Rise of Shadows Mana Curve Breakdown All Classes
Submitted 5 years, 9 months ago by
Wanted to see the mana curve for the new expansion so I plotted it out.
Thought someone else may enjoy so here you go.
Edit: can't get this working so you can view it here
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Wanted to see the mana curve for the new expansion so I plotted it out.
Thought someone else may enjoy so here you go.
Edit: can't get this working so you can view it here
Oh boy, that's a ton of late game.
thanks for your service, this is interesting
"an a press is an a press, you can't say its only a half" -TJ Henry Yoshi
It seems that Team 5 is trying to move HS gameplay to a more value based game, instead of heavily relay on aggro/tempo solutions.
I would love if the entire game shift more toward long-term plans instead of ending at turn 5 or 6 because of smorc.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Yes and no. They give a lot of heal/end game but in same times push aggro for at least 4 classes so its like the meta will be aggro vs control. No tempo and no combo anymore.
Murlocs <3
I edited your comment for you, you need to input direct link to the image. Interesting overview.
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I think you will also see some fusion decks which have more than one win condition. Take for instance the mage conjurer variant. You could call it a combo deck when you hit giants etc. you win. If you hit on an insane spell refill turn with cyclone you could start a tempo play. And then you could win the late game using fireballs and Antonidas.
Add some more freezing to it (like a lot have done to improve it) and you gain more "control" aspects...stalling the game for a few turns so you can unleash your conjurer spells. But still, aggro will remain popular because if you win you win fast :) and with the mech-astation of late aggro gets a boost using the magnetic stuff which when in control of the board can turn any mech into a charge minion.
I wouldn't take this as a long-term goal. It can change in a heartbeat when the next expansion drops.