Secrets for classes that don't have any

Submitted 5 years ago by


"But Cheese! Rogue already has Secrets and they cost 2 mana, not 0!"

Yes, but I started making this series of secrets before K&C, therefore before actual Rogue secrets were released. I thought it makes much more sense for Rogue secrets to cost 0 mana rather than 0 because it fits the combo nature of the class better.

My Rogue secrets are mostly based around keeping tempo.

In addition, I remade Evasion and Cheat Death as 0 mana Rogue Secrets:

Unfortunately I couldn't find any 0 mana effect that would fit Sudden Betrayal.


Like Paladin secrets, my Warriors secrets cost 1 mana. They are mostly defensive Secrets rather than tempo ones.

Yes, I know two of them are called Last Stand. I fucked up.


Warlock secrets are expension, this is why their effect is powerful and their trigger conditions restrictive to not be easily countered. Warlock secrets are control-oriented.

I tried to think about secrets for Druid; Shaman; and Priest, but they don't feel like secret classes at all.

I guess something with Overloaded Secrets could be strategically nice but sort of complicated UI-wise.

  • Cheese's Avatar
    275 163 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago


    "But Cheese! Rogue already has Secrets and they cost 2 mana, not 0!"

    Yes, but I started making this series of secrets before K&C, therefore before actual Rogue secrets were released. I thought it makes much more sense for Rogue secrets to cost 0 mana rather than 0 because it fits the combo nature of the class better.

    My Rogue secrets are mostly based around keeping tempo.

    In addition, I remade Evasion and Cheat Death as 0 mana Rogue Secrets:

    Unfortunately I couldn't find any 0 mana effect that would fit Sudden Betrayal.


    Like Paladin secrets, my Warriors secrets cost 1 mana. They are mostly defensive Secrets rather than tempo ones.

    Yes, I know two of them are called Last Stand. I fucked up.

    WARLOCK SECRETS (4 mana)

    Warlock secrets are expension, this is why their effect is powerful and their trigger conditions restrictive to not be easily countered. Warlock secrets are control-oriented.

    I tried to think about secrets for Druid; Shaman; and Priest, but they don't feel like secret classes at all.

    I guess something with Overloaded Secrets could be strategically nice but sort of complicated UI-wise.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2666 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Okay, this is simply too funny.

  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    That's a lot of work you done there. But Warriors seem to straightforward as a class to have secrets, they attack, they defend and they control the field. Secrets- at least under this name- do not really fit the tone. 

    Priests on the other hand, can be quite shady. Silencing, Copying and gaining insight and bringing back lost minions all could fit a secret theme.

    Like, 2 mana:

    • Measured healing: at the start of your next turn, heal all friendly minions back to full.
    • Shade's shield: the next damage dealt to your hero heals him instead. 
    • Memory trick: after a friendly minion died, shuffle two 1Mana copies in your deck.
    • Powerword retribute: after your hero was attacked, silence all enemy minions.
    • Shadowcopy: at the start of your turn, you get a copy of every card the opponent drew last turn.
  • MurlocAggroB's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_900_HS 1170 922 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    If Shaman gets Secrets, they should have Overload - with the twist that the Overload only triggers when the Secret is revealed. That lets you make Secrets with "different mana costs".

    A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head

    I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.

    Hmm. Turns out he's dead.

  • Paragon's Avatar
    Divine Rager 530 184 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Love what MurlocAggroB suggested, you could really play around with that.
    Shamans could have relatively strong secrets; with the drawback of overload - if you know what they're going to play, you can choose to trigger the secret and lock their crystals on a pivotal turn.

    Cheese, I'd like to see you make some Shaman secrets :)

    Let me light the way.

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I absolutely like (0) secrets for Rogues, it fits the class so much!

    However, i think some of them are too powerful for such a cost. I still love the concept of what they do. It's really Rogue-like.

    I also like the idea of Warlock secrets, although i'd prefer them to be themed only around Ghosts, Imps or Dreadlords, not other Demons or effects.

    As for Warrior, i think they should have no Secrets at all, as Secrets are not just an automatic reaction, but also something that is prepared, an ace up your sleeves. Warriors are not subtle enough to fit that concept (even Paladins are marginally so but one could argue the ways of the Light are subtle, but Warriors are not at all).

  • Pullanisu's Avatar
    Gul'dan 275 107 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Nutkick :DDD

    Reno Jackson


    My faves!

    You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet

  • Cheese's Avatar
    275 163 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Elfensilver

    That's a lot of work you done there. But Warriors seem to straightforward as a class to have secrets, they attack, they defend and they control the field. Secrets- at least under this name- do not really fit the tone. 

    Priests on the other hand, can be quite shady. Silencing, Copying and gaining insight and bringing back lost minions all could fit a secret theme.

    Like, 2 mana:

    • Measured healing: at the start of your next turn, heal all friendly minions back to full.
    • Shade's shield: the next damage dealt to your hero heals him instead. 
    • Memory trick: after a friendly minion died, shuffle two 1Mana copies in your deck.
    • Powerword retribute: after your hero was attacked, silence all enemy minions.
    • Shadowcopy: at the start of your turn, you get a copy of every card the opponent drew last turn.

    The secrets are nice, but I still think secrets don't fill Priest playstyle because it's not a tempo class.

    Quote From RavenSunHS

    As for Warrior, i think they should have no Secrets at all, as Secrets are not just an automatic reaction, but also something that is prepared, an ace up your sleeves. Warriors are not subtle enough to fit that concept (even Paladins are marginally so but one could argue the ways of the Light are subtle, but Warriors are not at all).

    Are you saying that a nutkick is not subtle enough.

    Quote From MurlocAggroB

    If Shaman gets Secrets, they should have Overload - with the twist that the Overload only triggers when the Secret is revealed. That lets you make Secrets with "different mana costs".

    That would certainly be a unique twist but it wouldn't work gameplay-wise because it could backfire, and WILL backfire if your opponent knows how to play around them.

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Cheese


    Quote From RavenSunHS

    As for Warrior, i think they should have no Secrets at all, as Secrets are not just an automatic reaction, but also something that is prepared, an ace up your sleeves. Warriors are not subtle enough to fit that concept (even Paladins are marginally so but one could argue the ways of the Light are subtle, but Warriors are not at all).

    Are you saying that a nutkick is not subtle enough.

    If a Warrior could arguably perform a nutkick, then why not Mage or Druid too? 

    In fact, a nutkick is something I would expect much more fitting for a Rogue.


  • GerritDeMan's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 525 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Damn, nice job dude. I really like the flavor of some of these and in addition they would work great as secrets because there are so many different ones that trigger in different scenarios (although it would take quite some time to get used to if they would all be implemented into the game at the same time lol).

    Quite a while ago I came up with these possible shaman secrets, and to my surprise they got a high enough rating on hearthcards to be put into the gallery. :D

    I have to admit that your idea for overload secrets sounds even better than just 0 mana secrets for shaman though. I guess for storm trap and unstable mind the numbers could just be increased in addition to making them overload for (1). I'm not sure how I would change totemic protection though, maybe either give the totem divine shield or +1/+1 just before it is attacked?

    What is also pretty funny is that when I tried to make some warlock secrets, I made them 4 mana as well:

    As for a possible change to sudden betrayal, maybe something like:

    'after a minion attacks your hero, it attacks one of its neighbours as well' OR 'after a minion attacks your hero, it attacks the enemy hero as well'


  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Any zero mana spell in rogue is broken


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