Follow the wind, and see where it leads you. Probably to the Shaman cards for Into the Emerald Dream. Let's see what's in store for us!
Into The Emerald Dream Card Reveals for February 27, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Into the Emerald Dream on February 27, 2024.
What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Ohn'ahra - More like on its way to be the worse wild god this expansion, and its not that the card is terrible but not only is it unreliable, it also forces you to build your deck way too rigidly. So in effect it can only ever be played in a very, very specific deck, namely big shaman with zero removal options, lest you destroy your own board and practically skip a turn.
Its weird but I feel it would have been better as a battlecry minion because at least if you get a few minions out you can still attack with them. Only way this can be redeemed is somehow you get some effect that will sequence your cards specifically in an order so at least this card wouldnt fuck you over, but until then its the worst legendary likely this expansion.
Emerald bounty - This card is just hilarious. At least we know why team5 rotated ancestral knowledge out of core because otherwise this card is simply unplayable hot garbage. Unfortunately, even with ancestral knowledge gone, this card's condition is so ridiculous you can only imagine a deck desperate for draw playing it.
Plucky podling - Its rather unfortunate because its a decent card but I feel that even if its good it'll be targeted so hard that you'll never play this on 1. So essentially its a 3 drop for 3 mana? Weird thing to include into your deck. But if youre playing evolve shaman then just play it because why not?
Glowroot lure - The best card for shaman this expansion and even then its mid. You can imagine a swarm shaman that clicks hp a lot being meta at some point in the next two years but shaman's cards this expansion is so wildly shit that I cant see this being played until the next expansion.
And finally, Typhoon. Words fail me when I saw this card. Its such a unmitigated pile of hot shit that you have to wonder whether theres some surprise being install here, because actual human beings designed this card. 10 mana to essentially play psychic scream, I mean why the extra 3 mana? Is it so wonderful that SOME of the minions gets shuffled into your deck that team5 had no choice but to bump it up to 10 fucking mana? Even at 8 mana I wouldnt think to play this.
There's some copium saying that this card can be repeated by nobundo so youve got three turns of board clears, but it doesnt actually explain how you even get to the point where you play this card at all. Most decks would destroy you way before this card is active and its all well and good to deny your opponent but what is your win con?
Cant help but say that shaman got fucked early. Guess its terran shaman all the way then, or big shaman because its core is still present. Good luck incorporating the new cards in though.
Typhoon is hilarious. Can't wait for it to get cast randomly in wild!
Ohn'ahra seems like it wants to be in Nebula style deck or some sort of Big Shaman/Dungar. Not sure how you get there without messing with Ohn'ahra's ability too much. Sounds like a fun challenge to build right though.
I like Evolve stuff most of the time. Imbue seems fine. Kind of wish every class got a "start of game if X then Imbue" like druid did. Feels like that's gonna be the best way to go. Start with it online under a condition then improve it later. Unlike Druid as a Shaman you have to play these awkwardly costed minions first. Seems like it'll be tough to keep Imbuing to get to the point where the Hero Power feels effective enough. We'll see when I get to play it.
This Shaman set feels really disappointing to me and it feels like they didn't spend enough time on it because it goes in all sorts of directions, but doesn't accomplish any of them well.
I think that Plucky Podling transforms into a minion that costs 2 more than the minion it would transform into, not 2 more than itself.