RenoJackson's #2 Legend Handbuff Paladin
Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
More Handbuff Paladin Decks
More Decks From renojackson
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While I know that RenoJeckson is the proplayer, each time I think that is a Reno deck >_>
Just wanted to say that that this deck is an absolutely blast to play and helped me get legend this season (playing this and Jade Druid). The amount of stats and burst that it can generate is bonkers, and its fantastic to see chillblade champion get his day in the sun at last. If anyone wants to play a competitive deck that is fun to play and also hates mirror matches lol (didn't play against one all month), definitely give this a go. Edit - I actually ran the anti- control version he highlighted in his twitter link minus the card draw. The point stands - both are great decks.
Your username acted as a click bait ... I wanted to know what kind of Paladin's deck would use Reno Jackson ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Might have to give this one a try. Likely will try to make a similar build with the Immortal Prelate, Mechano-Egg, and Da Undatakah package. But I know the Immortal stuff doesn't work great against fast decks. Personally love this style of Paladin. Used to run a "Buff Copy" deck with [Hearthstone Card (Vala'nyr) Not Found], Saronite Chain Gang, Echoing Ooze, and Doppelgangster for the multiple copies of minions with the weapon deathrattle. It kind of died with the SCG change.
Nice deck; swapped a corpsetaker for a Leeroy Jackson for added bulked up charge fun.
Just want to confirm. Here, you have 2x glowstone and 1 grimestreet enforcer. But in your twitter, you have 1x glowstone and 2x grimstreet enforcer. the other minion in the list is same. Between this 2 minion, which one is more better?
I'm leaning towards Glowstone, I think an immediate extra stat buff might be better
Your decks never disappoint. Good stuff!
I like the magnetick blowout version a bit more, but this one is very cool too
Indeed, i encountered this deck (or a very similar one) and with recent buffs it is now a fairly solid Midrange deck, able fend-off against nearly any opponent.