Analysis on the 23 wild cards added

Submitted 5 years ago by

Just initial thoughts and analysis also will add a star rating in the current meta/card pool

the stars are like this: (like Trumps rating)

5 - meta defining defines a tier 1 deck

4 - is in a tier 1 deck or defines a tier 2 deck

3 - is in a tier 2 deck or tech in tier 1 or defines a tier 3 deck

2- tried a bit then dropped

1- meme/awful.



N'Zoth, the Corruptor- 5 -   the meta is not that fast that this card won't see play in a control list, goes very well with sylvanas and there's no way sylvanas doesn't see play.

[Hearthstone Card (sylvannas windrunner) Not Found] -5- this card is insane we all know that it goes very well in hunter currently Nine Lives is a 3 mana mind control with it. apart from that any other slow midrange/control deck would play her.

Ragnaros the Firelord -5- this card was HOF before elementals were a thing in standard currently there is little synergy apart from mage and shaman with only a few cards that don't see play, but in mage it's really good with [Hearthstone Card (elemental invocation) Not Found], the card can also just be slapped into a variety of decks anyway.

The Curator -3- dragons are kinda dead in standard, beasts are everywhere and there is not really a generalist murloc you would want to draw, seems situational maybe in a sort of a lackey shaman with amalgam just to draw 3..?

Emperor Thaurissan -5- key card in any combo deck and enables them, there's no way no new combo deck we didn't think about shows up.


Astral Communion -1- was bad, and is still bad.

Kun the Forgotten King -2- maybe tried in quest druid the card is good but currently doesn't do any crazy combo without Aviana and a 0 mana 7/7 that is a dead card until turn 10 is kind of meh.


Lock and Load -2- spell heavy hunters value engine, but are random hunter cards for 2 mana good enough.. nah I don't think so I used this card in solo adventures from rime to time wasn't impressed by it too much (by that I mean.. best case scenario it's not that great.)

Call of the Wild -4- highlander hunter is very strong and you slot it in for a more impactful zuljin it's a really good card and game closer, think it might be run in the deck cause of mainly zuljin and it's a good card just that when it got nerfed the meta was really fast and then death knights came around, so this card got quite left behind also go outclassed by To My Side! in spell hunter.


Babbling Book- 3 - was a decent card but nothing really there are some really bad mage cards it's a 1/1+ that bad classic card, was briefly played in the past.

Flamewaker -5- now THIS is something mage needed, now more than ever with so many cheap spells/spell generation this card is as insane as ever tempo mage is back!


Mysterious Challenger -3- who am I? none of your business. this + the best paladin secret in the game makes secret paladin which got a ton of support in ROS a real contender this is kind of the late game the secret paladin needs.. it currently runs out of gas and that's it.. but MC makes the deck shine again that being said I think secret paladin is either a tier 3 or 2 deck cause of the power creep in the game

Avenge -4- this is the best paladin secret in the game it's worth including even in murloc decks I think so even if "Secret paladin" is not a thing this card might see play in the more aggressive paladin decks. Edit: facepalm on the murloc paladin ->  Prismatic Lens as @PopeNeia pointed out.


Evolve -5- slotted into quest shaman instead of mutate or in addition to mutate also good in aggro shaman.

Thing from Below-4- not as good as when it was in standard cause of no totem golem, 2 mana flametongue totem, and no taskarr totemic, but it's still a really good card and great evolve target.


Shaku, the Collector-?-

[Hearthstone Card (swashburglar-) Not Found]?- dunno how to evaluate thief rogue + 3 more thief cards don't think it will make the class suddenly great I am not sure how rogue does atm, but I didn't see them a lot lately. it does make the turn 2 underbelly more consistent.


Lightbomb-5- res priest might make a return and this card just makes the deck much much better it's aoe they need to work currently they need either a 2 of in mass hysteria or to wait until turn 9.. this card just makes priest good again think res prist will be tier 1 with sylvanas being back.

Vol'jin-2- the card is decent, but I think it doesn't fit well into the current decks.


Imp Gang Boss -4- zoo is tier 2 and one really good 3 drop won't change it.

