through Humongous Razorleaf? How far did that get them? And that was back in Un'goro, we've moved forward a lot in power level. Or let's say that you have the heal location they revealed. Well, sure, you generate a 3/3 alongside your 3 drop on turn 3. But you must have spent the mana to get the location down on turn 1. Your opponent didn't. Their 1 drop in the form of Filletfighter just trades into your glorious 3/3 you got as payoff and what exactly did you achieve? Setting up your overheal just put you behind on the board so that the overheal tempo you were supposed to get is negated. Then there's Dreamboat. Just how many minions do they think Priests can stick? If this lands as a 2 mana 2/3 with heal on your 1 drop, that's a Neferset Ritualist you just put in your deck. Welcome to Arena gaming I guess.
None of this sounds like an appealing way to play the game. And even if there's just an absolute baller heal card we haven't seen yet, let's say 2 mana heal a minion for 6, then 4, then 2. That gives you a ton of stats with Heartthrob and does a bunch of clear or face damage with Hearbreaker Hedanis. How are you gonna ensure you get those cards together? Cause drawing isn't Priest's strong suit. In fact one of Priests main weaknesses has always been that they'd get stuck with a situational card in hand that they couldn't use cause they were missing the other half needed to make it do miracles. There's a reason Shamans run Firemancer Flurgl + Toxfin in almost everything but Priests never ran Wave of Apathy + Shadow Word: Horror. And that was in control decks. Now you're trying to build a proactive, board-centric Priest with these requirements. You can't spend your mana on tutoring the pieces for your deck to actually work if you intend to retain board presence. That's a solution for control and combo decks, but not zoo or aggro.
I've tried to build board-centric Priests A LOT in the past, expansion after expansion, for years. I think I finally stopped some time around Alterac Valley. It never worked, because Priest never had the tools to compete with other board-oriented decks, nor was it aggressive enough to pressure control or combo decks nor did it have the consistency of draw/tutoring to ensure they don't get stuck with big-butt minions but no buffs or a hand full of buffs but no board presence. Overheal, to me, is just the latest addition to the same failing pattern. Again, I'd be happy to be wrong. Don't think I will be though.
But your entire argument seems to be "it has never worked before therefore it cannot work", which is just short-sighted (people said that about slow Hunter decks and other "meme" decks and they eventually ruled entire formats).
YOu also seem to forget cards like Cannibalize Which can turn any big minion into a massive overheal for your Heartthrob.
Undying Allies is pretty good at creating a wide early board that you can drop a Dreamboat into.
Hedanis himself could be a straight-up OTK your opponent if you have enough cards and Priest is no longer hurting for draw.
You lament the failure of board-centric Priests in the past (and conveniently forget about Spiteful Priest) but you fail to realize that the reason these never worked is because all the cards dedicated around them relied on healing damaged minions, which is pretty crap for a class that cannot reliable damage their own stuff (like Warrior can).
Now we have a keyword that not only changes that, but also gives multi-purpose to all your healing spells, which was one of the main issues with these decks. It also recontextualizes the hero power as a proactive tool instead of just something you do when you have no cards to spend mana on.
I refuse to believe for even a second that they would just dedicate not only an expansion but an entire Core set to a newly made-up keyword if they didn't have playtested it enough to actually function.
To meet the overheal requirement, does a minion have to be damaged?
If I have an undamaged minion on the board, and I heal all, does the undamaged one count?
No. Yes. Full health allows for overheal.
This is the important question. If healing a healthy minion counts as overheal, than these effects are good. Not busted, because Priest lacks a massive healing right now, but it is not bad. If it only works on damages minions, than the effect is bad.
As long as the healing go past their maximum health it counts as overheal.
So damaged or undamaged, all that is required is that the healing is more than is required to reach maximum health. At least that's how I pictured it should work like.
[Hearthstone Card (Idol’s adoration) Not Found] is a card that normally I’d say is unplayably bad citing it’s usually the worst option off Yoink! on a guarantee, but with overheal it does get much more interesting. Not to mention its synergy with Shadowform and hero cards.
Dreamboat is more or less exactly what its deck wants on a 2-drop from what I can tell. A follow-up to Northshire Cleric and/or Crimson Clergy or similar card that heals them to full and can be used to heal your entire board on later turns for a large swing.
Heartthrob is the card I’m most uncertain about. It is the only heal synergy card that doesn’t want to take trades and be healed back up as it hurts the overheal. Honestly I’m not sure the deck even would want to summon a bunch of minions off this, but it is pretty good for the cost usually. I think I’d still prefer Injured Blademaster so I still get the draws off my Northshire Clerics and stuff.
I guess there's basically no chance of seeing Circle of Healing back in standard because that would be completely nuts with all these overheal cards.
Idol's Adoration seems like one really powerful weapon. If hero cards are printed within the next two years, Im 100% sure this card would be busted as hell.
As for the others, Im not too sure. Seems a lot of cards for a board based priest but unless Radiant Elemental returns to standard, Im not exactly sure it'll work out. At least team5 is aware of the only two archetypes of board priest, which is naga and undead, hence the tribal associations.