Nomi's Nom-Nom Yummies - Promotional Add

Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
  • Fun

Is your pet kind, lovable and loyal?

Do you care for it and want the best for him/her?

Then Nomi's Nom-Nom Yummies™ are for you!


 *Woof*    *Woof*



Aww, just look at him! So eager to get his paws on Nom-Nom Yummies!


Made from the finest meat, our stakes are completely natural, no additives, no preservatives, no drugs or poisons of any kind.

Slowly cooked on a rock stove by our own chef Nomi, winner of 31 Michelle stars and the honorary title "Yummy Yugi", each stake is cooked to absolute perfection.

The specific smokey flavor, in which Nomi has specialized over the years, has become a signature taste of Nom-Nom Yummies™ and is recognized even by the trolls of Zandalar.

Our products are thoroughly tested by the world's finest food tasters. That's why you will never see any spoiled products in our shops: We care about your companion's well-being, and a happy pet means a happy customer!

And the most important thing of all: Our animals have plenty of room to run around. We treat them very humanely and we would never want to make them suffer.

In fact, our main rival's company has bankrupt because of heartbreaking scandals of inhumane treatment towards animals.

For those who don't know what we are talking about:




photo legally downloaded in the first few minutes it was online before it was removed. this is completely legal.

This will never happen to us. We will never succumb to such measures. You have our word.


So what are you waiting for?

Get your lifetime supply of Nom-Nom Yummies now!

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  • Lemushki's Avatar
    Squirtle 1110 1041 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Just made my day!!!!

    • Horus's Avatar
      Detective Pikachu 2575 3345 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      Make it two ^^

  • ttWoof's Avatar
    Thrall 165 27 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I'm speechless. Thank you.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2283 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Absolutely brilliant! I particularly loved your sneaky use of Rat Trap. Thanks for the hearty laughs on my lunch break!


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