
Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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Version 1 - Ready for Rise of the Shadows
Difficulty: medium


Plot Twist Card Image Fel Lord Betrug Card Image

Blood Troll Sapper Card ImageArch-Villain Rafaam Card Image

 About this deck:

This deck is build around the card "Plot Twist" and a lot of creatures with shuffle synergies. While this deck looks very noob-ish, it has a lot of synergy effects which you can experience while playing this deck. This deck is not just about dumping creatures on curve and there are various strategies you can play with it. It is the first deck I will publish for a long time besides my Twitter account, because of the start of this homepage you are at right now: "". Hearthpwn had just too much duplicates with a lot of bad or non existent deck guides.

If you are a streamer and play this deck (or a modified version of it) on stream please give credit! Thanks!


How to play this deck and some tipps:

- Mulligan for your 3-drops and Portal Keeper, this will start the circus
- When you shuffle cards in your deck, try to have an Augmented Elekk on the field, the perfect world would be to shuffle your hand with Plot Twist while having an Augmented Elekk on board and the second Plot Twist in Hand, so you will have an extra Plot Twist later
- A strong turn 10 play is Fel Lord Betrug + Plot Twist while a Blood Troll Sapper is already on the field
- You want to shuffle your beasts while the is an Untamed Beastmaster on the field for those juicy stat upgrades
- If you play against a slow control match you can transform your cards with Arch-Villain Rafaam
- play your Aranasi Broodmothers after you are out of shuffle cards to get the maximum healing out of them
- If you have enough handspace you can play [Hearthstone Card (The Solarium) Not Found] before playing Plot Twist
-I'll add more here after I got some feedback
More infos / footage:

Check out  my stream to watch me playing this deck. At the moment I do not stream that much, so follow my stream to get notified when a show starts.


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  • Zelgadis's Avatar
    Wizard 1070 870 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Looks like a fun deck, but I'm missing both Dorian and Betrug and I'm not sure it would be worth playing without those. I'm also missing Rafaam, but that seems far less of a core card.

    After the buffs go live, Spirit Bomb might be useful to activate Deathweb Spider's battlecry. Also shuffling in copies of Dr. Morrigan could be really good.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2510 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Nice idea, though the early game looks really vulnerable. What are your results with the deck (and on which rank)? How about a Belligerent Gnome (or even two)? Do you have a suggestion for a substitution for dorian? +1 from me :-)


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