New Priest Minion - Fate Weaver
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Epic Priest Minion, Fate Weaver, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Priest Minion, Fate Weaver, has been revealed!
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This is just broken. 4 mana instant Emperor. And it is an epic so you can play 2 of them.
Combo enabler. Mindblast was Hall of famed cause of this
This is going to be one of the best arts of the whole set: incredibly stunning. I really hope to unpack this one even if I won't play Priest.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
invoking twice is hard then. cause both this and the warlock card that draw 3 are really strong.
how easy can you invoke twice really? in priest we have Assassinate + invoke to do one proc, we saw 2 neutrals one at 4 mana and one at 5 mana, so I doubt you can actually play this card on curve...
So Priest Galakrond is a removal effect + value...and we get even more removal from the invoke spell....and now we have a better Thaurissan
yup, this smells like some degenerate OTK BS
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Damn, This card's art, effect and name are all wonderful but I really can't love more the name of the card.
Best of the set for me.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Exactly this!
The devs can't imagine something more interesting to priests than infinite removals and degenerate combos...
Btw, the card art is really nice! (And the battlecry, of course)
Hard to say because we don't know the full suite of invoke cards. Great effect and great body though. Lots of potential.
Based off their new design philosophy for Priest - that OTK is probably going to have to come from a lot of neutral cards. That's potentially possible because of Leeroy and Mecha'thun, but I don't think it'll ever be as simple as Velen+Mind Blast ever again.
The value of this is pretty high considering the Invokes add cards to your hand, so you'll hit more targets more often with the discount. If invoking is consistent enough this card will be huge.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Hard to assess the power of this card.
Promising for sure.
And for sure the art is sick.
You usually wont play it on turn 4... Maybe a combo deck with the Galakrond package?
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
i hope Galakrond Priest could be a T1 deck. so far i liked all Galakrond for priest. The effects are amazing
Insane card (presumably to balance the not-great Galakrond). Auto-include if you're running that and I am 100% going to tweak my Wild Dragon Priest to include Galakrond, 2 of these, and some other synergistic cards.
I don't think they would ever release this card if mindblast was around. I still think there will be some kind of shenanigan with aucheny soulpriest and prophet velen, but appart from that this can just be used to dump all the random minions you get from the new dragon hero.
So much combo potential, really cool card.
Unfortunately(?) for some, Wild still exists so the possibility of seeing [Hearthstone Card (Mindblast) Not Found]-related nonsense remains ever present. Not looking forward to it.
The card seems really good, by the by.
One of the best Cards so far!
Emperor only needs one Tick to enable crazy Combos, imagine what you could do with two.
And dont forget that you can get this from Galakrond/Priest Invokes.
ArtStation | Twitter
Excellent card, if [Hearthstone Card (Galakron, the Unspeakable) Not Found] will be a thing: cheap discounter, potential combo enabler, dragon tag, decent stats for its mana cost.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Oh my god, this card is going to be something! Combo potential, and you can have two of them, so possibly better than Thaurissan. Great card!
This just works well with the Galakrond cards adding all those priest minions only to be discounted.
Priest invoke is sub-par, but beyond worth it for two emperor ticks at only 4 mana a piece.
Well if invoke decks is a thing, this is possible broken .. Emperor Thaurissan costing 2 less? Seems very good, even in some wild decks.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Seems to fit some sort of Combo Priest deck (rip Mind Blast). I'm curious to see the rest of the cards, but by itself I don't think this will be run over any current Priest lists.
I feel like it should be good, but I can't think of anything particular I would want to discount. I know they gave up on priest being a combo burst class.
I look forward to seeing what combos are created. I think this will break something, people will craft it, and they'll nerf a rare card to fix it.
combo wombo priest aproves this
Very good card in combo decks. Mind blasts could benefit a lot of this and lead to lethal.
Well, highest resolution for priest decks and matches against them it is! This'll drain some batteries, but oh is this beautiful art. I suppose lots of priest cards look cool, the white background definitly helps.
Amazing card for Galakrond priest. I can see it being used on this meta.
