The light shines on a nice green meadow in the Emerald Dream. This can only mean one thing: It's Paladin's turn in the spotlight, as we get new cars from the Into the Emerald Dream expansion.
Into The Emerald Dream Card Reveals for March 05, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Into the Emerald Dream on March 05, 2024.
What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Mark of Usol - Basically just the same rethread of cards like subdue. It'll likely see play simply because paladin sometimes needs removal options and such things are about as good as it gets.
Ursine Maul - Seriously, one of the best weapons. Draw two cards, deal 8 damage in two turns. And all that for 4 mana. And likely the card you'll be drawing will be your win cons.
Renewing Flames - If it werent for the lifesteal, this card would have been decent but unplayable even with ursol supporting it. And if ursol wasnt a card then this card is trash. Fortunately for it, both conditions are met so this card is playable. And Id be surprised if it wasnt.
Ursol - It might get better because at the moment, theres really only one card thats worth considering and that's renewing flames. All other spells arent especially good or are cheap enough that you'll be better off playing it yourself.
That said though, get renewing flames to play itself for three turns is backbreaking because not only does it mean your opponent would need to overcome 10 health gain per turn, they'll also need to navigate past 10 damage every turn.
Lastly, the imbue hp cards - Unlike the other classes, I kinda like paladin's imbue hp because at some point youre essentially summoning 3-4 cost dragons for free so its kinda like if youre playing mini ysera, unleashed for the cost of 2 mana.
That said though, if there isnt some kind of card that cheapens hp, this archetype is too stiff. Either play aegis of light on turn one or you dont get to play the game because though all the cards imbue your hp, you still need to spend 2 mana doing it, ensuring that your gameplan is always one turn slower. There is no world where you can play vanilla cards that do nothing for 4 turns and expect to win the game. Even midrange decks would destroy you well before turn 6, never mind aggro.
Pally cards are decent, or at least a coherent gameplan can be seen. And at very least I dont get the impression that terran shaman and warrior can easily destroy it.
Imbue stuff looks fun. Slower than others with the shuffle but some nice draw to help it out.
Ursol looks amazing Love the pay off for some big spells in wild. 3 turns of Kangor's Endless Army or Divine Toll let's go!
Very weird that Dragonscale Armament interacts with spells instead of weapons.
If theres no neutral card that is practically tour guide then these imbue hp archetypes that team5 are pushing hard will never work.
The one for paladin has got to be the most egregious of all. If you dont play aegis of light on turn 1, the entire deck fails, whereas if you did then you get to play the game.
Guess my OCD doesn't like the fact that the Emerald Portals are for Paladin instead of Druid. Basically the same as the Dream Portals but restricted to mana costs depending on the number of times Imbued
Edit: Probably my favourite Imbue HP so far, wonder why hey ๐