New Warlock Minion - Veiled Worshipper
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A new Epic Warlock Minion, Veiled Worshipper, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Warlock Minion, Veiled Worshipper, has been revealed!
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This card could actually be nutty depending on how many good invoke cards are available. 4 mana 5/4 statline isn't bad even as a vanilla.
This card is very powerful. Draw 3 is very, very good.
Really good. It's too bad that the Warlock's invoke cards revealed so far are absolutely terrible. That 5 mana 4/5 taunt is the only one real support for this so far.
"True mastery takes dedication."
I think that's the idea - fiddly Invoke cards with okayish to great rewards.
If Shadows could cast Light
It still doesn't seem worth running a 3 mana minion with only 1 health (basically dies to anything) and a very weak spell just for the sake of invoking. The 5 mana 4/5 taunt already counts for two invokes and maybe there will be more neutral support. Or maybe there is going to be another Warlock invoke card that's at least worth something. But the Warlock cards so far (other than this one) are really disappointing. Yeah, even Galakrond doesn't look like anything special. That's just my opinion, though.
"True mastery takes dedication."
We don't know yet what does invoke do for warlock, every invoke card has extra hidden text based on the dragon's hero power for the class so it's too early to judge how strong invoke cards for warlock are..
Edit: every warlock invoke card has "battlecry: summon 2 imps" as well, so the cards are fine if you run a swarm heavy deck.. impzoo.
I think Galakrond Warlock is a deck that's good enough. So I think this card is very good.
Actually, this card could be crazy good as a refill in a Zoo Galakrond deck! It has good stats, and you can play it later in the game( probably when you need it ) and draw cards to help close it out after all the Invoke effects have been triggered.
This ain't no place for a hero
Zoolock with Galakrond package? This can refill your hand, and has a good body. At least i will try it!
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Very powerful card! i would like if it was 4/5 but im ok with it like this
Good draw on a solid body for a reasonable price. Going to be an undervalued work horse card for sure.
Great card for Galakrond decks! Will definitely see play!
Reminds me of cobolt librarian, a zoolock card draw that had a huge impact on the archetype. This card will be the same. In a deck that can dump all its hand in an isntant, additional card draw will be broken.
4 mana 5/4 are OK values and the draw 3 is excellent added bonus
It's going to be a staple in Galakrond Warlocks decks for sure.
I think this is a strong card and I don´t mind it, because Warlock really needs some help. I hope this could be a push for it to go up at least a bit.
Seems meh when you give it to warlock, but with the Zoo-like build this deck is going for its good enough.
They are really pushing towards the more zoo'ish playstyle with Warlock's Galakrond, but this card is obviously very strong. The class isn't in a too strong spot right now, but Zoo has always been around. Looking forward to maybe playing a budget version on my f2p account :)
Warlock's invoke seems to be more zoo oriented, so the draw and stat line synchronizes really well.
Wow draw 3 with a 5/4 body costing 4 mana? It's insane .. but let's see if invoke zoo decks will work.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
So, Blizzard wants warlocks to not care which card you draw and throw to their opponent's face.
I mean; Ok, card is great but Galakrond, the Wretched is bad.
They say us "don't care what you throw to your opponent, just throw it."
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
This card alone could make Galakrond zoo viable...good stats and draw 3 cards for 4 mana? just insane
I think this card is a trick. It looks insane, but its in warlock, and if Galakrond is going to be good its likely in some sort of Zoo shell, and you don't really need a powerful card draw card in Zoo decks. Don't get me wrong, a 4 mana 5/4 minion that draws you 3 cards seems insane, but I'm not sure its the sort of card that actually fits into the deck it goes in.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Ok stats and OP battlecry. Insane card
This is insanely powerful. Warlock having mediocre Invoke cards is the only thing that could handicap this, as tempo-ing out a 4-mana 5/4 is still a solid play.
Good stats and great ability.
Lets hope for some cheap Invoke Warlock cards that don't require your to have a decent size board. Playing this on curve seems insane
This card is definitely makes all the invoke cards worth running. You will be putting out lots of wide boards with the help of 1/1 imps, and you will have veiled worshiper plus galakrond to give you plenty of more fuel to push for lethal. I am not 100% sure about how good zoo warlock will be, but with all the cards we have seen so far, it is definitely worth testing.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It's a shame that, with all currently revealed cards, Warlock's Galakrond is garbage. This card is very strong, and it might be good enough to justify a Galakrond deck.
Good stats and greatly improves galakrond decks.
If there are enough decent early invoke cards playing this on curve is insane, even if you draw it lategame at which point it most likely it is activated it is also insane.
No downside to this card unless you get really unlucky with drawing your invoke cards.
Of which you most likely should have plenty of in your deck.
