I Like Big (hand) Buffs (and I cannot lie)

Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
  • Ranked

*Work in Progress*


A fun deck I've been playing recently on the Wild ladder. I can't promise you that it will win consistently, or boast about how it got me to legend, but I can share it, get feedback, and maybe improve it a little. So, on with the guide!


General Strategy: Add additional minions to your hand with Infested Goblin, Sandwasp Queen and Bronze Herald, or draw them with Crystology and Sathet's Pride. This maximises the buffs you get from the handbuff package (Smuggler's Run, Grimestreet Outfitter, Grimestreet Enforcer and Glowstone Technician). You have two win conditions. Overwhelm the opponent under a barrage of buffed tokens, or buff Leeroy and hit him with Blessed Champion for a huge killshot.


Pre-emptive FAQ:

Q. Will this deck get me to Legend?

A. Probably not, or at least not very quickly. It's more a fun deck, that can hold its own on the ladder, I've taking it up to Rank 7 so far, and still climbing.

Q. What is this deck strong against?

A. It's got decent win rates against Hunter, Warrior, Shaman and Paladin. Generally more effective against classic control decks, as they can't cope with the amount of value this deck can generate.

Q. What is this deck weak against?

A. Big Priest, below average against Secret Mage, can struggle against aggro if draws go against you.

Q. Why would you use (blank)?

Well, here's why I'm using the cards I'm using:

Smugglers Run, Grimestreet Outfitter, Glowstone Technician,Arena Fanatic  - These are the core of the handbuff package. Without these, you have a token deck, but lack a finisher, like Savage Roar or Bloodlust. These allow our tokens to become a real threat.

Sandwasp Queen, Ravencaller, Infested Goblin - These allow our handbuffs to get maximum value, increasing our hand size and allowing board floods, while keeping buff targets in our hand.

Salhet's Pride, Crystology, Meanstreet Marshal, Fight Promoter - Card Draw. Both Pride and Crystology can pull Grimestreet Outfitter and Sally, Crystology can also pull Marshals, Pride can also pull Sandwasp Queens and Brazen Zealots. Worth noting Fight Promoter can trigger off it's own health if it has been handbuffed.

Brazen Zealot - Gives an option to play agressively early game, or another target for Blessed Champion later on.

Sergeant Sally - Shock board clear. Effective when combo'ed with Spiritsinger, or played earlier to force aggro decks to slow down.

Zilliax - Helps against aggro, the lifesteal benefits from handbuffs. Gives us a proactive option.

Barista Lynchen - Allows us another go with handbuffs (Grimestreet Outfitter, Glowstone Technician, Arena Fanatic), draws (Fight Promoter), and tokens (Sandwasp Queen)

Leeroy Jenkins, Blessed Champion - Finisher package. It's easy enough to get Leeroy to 10 attack, which can be doubled by Blessed Champion.

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  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I've removed the mulligan guide, and will update in a bit. I somehow didn't save the last round of changes, swapping Grimestreet Enforcers with Arena Fanatics, which explains that error.

    I would expect Keleseth would break the draws, as I remember playing a Renounce lock at one point who managed to end up with a Spirit of the Frog, and that drew spells at their renounce discounted costs. I would imagine it would work the same, but I could test it. However, I can't think of a decent replacement for Sandwasp Queen that would fit nicely into the curve. Any suggestions?

    • Zelgadis's Avatar
      Wizard 1070 870 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
      Quote From shaveyou

      I've removed the mulligan guide, and will update in a bit. I somehow didn't save the last round of changes, swapping Grimestreet Enforcers with Arena Fanatics, which explains that error.

      While Grimestreet Enforcer doesn't often stick for more than one turn, it does have pseudo-taunt in the sense that the opponent must react to it. Arena Fanatic has worse stats and doesn't force a reaction from the opponent. On the other hand, it does curve better when you're not on the coin.

      Quote From shaveyou

      I would expect Keleseth would break the draws, as I remember playing a Renounce lock at one point who managed to end up with a Spirit of the Frog, and that drew spells at their renounce discounted costs. I would imagine it would work the same, but I could test it. However, I can't think of a decent replacement for Sandwasp Queen that would fit nicely into the curve. Any suggestions?

      Hearthstone isn't always logical in the way it's implemented. For example the Holy Wrath Paladin deck wouldn't work if Shirvallah, the Tiger's cost was adjusted while the card is in the deck.

      The best replacement I can think of that you're not already running is Jar Dealer.

      Anyway, test first, since if Crystology breaks then it's unlikely that Keleseth is worth it.

  • Zelgadis's Avatar
    Wizard 1070 870 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Are you sure about not keeping Glowstone Technician off the mulligan? It's such a key card that I'd certainly consider keeping it when on the coin and perhaps even when going first if I expect a slow opponent.

    I'm wondering if it would be worth dumping the existing 2-drops in favor of Prince Keleseth. There are a lot of possible alternatives to Sandwasp Queen and while Grimestreet Outfitter used to be a core handbuff card, I think there are enough alternatives there as well (you mention Arena Fanatic although it is not in the current version of the deck). Does Keleseth break Crystology and Salhet's Pride or do those look at the printed card stats only?


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