Conquer Air & Sea - Rank 5 Highlander Dragon Hunter

Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
  • Ranked

This is my Dragon/Highlander list that I used to hit rank 5.  I went from 9.3 to 5 with only 1 loss, which was to token druid. Pikatwo graciously used this deck in the Master's Seoul tournament (& he did relatively well too!), & Brian Kibbler has played it on stream.  I'll start writing the guide this week for everyone.


Card Choices:

Shimmerfly: It's just a solid 1 drop that doesn't sacrifice card advantage.

Springpaw: Just another 1 drop that can counter aggressive boards.

Tracking: 1 mana, draw 3 (kind of).  Good for finding an answer to your current situation.

Doomsayer: Used to counter aggressive early boards, it combos nicely with Carrion Drake as well.

Firetree Witchdoctor:  Solid 2 drop, almost every single hunter spell is good right now, so you can almost always find something great.

Zephrys the Great:  The use here is flexible, I generally like to save him for late game value, board clear, but depending on your match up, it's sometimes just better to tempo him out on 2 so that you can slam down Animal Companion on 3.

Animal Companion: The most pro active card in the game and synergizes nicely with Zul'jin.

Brightwing: a great value card, it rarely misses giving you a solid card.  Having an early game dragon that you can keep in your mulligan to activate a turn 2 witch doctor is great as well.

Deadly Shot: 3 mana, kill a big thing.  It's very good and helps clear out the board when Zul'jin goes online.

Unleash the Hounds:  I generally use it defensively,  but it combos nicely with Leeroy to give you a bit of extra reach if you're going to close a game out.

Houndmaster Shaw:  If Shaw sticks, your chances of winning goes way up.  Just a great card for tempo and a great card for making a comeback.

Scaleworm: 5/4 rush is just great.  I go back & forth between this & a Marked Shot, but it always feels like Marked Shot hits my own minions with Zul'jin.  I don't have data backing it up, it's just a pet peeve of mine.  The 5 damage from Scaleworm does give it a bit of an extra reach, but it just comes down to what you're seeing.

Twilight Drake:  Another Dragon.  On curve, you're typically getting it as a 4/6, 4/7, which, for 4 mana, seems good.  It's 4 attack & high(ish) health help you control the board going into the mid game.

Carrion Drake: Works nicely with Doomsayer, Springpaw, & Unleash the Hounds.  It's 7 health makes it a pain in the neck to deal with, I still think it's one of the most underrated 5 drops.

Dragonmaw Scorcher:  Just a fantastic card, & with Lackey's seemingly everywhere, it does a great job of cleaning the board up.

Faceless Manipulator:  Part of the Emeriss combo to burst out for 24 damage with Leeroy, but of course can be used other situations as you see fit.

Leeroy Jenkins:  Part of the Emeriss combo, but great at just closing at games without Emeriss now with King Krush & Bran.

Zilliax:  Zilliax belongs in every single deck, go craft it if you somehow still don't have it.

Unleash the Beast:  Feels weird not running this since Zul'jin is here, 1 card slot giving off two 5/5 beasts with Rush is just good.

Wild Bloodstinger:  Combo/hand disruption.  Coming down at 6 means you have a chance to hit Bran, Reno, Omega Devastators, etc.  It's 6 attack & 9 health almost insures that it will live and kill whatever it pulls.

Crowd Roaster:  A solid proactive card, can take down most big things while living up a 7 attack minion for you.  4 health is bad, so it most likely gets removed the following turn, but being able to remove something first makes it worthwhile to run.

Dinotamer Brann:  7 mana King Krush is so good, add in a 2/4 to go with it & it's just a potentially back breaking turn 7 play.

Siamat:  Feels like this is the new "Dr. 7", the 7 mana neutral legendary that can go in almost all decks.  Give you the option to choose it's effect is incredibly powerful, it can really help you retake the board if you've lost it or help push you even further ahead.

Octosari:  If you're making deck alterations, this is the first card to cut, especially because you rarely will ever be in a low hand count position.  The main point of this New Age Old God is to combo with Deathwing.  It helped carry me a few games, clearing out a big Board with the Big Dragon while redrawing your whole hand.  Again, you can cut this, but I just kept winning so I left it in.

Alexstrasza:  Sets up lethal or rescues you from imminent death.

King Krush: Another high value offensive minion that gets a big boost from Emeriss.  

Ysera:  Another big Dragon, she can help generate a ton of value, especially because by the time she comes down, most of your opponent's answers are gone.

Emeriss:  All you really need is to be able to hit Leeroy, and you'll most likely win.  The most underrated legendary in the game.

Deathwing:  Combo's with Octosari (as mentioned above) but works as a big red emergency button.

Zul'jin:  Deadly Shot, Unleash the Beast, Animal Companion, Unleash the Hounds in addition to what you pull from Shimmerfly & Witchdoctor, a fully stacked Zul'jin is powerful.


I'll add more (match ups, mulligan, card swaps) to this as I can

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  • JulzCrafter's Avatar
    Academy Sleuth 400 40 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I'm missing:


    Faceless Manipulator



    Houndmaster Shaw

    Any suggestions? Or should I just hold out until I get them? This deck looks like so much fun and I really want to play it.

  • Draakmier's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 355 144 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I'm curious why Octosari is in the deck. I can't imagine a time where you don't have a full hand with a dragon deck

    • BossWalrus's Avatar
      Dragon Scholar 255 53 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      It was initially a meme (I just liked the card a lot) but then I started running it as a combo with Deathwing, it was really good against mage.  100% not needed and could be subbed out for something like Sn1p-Sn4p or Marked Shot.


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