Renounce Darkness-1- meme


Varian Wrynn-2- there are some big warrior cards in boomsday, I think such deck is too greedy though.

Bloodhoof Brave -2- card is good, but it's not constructed good.


Edit: forgot hunter lol

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Just initial thoughts and analysis also will add a star rating in the current meta/card pool

    the stars are like this: (like Trumps rating)

    5 - meta defining defines a tier 1 deck

    4 - is in a tier 1 deck or defines a tier 2 deck

    3 - is in a tier 2 deck or tech in tier 1 or defines a tier 3 deck

    2- tried a bit then dropped

    1- meme/awful.



    N'Zoth, the Corruptor- 5 -   the meta is not that fast that this card won't see play in a control list, goes very well with sylvanas and there's no way sylvanas doesn't see play.

    [Hearthstone Card (sylvannas windrunner) Not Found] -5- this card is insane we all know that it goes very well in hunter currently Nine Lives is a 3 mana mind control with it. apart from that any other slow midrange/control deck would play her.

    Ragnaros the Firelord -5- this card was HOF before elementals were a thing in standard currently there is little synergy apart from mage and shaman with only a few cards that don't see play, but in mage it's really good with [Hearthstone Card (elemental invocation) Not Found], the card can also just be slapped into a variety of decks anyway.

    The Curator -3- dragons are kinda dead in standard, beasts are everywhere and there is not really a generalist murloc you would want to draw, seems situational maybe in a sort of a lackey shaman with amalgam just to draw 3..?

    Emperor Thaurissan -5- key card in any combo deck and enables them, there's no way no new combo deck we didn't think about shows up.


    Astral Communion -1- was bad, and is still bad.

    Kun the Forgotten King -2- maybe tried in quest druid the card is good but currently doesn't do any crazy combo without Aviana and a 0 mana 7/7 that is a dead card until turn 10 is kind of meh.


    Lock and Load -2- spell heavy hunters value engine, but are random hunter cards for 2 mana good enough.. nah I don't think so I used this card in solo adventures from rime to time wasn't impressed by it too much (by that I mean.. best case scenario it's not that great.)

    Call of the Wild -4- highlander hunter is very strong and you slot it in for a more impactful zuljin it's a really good card and game closer, think it might be run in the deck cause of mainly zuljin and it's a good card just that when it got nerfed the meta was really fast and then death knights came around, so this card got quite left behind also go outclassed by To My Side! in spell hunter.


    Babbling Book- 3 - was a decent card but nothing really there are some really bad mage cards it's a 1/1+ that bad classic card, was briefly played in the past.

    Flamewaker -5- now THIS is something mage needed, now more than ever with so many cheap spells/spell generation this card is as insane as ever tempo mage is back!


    Mysterious Challenger -3- who am I? none of your business. this + the best paladin secret in the game makes secret paladin which got a ton of support in ROS a real contender this is kind of the late game the secret paladin needs.. it currently runs out of gas and that's it.. but MC makes the deck shine again that being said I think secret paladin is either a tier 3 or 2 deck cause of the power creep in the game

    Avenge -4- this is the best paladin secret in the game it's worth including even in murloc decks I think so even if "Secret paladin" is not a thing this card might see play in the more aggressive paladin decks. Edit: facepalm on the murloc paladin ->  Prismatic Lens as @PopeNeia pointed out.


    Evolve -5- slotted into quest shaman instead of mutate or in addition to mutate also good in aggro shaman.

    Thing from Below-4- not as good as when it was in standard cause of no totem golem, 2 mana flametongue totem, and no taskarr totemic, but it's still a really good card and great evolve target.


    Shaku, the Collector-?-

    [Hearthstone Card (swashburglar-) Not Found]?- dunno how to evaluate thief rogue + 3 more thief cards don't think it will make the class suddenly great I am not sure how rogue does atm, but I didn't see them a lot lately. it does make the turn 2 underbelly more consistent.


    Lightbomb-5- res priest might make a return and this card just makes the deck much much better it's aoe they need to work currently they need either a 2 of in mass hysteria or to wait until turn 9.. this card just makes priest good again think res prist will be tier 1 with sylvanas being back.