I dont think there's much to say : great stats, even better effect.
The only thing you are some good Invoke-Cards
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I think everyone has nailed it already: Draw 3 is fantastic, and it's on a vanilla body so there's no downside there. The only thing getting in the way is the Invoke restriction.
So slow. It better be worth it. And the other Invoke cards better be low-cost.
Maybe warlock's Galakrond is not very impressive, but this card... OMG it's soo good. I think it'll be the reason to play Galakrond warlock deck...
looks like a really powerful invoke support card. draw 3 is sick to draw into other useful stuff. depends on how many invokes you can play before turn 4 though. 4 mana 5/4 is not that good of a statline really
Invoke will be strong for Warlock, so a 4 mana 5/4 that draws three cards is amazing.
Draw 3 Cards ?! But how much will you commit to the archetype ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Decent stats for 3 card draws? This is probably going to be in the Galakrond decks so its pretty good..
This could actually be the defining "win condition" for Galakrond Warlock.
Assuming that we get at least 2 more solid invokers you can play a swarm/token/sacrifice focussed deck by abusing the Hero power throuhg Invoking and using this as a way to keep up with tempo and ressources. It also makes playing Spirit of the Bat more attractive as you get to refill your hand with stuff to buff.
this might be the centerpiece of the Galakrond-lock...not actually the big guy himself
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This seems especially useful as a refill once you're in Galakrond mode, as you lose Life Tap. Drawing cards is rarely bad, but it tends to be less valuable for Warlock under normal circumstances.
While the effect is insane with the good stats, it depends on what types of decks you can make with Galakrond, the Wretched. For now, we have the token style of deck being pushed by Fiendish Rites and Dragonblight Cultist which i'm not sure if it will be that powerful for now.
More dragons? Yes please!
galakrond warlock seems pretty bad for this be useful
Strong card, not sure if it’d be enough to carry the deck on its own though, since a lot of the cards so far haven’t been too great
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
For it's cost, this card has very good stats and amazing battlecry. Will synergise well with Supreme Archaeology.
Yep, very powerful card that will be the defining factor as to whether or not a board flood Zoo deck using Galakrond, the Wretched will work.
But as with all of these cards, it relies entirely on there being playable Invoke cards to make it work. I do think Warlock's Invoke of summoning two Imps currently makes the activators easier to play, as you are always getting minions in play to help with the board flood.
Good stats and great effect. But warlock Galakrond stills sucks so I don't see this going anywhere
This card is pushing the zoo archetype of Galakrond warlock, and the same are doing the invoke cards of warlock.
Drawing 3 cards while not losing tempo is very good for zoo, this card can be the reason to run Galakrond in the first place.
Maybe the first time i'm interested in a zoo deck
A must include card for any Galakrond deck. Good stats and insane battlecry make this card a nice 4 drop for a midrange Galakrond or even GalaZoo.
I think a galakrond zoo deck is gonna work.drawing 3 cards with a 4 mana 5 4 and 4 cards with a 7 mana 4 4. The other invoke cards are good tooo
now.. imagine if your hand size was 12.. all we need is bloodbloom and cataclysm now...
I think we will never be able to activate his battlecry on turn 4. However the battlecry is so strong that I don't care: drawing 3 cards for free is broken every time
Great baseline stats, and an even better effect. Winning!
This has good stats without the invoke effect, but if you get the battlecry oooohhh boooy.
Draw 3 is typically worth 5, so getting that for 4 and adding on a vanilla minion is pretty nuts.
draw 3 in a class that can easily draw all its card
Nourish for 4 with a 5/4 body, WTF, well if this card is not busted enough I really dontknow which one is
Since Galakrond Warlock looks to be an aggro type deck, perhaps this fits well
HANDO POWER! with the legendary, this is going to enable you to get a big demon from the summoner and it could help draw galakrond if you don't have the legendary that fetches him also works with the quest.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This card might fit into Galakrond-Demon-Zoolock. Even without the card draw, the stats are good enough to consider this card as playable. The card draw is a nice bonus.
Yea this makes an aggro galakrond deck basically never run out of cards.
Obviously a hugely powerful draw effect attached to a decently statted body. The question then is will there be enough worthwhile and early Invoke cards available to reliably activate this card and also what you are actually planning to draw into, since Galakrond, the Wretched doesn’t seem powerful or consistent enough to be an endgame goal in and of itself. Again, might be useful as quick refuel for a Galakrond Zoolock.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Good fit for Galakrond Zoo with the decent stats.
Great support for Galakrond Zoo Decks. Drawing 3 cards it's pretty good.
Great card!
Except it's in Warlock, who not only has the worst Galakrond, but also has the least problems with card draw.
Nice draw for zoo with formidable body, but other "if you invoked twice" cards looks flashier to me.
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