Well, we had a bit of a break, but we're finally back with more Into the Emerald Dream.
Into The Emerald Dream Card Reveals for February 24, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Into the Emerald Dream on February 24, 2024.
What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Duckling is adorable.
Heroes gaining divine shield is actually annoying for some decks. I think Cumulus is alright because of that.
Dreambound Raptor is neat too. Probably too weak but bonus effects can be useful.
Toreth is very interesting. He'll probably just be a Black Knight target but if you have shields or can give shields the turn you play him it's great. Frustrating for them if they don't have the knight.
I like all these neutrals, even the Rager. I will probably try and Flytrap someone day 1!
Toreth the unbreaking - At first glance this looks broken. Basically granting divine shield minions immunity because theres just no way to deal damage three times to a minion and somehow still be in the game. Unfortunately though, this card is only ever broken in arena, because in competitive standard theres so many ways to remove minions that this comes across as simply useless, not even compared favourably to Amitus. Ironically, this card likely can just solo down paladin on its own, so if it ever gets mind controlled you might as well just concede then and there.
Critter caretaker - Its just a weird card because you'll never play this in anything other than control and do control decks even want this? Comparable to mistress of mixtures, something that was meta roughly 8 years back and which saw little to no play when it was reintroduced.
Mother duck - Will likely be playable in swarm decks and maybe DK because its practically 4 corpses + removal.
Ancient of yore - Aggro decks nowadays will destroy you far faster than this can heal and youve developed nothing on board so its like a 5 mana shield block. Might see play but Im not optimistic.
Meadowstrider - I like it only because it has 11 health and taunt. Unfortunately for this it'll never be playable in standard competitive. Too slow, easily removed, and its ability to negate fatigue is vastly underpowered compared to kiljaeden.