5/5 super powerful minion. It helps you to get combos, and it also helps you play all of those random priest minions you will be getting from galakrond. I imagine that galakrond priest will end up having a pretty large hand, Fate Weaver will end up playing a huge role in the decks success.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I thought that Invoke cards would be decent on their own. That was before I saw this card. "Decent" is a gross understatement when it comes to this card: it's got a ton of value. By the time a Priest Invokes twice, they'll likely have 7+ cards in hand.
Great card, lovely art! Definitely will se play.
Seems really slow. Priest cards don't really concern cost.
Very good for combo decks and dragon. Cool art
Without mindblast card looks too slow and useless
The Artwork alone on this one is better than some of the newer iterations of classic dragons - new Ysera & Malygos come to mind - and mana cost for stat ratio with a good effect on top of that make this card pretty valuable in the right control/combo built.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
At the moment, it doesn’t seem like this will be able to be played on curve and still get the effect. I’m more optimistic about Galakrond Priest than most, but it looks like it will probably be pretty slow.
Definitely one of the better invoke cards, but too reliant on Galakrond being playable (especially one of the worse Galakronds) for me too get too excited about it.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Very powerful card that not only enpowers you Galakrond deck, but also allows your Galakrond deck to include some dragon synergy since you don't want to play this card on curve. You want to generate and draw lots of cards and then reduce their cost, so including some dragon synergy cards is nothing too expensive.
More dragons? Yes please!
The reduction effect is good but most likely will only see some combo plays with Inner Fire/Divine Spirit.
Really nice solid stat-line that Priest will love.
Being able to activate the battlecry is obviously going to be a huge power play, and I do predict a control Galakrond Priest being a powerful deck in the meta. Very powerful card. Could also be very useful with the new card Dragon Breeder.
Instant Emperor Thau, what else can you ask for, combo enabler and turn play cheap, also good stats, can't see anything bad about it
I cannot wait to see what disgusting combos will be discovered thanks to this card... :(
The card seems very good, discount the cost of your hand on turn 4 is crazy. That said, i can't see how a priest (and a dragon priest at that, if you want the effect to consistently be active on turn 4) can use this effect to win the game, in other words: what are they going to play to pressure the opponent? i can't think of anything, just to play a big plain dragon a turn earlier won't be enough.
So maybe the card will be playe to make a combo works/easier to make it work? Maybe.
I don't know if I would swap Twilight Guardian for this in a Dragon priest deck, honestly.
A solid dragon for 4 mana with an additional bonus. I don't know if priest needs that cost reduction but we'll see. And it hard to predict what kind of priest it should fit in. I guest it'll be something like midrange dragon priest - in such deck cost reduction could help to keep up the tempo by playing heavy dragons earlier.
mmmm... blizzard's how to break the game 101
Strong, even without the invoked effect, 6 health in priest is big.
Effect like Emperor Thaurissan are allways strong, because enable combo and give tempo advantage. Strong card and I think isn't too difficult activate the battlecry in a control Priest
Being able to run two copies of this seems like a incredibly powerful effect.
Vanilla stats and cost reduction make Fate Weaver a force to be reckoned with.
Only downside is i think it isnt a oncurve play if you want the battlecry
Nice stats crazy effect I cant wait for all the OTKs that will ruin my day. Synchs with galakrond and the hero power I guess
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Huge potential in the galakrond control priest. So much value
This is a nice support for Galakrond decks. The 3/6 stats are decent for 4 mana, and the cost reduction is a strong effect.
Much cheaper Thaurissan with similar stats, and it even has the dragon tag. Seems extremely powerful, only downside being that you need to be a galakrond deck.
The need to Invoke twice to get this Battlecry is probably the only thing holding it back from being astoundingly good. It might be hard to squeeze in two Invoke effects before Turn 4 when you want to play this on curve. Although to be fair even if you have to wait until the lategame this card is still great, providing an Emperor Thaurissan tick. And you can run two of them, opening up lots of lategame combos.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Crazy, but in a good way. This might be the card that makes Galapriest playable if there's a good combo to do, and there probably will be.
Strong effect for control and combo decks, should see play for sure.
Pretty good for Galakrond based decks. You can play it late game after using Galakrond power a few times.
Mana cheating is always strong, so potential of this card is obviously insane. Looking forward to see some amazing action with this beauty :-)
Fun and interactive game.