New Hunter Spell - Corrosive Breath
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Common Hunter Spell, Corrosive Breath, has been revealed!
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A new Common Hunter Spell, Corrosive Breath, has been revealed!
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This is literally just Cobra Shot but for 3 less Mana and with a dragon restriction. Just goes to show how bad that card was.
*Cries in Cobra Shot*
Quick Shot but better.. I can't complain.
Gets even more value with spell damage.
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
Dragon Hunter Support - wohooo !!
Good card!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
my god, cobra Shot really hasn't aged well.
Considering the lack of olid turn 2 removal in Hunter I could even see this included in non-Dragon decks
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Moderately playable on it's own accord. Extra spicy if you're playing enough dragons for that to matter, which I'm not entirely sold on yet. Also, Hunter's tribes are all the fuck over the place.
really good card in times with few low cost removal tools for hunter
Excellent card for either Dragon Hunter or Spell Hunter. I expect this is going to be the next Animal Companion where 95% of Hunter decks are going to find a use for this.
Where is my cobra shot? :)
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
First this it comes to mind is cobra shot, but it also reminds me of quick shot, due to the cost, damage and conditional secondary effect. While cobra shot wasn't played, rapid shot was, and very often it didn't draw any cards, so this might be played, especially on decks like highlander that might play 2-3 dragons.
I'm ready for Dragon Hunter to be a thing, but this looks like it will be a heavily-useful card either-way. As others have noted Quick Shot was a popular card for removal, even without drawing a card.
2 mana deal 3 to a minion is already good enough. These spells usually have an additional effect (except you dark bomb, but oh well, you could go directly face). This one could be very good!
I've always like Quick shot, since to see a replacement after so long. Cobra shot is even more pathetic than it was before.
Further proof that [Hearthstone Card (Cobra Shot/card] was overpriced.
) Not Found]Well .. I guess it's a better Darkbomb? Looks good, but .. hunter is receiving more "face is the place" cards, feelsbadman, when this class will get a control deck?
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
2 mana deal 3 damage is always a good card. This even can double it.
Also with spell damage Hunter and Vereesa Windrunner this card might be well enough. Might even push Vereesa Windrunner decks a bit.
I always think Vereesa Windrunner didn't played as much as she deserves. I hope it is the time.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Another revealed Hunter card aimed towards a more aggressive playstyle. I like it though, and if more "aggressive" Dragons are to be in this set, it could definitely be a viable Archetype.
It really depends how much dragons hunter wants to run. Currently it seems he's better off without them.
Not very bad at all, it is able to both control the board and apply pressure to your opponent. Holding a dragon shouldn't be too difficult, and the pay-off is definitely worth it. 3 damage is pretty significant, how often have you been frostbolted for lethal? and how often do you have your favorite minion get killed by a Flanking Strike? well this card does both, at the same time.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Maybe Malygos Hunter has some teeth after all...I could definitely see some potential there.
The upside of this card is its basically good enough on its own to see play. 2 mana deal 3 to a minion is more than fine. The upside with a Dragon involved is also great. The downside is that I'm not sure if Dragon Hunter is going to work yet. We will see more cards and I'm sure it will be fine, but will it be good enough. Obviously even in Arena though this is just a fine cheap removal spell.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
good removal, 2 mana 3 damage always useful, plus dragon effect...
Some sort of agressive dragon hunter might like this, though it definitelly is a pretty flexible card, will see play.
The Forgotten Wilds - Druid
Reminds me of Frostbolt and Penance.
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Might be good if you have upgraded spell damage, otherwise I don't see it too strong.
Deal 3 dmg for 2 mana is always nice and removes a lot of early threats. This will of course mostly be included in dragon decks but will be played a lot even if the synergy doesn't trigger.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Weak on constructed, its okay only for smorc dragon hunter - if something like that would work
Quick Shot saw play, so this will too. Very agressive Hunter is being promoted here
This is almost definitely gonna see play, regardless of whether or not dragon decks become a thing for hunter. Worst case, it becomes a second Quick Shot for Reno decks
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Control Dragon AND Aggro. Hunter is going to be crazy. Galakrond is just icing I bet.
Very nice since you can pull 6 damage in turn 2.