    Vol'jin-2- the card is decent, but I think it doesn't fit well into the current decks.


    Imp Gang Boss -4- zoo is tier 2 and one really good 3 drop won't change it.

    Renounce Darkness-1- meme


    Varian Wrynn-2- there are some big warrior cards in boomsday, I think such deck is too greedy though.

    Bloodhoof Brave -2- card is good, but it's not constructed good.


    Edit: forgot hunter lol

  • Dragonsscars's Avatar
    205 45 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I want to know... can i shard everything and then get these?

    For the king for the land for the mountains, For the green valleys where dragons fly, For the glory the power to win the black Lord


  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Dragonsscars

    I want to know... can i shard everything and then get these?


    I quote the article Blizzard posted:

    "These cards will be considered "event" cards, which essentially means that they're temporary copies and not permanent additions to your collection. Even if you already own the cards, you'll still receive these event copies. When the event ends they'll disappear, just like the Headless Horseman himself!"

    I won't hit you with the "learn to read" line, but man... lol

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

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  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Dragonsscars

    I want to know... can i shard everything and then get these?

    You can, but the event copies disapear after the event, so you will be left with nothing :)

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  • duppie's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Evolve is the one i'm most excited about as someone who plays shaman.  Desert Hare can be the new Doppelgangster.  It's a battlecry so there is quest synergy.  lackey synergy with evolve.  desert hare wide board cheats out mogu for even bigger evolve.  Maybe it doesn't go in quest shaman because there isnt wide board payoff other than the evolve but Jambre's aggro/token shaman has to play this.  Seems nuts.

    Swashburgler is going to see some play.  In vendetta rogue it should see play over the one drop cat.

    n'zoth priest is going to be a thing with lightbomb, sylv, and the plethora of good deathrattle activators it has but few payoff.

    Flamewaker is going to make cyclone mage a thing again.

    Ragnaros maybe is a thing in big shaman or some resurrect priest decks but I think it will mostly be just a strong topend lategame for highlander decks.  

    Mysterious Challenger and secrets in HL pally for deck thinning and late game power spike.



  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1734 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I used to use Bloodhoof Brave quite a bit.  Some of the Aggro/Tempo lists currently run a few "enrage" minions.  It could fit if you need to tech against aggro, and even against slower decks it's not a bad minion to hit with Inner Rage and suddenly have a 7/5 taunt on board.

    Quick!  Someone give me something clever to write here.

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Wait what about the hunter cards? 

    I think Lock and Load without Cloaked Huntress might be useless but Call of the Wild should be worth something right?

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1734 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Yes!  I don't know what you'd want to swap, but I was thinking Call of the Wild would be great in a Highlander deck, especially if you play it before Zul'jin.

    Quick!  Someone give me something clever to write here.

  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Great analysis, but you might want to re-evaluate Avenge here. It can be slotted into the new Highlander Paladin and the few Secret decks people will be trying out, but it will not go into Murloc Paladin as it ruins the whole Tip the Scales package.

    Shaku and Swashburglar are great cards that can fit into any Rogue deck. The question then becomes will Swashburglar be able to replace Pharoah Cat? Probably. I’d say 3-4 star on both. They can also be slotted into Highlander Quest Rouge which is an absolute banger of a deck to play already, upping the consistency of quest completion will make it just a tiny bit better honestly. Might be a bit biased on the rating because of Patches the Pirate PTSD.

    Also, controversial opinion, but you can replace Masked Contender with Call of the Wild. That card actually has one of the worst win rates in the deck, and I had replaced it long ago

    This ain't no place for a hero

  • jasmeralia's Avatar
    135 6 Posts Joined 04/05/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Dragonsscars

    I want to know... can i shard everything and then get these?

    Important things to note;

    * These cards will be given directly to all players for the event and then taken away when the event ends.

    * You cannot craft them or disenchant them.

    * if you already have them, you'll get duplicate copies. If you dust your wild cards you'd be fine for the duration of the event but would lose access once the event ends.


