Anyone else seeing red? Class reveals continue today with a look at the Warrior cards. Seeing as Tortolla is gonna be the Wild God for Warrior, do you think Kresh will make a re-appearance?
Into The Emerald Dream Card Reveals for February 25, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Into the Emerald Dream on February 25, 2024.
What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
The artwork for Ysondre is bugging me. She is meant to be a corrupted green dragon (One of Ysera's lieutenants ) but in the HS card, she looks like she belongs to the black dragonflight.
For reference:
Edit: Upon further investigation, I believe Team 5 swapped Ysondre's appearance with Emeriss
She's been reimagined as a Nightmare Dragon.
Tortolla - Love that signature. That card is gonna be a pain for sure.
Ysondre - This is my kind of card. Fun build around. How many dragons do I want for Succumb and Clutch before it doesn't guarantee this guy? I almost want to put him in a sandwich, maybe as a solo dragon. That's a lot of cards I need to craft but does look funny.
Warrior looks fun.
Thoughts on other cards:
Ysondre - The other build around for warrior but its only good if you can somehow cheat this out. Playing this on turn 6-7, then praying it will die so you can play succumb to madness to get it back, or use clutch of corruption on it, its just a tad too slow.
But whatever you can say in this card's favour, its certainly not going to see much play because everyone would be playing hydration station warrior anyway. Not to mention that the moment this card gets bobed you kindly lose your gameplan.
Eggbasher - Will see play the same way rowdy fan saw play. Thought admitably any semblance of an aggro warrior seeing play will likely revolve around draenei and this card will likely be redundant.
Broodkeeper - Decent card that covers warrior's lack of initiative in the early game, but you need to build this around dragons, which is a downside, because if youre building around dragons chances are good youre a midrange deck that can play a turn 1 minion. Still, if youre building a dragon deck this card goes in it because why not.
Succumb to madness - There's probably something broken you can do with this but we'll see if theres enough dragons to make it worthwhile.
Gonna review the other cards later, because tortolla definitely is worth talking on its own.
Yea, there's just no way this card doesnt see play and will in fact be responsible for getting bob nerfed because look at this shit. Cheat it out with chemical spill, then when your opponent is done knocking this down, rez it back with hydration station along with maybe battlecruisers and unkilliax. More or less mows down aggro decks on its own, is near impossible to kill without specifically minion-based destroy effects, easily cheated out, can be tutored, and can be resurrected. Compare this with the other wild gods so far and that's a no brainer. Getting this out of malorne would be backbreaking for the opponent.
Bob and black knight never look better. And if warrior is meta next expansion there's a near guarantee that bob or hydration station gets nerfed.
Another new stat line in Tortolla. Gonna be pretty annoying without hard non-targetable removal
This is the highest base Health in the game, right? And probably the second highest combined base stats after The Darkness.
Someone remind me to use this card if we ever get a reveal on October 1st, 2030.