A cheap Cobra Shot or a typical Quick Shot. Seems good.
Hunter is a "Good" class, and won't be receiving a Galakrond.
If this pairs up with Primordial Explorer it can probably be placed into a smorc deck but I can see other better fitting cards for smorc hunter compared to having two specific combo cards.
2 Mana, deal 3 damage is good enough on its own. We'll be seeing this in a variety of Hunter decks.
A 3 damage removal, plus some face damage if you have a dragon. Comparing this to Quick Shot and Cobra Shot, this card is really good.
More like Frostbolt meets Cobra Shot, but yes
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
While very powerful in a dragon hunter deck (if it becomes a thing), this card is good on its own. I just wonder how aggresive will the remaining dragon hunter cards be. For now, they don't seem that aggresive with cards like Primordial Explorer and Carrion Drake.
More dragons? Yes please!
Good card, makes me wonder why Cobra Shot is still a card in the game.
I personally love the Cobra Shot, don't mind if it has requirement of dragon, I'll take it.
It seems good, as generation and some kind of Dragon/Spell Hunter, but honestly i dont think hunter in general has thes pace for this card
A good removal, but i don't know if hunter needs this kind of card. I never knew how people make use of Cobra Shot, so i feel the same about this card even though Corrosive Breath is stronger if you have some dragons. If you need to clear the board to win - do it, if you need to hit face - so hit the face, but when i see this mix i'm at a loss =)
People saying that Hunter is aggressive. Of course it is! Look at the Hero Power. Hunter is, and will always be, an Aggro/Tempo Class.
This card is just good. Even without the extra damage supplied by a Dragon. I used to run [Hearthstone Card (Faerie Dragon[\card] back in the day and its still a fine choice as a two drop in any kind of aggressive deck as your opponent has to trade with it to remove it.
) Not Found]Cocked, locked and ready to rock...
Nice aggressive removal tool, along with Toxic Reinforcements an aggro Dragon Hunter could be a thing. However right now it is too early to truly determine if such a deck will exist, but this card would for sure make the cut.
SMOrc hunter might be a thing!
This card can be compared to many others and it all cases shows insane power level. It may not fit the dragon archetypes though...
This card is very good.
If you are holding a dragon is amazing, if not you still clear something and not feel bad about it.
So is not that you have to run a high amount of dragon (like 8) to make it consistently be active, if you just run a small amount of them the card will just be awesome sometimes and good the other. If your run zero or 1-2 dragon maybe the card is not worth it.
Pretty solid.
Cobra Shot never saw play because of the 5 mana cost, but now the situation could be different at 2 mana.
solid, but nothing looks too strong compared to the druid breath ..
I'm disappointed that it did not gain poison, because of the name.
Still, good removal card, and you don't even need the dragon to be good.
2 mana for 3 damage on two targhet is very strong. Cobra Shoot has never seen play for the mana cost, but in a dragon deck this card it's an auto-include (but only in that deck)
Wow, compare this to the 5 mana we used to pay for the same identical effect, just requiring a dragon in hand?!
Playable Cobra Shot seems good.
its good in any dragon hunter deck only question is if dragon hunter is playable
Cobra shot except way better because it is cheaper and therefore easier to get spell damage on
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Deal 3 damage for 2 mana is an effect that most classes have access to. The conditional 3 face damage are nice, but I don't think that a Dragon Hunter will be more a control deck that does not rely on spells like this to push face damage. This card will most like see only niche play.
3 mana discount on Cobra Shot is actually really good. Might see a nerf
Its crazy because even with a 3 mana discount the card STILL isn't super crazy strong. A little above average at best
Dealing 3 damage to a minion for 2 mana is already good. The upside is just a nice bonus, but the card is plenty playable without it.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Fits well in aggressive hunter decks which the dragon hunter deck is likely to be. Without activation, 2 mana for 3 damage on minion is not great but not horrible either, so should make this card see play.
In a Smorc hunter dragon beast deck will fit nicely. Also great removal.
Don't really see the hype. It's a good spell for it's cost and all, but the 3 face damage really doesn't look as broken as some other stuff of this expansion. I admit it's really cool though.
Powercreep is strong with this one! (Cobra Shot cries in the corner.)
Fun and interactive game.