After a short sleep in the reveal season, we've woken up. As we rise again from our slumber, the one who takes the mantle is Hunter. And really, what are Hunters but just non-magical Druids?
Into The Emerald Dream Card Reveals for March 03, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Into the Emerald Dream on March 03, 2024.
What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Anyone know when the Emerald Dream cards will be added to the Hearthstone database on the site?
Our importer has been broken for some time, but we're actively looking into it and should have a resolution by the end of the day.
Three cards I missed out;
Exotic houndmaster - Now that we've seen theres not that many hp support for hunter, well this card is just trash. The new hp is give a beast in your hand +1 attack and cost 1 less but in the absence of cards like tundra rhino there's simply no payoff to doing it. Better just to hit face for 2 damage unless youre really gunning for that malorne to win the game for you.
Mytical runebear - Its ironically not bad given that hunter does have handbuff cards like reserved spot that does curve to this card. But its a load of contrivance to make work. I suppose its possible, which would be backbreaking for decks without instant answers and even then its likely they cant deal with both on turn 4.
Verdant dreamsaber - Not good. There's not many ways to reduce costs of beast to begin with and even if you could its not really that good either.
Yup, hunter set remains poor as I imagined it yesterday.
I really like the Imbue stuff for Hunter. Looks fun. Shame Stranglethorn Heart rotates. Wild will be fun though.
Bearmantle is cool but think he needs more spell support in future sets.
Crook - I just don't see the intent here. 2 turns dormant and no ability is just weird. Guess it gives you something on board without eating your Imbue Hero Power buffs in hand, still feels like anything else would be better.
I hope i am wrong, but the Verdant Dreamsaber artwork looks AI generated
Broll bearmantle - It'll see play but I highly doubt it'll be any good. Its too contrived, and only huffer is good out of the three companions. So its a 1/3 chance of getting actual value, and 1/3 to get a brick. Not to mention that realistically you only ever get 6 shots max, so it'll never be an OTK even if you contrive your deck to get it.
Amphibian spirit - Probably crap. But then again, the difference this time compared to all the frog cards in hearthstone is that you can buff a minion that have initiative. Maybe it'll see play but more likely you build around this card, get AoEd, remove it from your deck and swear to never play it again.
Spirit bond - Makes grace of the greatwolf look completely like arse
Hunter's set this time round, not gonna lie, looks like shite. Looks like its gonna be zerg hunter all the way until the miniset because I cant see any of these cards seeing play past this expansion, and perhaps not even in this expansion. Only goldrinn and broll stand anywhere near a chance. Spirit bond's not bad, and that's about it.