    Just think of them as temporary clones that have an expiration date. If you involve any dust in this (not including crafting supporting cards still in standard), you're probably making a mistake.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I agree on almost everything except:

    Thing from Below which I think you overrated. There's just not enough good totems in Standard. It's not worth it to run it with just EVIL Totem in Quest Shaman or Aggro Shaman because neither tends to press the button a lot. The main advantage of Thing was that you coould get it down to 2-0 quite quickly thanks to Totem Golem, Flametongue and Mana Tide and it still wasn't even that strong back then.

    Kun the Forgotten King which is extremely powerful in Quest Druid, not because the 0-mana 7/7 but just because of the 10 armor. Thanks to Nourish you get to 10-mana quite quickly after completing the quest and also draw through your deck to find Kun. Kun alone could make the difference between winning or losing the value game or just being a last line of defense against a deck that was able to burn through all your healing and armor.

    Babbling Book is key in tempo mage (if it works out) simply because Mage doesn't have a good turn 1 play (except quest, omegalul) and this way you generate fuel for Flamewaker while also having a minion in play that can contest something like a Tidecaller or LIghtwarden.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I've built a lot of decks based on the "new" old cards for standard, and i've been going back and forth with n'zoth most of all, and there just isn't a lot of good deathrattles for him in the game IMO, khartut defender and sylvannus does not a deathrattle deck make

    Living like that.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Thonson

    Yes!  I don't know what you'd want to swap, but I was thinking Call of the Wild would be great in a Highlander deck, especially if you play it before Zul'jin.

    I actually missed hunter, and I agree the card is quite potent, it was too slow/outclassed before it rotated but now the meta is a bit slower than it was back then in the midrange shaman/patches era.. so it might fit, as to what to replace well you could look at win rates and cards that feel less impactful and switch them highlander decks tend to be very flexible.

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1734 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From Thonson

    Yes!  I don't know what you'd want to swap, but I was thinking Call of the Wild would be great in a Highlander deck, especially if you play it before Zul'jin.

    I actually missed hunter, and I agree the card is quite potent, it was too slow/outclassed before it rotated but now the meta is a bit slower than it was back then in the midrange shaman/patches era.. so it might fit, as to what to replace well you could look at win rates and cards that feel less impactful and switch them highlander decks tend to be very flexible.

    My initial thought was the Masked Contender seeing as I felt I rarely got to play that card with the effect active, but that is just my personal experiences.  nd while it's just a one card swap it still feels like a big hit to your deck's curve replacing a 4 mana card with a 9 mana card.

    Quick!  Someone give me something clever to write here.

  • Zwane's Avatar
    Wizard 320 423 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    As a mage player I am very happy. Both cards are extremely good, Babbling Book is the 1-drop mage was lacking for a viable tempo deck. Together with Flamewaker they can boost tempo and cyclone mage a lot. For reno decks this will not have a very big impact I think. I also like this is a buff for Dune Sculptor :)

    So now it makes sense to put 4 one-mana cards in your deck to improve your chances on a 1-drop with Secretkeeper, which will give you a one drop chance of 60% (including mulligan) I think.

    And with Emperor Thaurissan I am dreaming about 0-cost minions icm with galaxy spell...but might be good a lot earlier than turn 7 as well. This can for instance turn all spells in your hand to 0 mana, which is a good thing for mage, especially the hand variants.

    I also see new possibilities for Mecha'thun combo's, for instance: 

    You empty deck until you have in your hand a reduced by one version of the following 3 cards: Mecha'thun, Ray of Frost and Snap Freeze, next turn you can play them all for 10 mana giving you the OTK. What is especially nice is that the opponent does not get a hint like Galvanizer.

    So this basically means you only need to put 4 cards in your deck to always have this combo available when things go fatigue (yes I am looking at you, control warrior), and it can even be played in a reno deck! Holy Deathwing.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 290 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    OP, can you please edit your post and add some punctuation? I literally got a headache after reading about a few of the cards.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Crusader2010

    OP, can you please edit your post and add some punctuation? I literally got a headache after reading about a few of the cards.

    I use periods and commas a lot, but, well I will do better in the future, thanks for the feedback.

    anyway I think I underrated kun I am yet to actually play ladder but I realized he IS a choose one card.. I forgot what the quest does lol.


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