New Priest Hero - Galakrond, the Unspeakable
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A new Legendary Priest Hero, Galakrond, the Unspeakable, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Priest Hero, Galakrond, the Unspeakable, has been revealed!
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Hey, more board clear for priest. Wonder what the hero power will be.
Considering Plague of Death is already available for Priest, this really isn't that strong of an ability. The hero power will make or break this card.
Legendstuff's Video shows the Hero Power being "Add a random Priest Card to your hand"
Which I guess gives Priest Infinite cards in the Late-game, which from Deathstalker Rexxar and Dr.Boom's Hero Powers has been shown to be quite good
Regardless of power level, I strongly dislike the design of these new Galakrond cards. It seems to combine all the worst design aspects of C'thun, (being forced to play meh cards to power up your big win condition), Spellstones (balance issues with weak uncharged versions and OP supercharged versions) and hero cards. Worst of all, the card itself tells you next to nothing about what it does, which has always been a peeve of mine, but Galakrond takes it to new heights. At the very least they ought to have printed the invoke effects onto the cards, because it's ridiculous that you have to watch the expansion trailer to learn what invoking Glakrond actually does.
I thought Blizzard was moving away from this type of single-card-centric playstyle after their KotFT experiment, but I guess we're doubling down now.
Big Oof. So we give Priest a shitload of of removal, add an infinite value generator and there we go. Have fun with Priest being another iteration of Warrior and depending on what they get, it'll either be better or worse.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Hero power is officially 'Add a random priest minion to your hand'. Such a shame tbh
Priests "Galakrond Invoke" is good but not broken, it is still random priest minions, could end up with wrong minions that you can't utilize. you can't build around this invoke effect, it is just a RNG Fiesta.
Destroying up to 4 minions is pretty strong for being a battlecry, will struggle against token deck s that can generate multiply minions.
Or we could get Princess Talanji and absolutely wreck everyone
This ain't no place for a hero
I want to believe this will push different archetype for priest ... I do.
... but it wont
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
"Infinite" value...but random priest cards tend to be among the worst "random cards" a class can generate because Priest's classic set is such garbage.
I'll never count a hero card out, though. And priest is traditionally one of the grindiest classes. And this is grindy.
looks like anduin death knight, but worst
The battlecry of this thing is crazy, and the invoke trigger effectively drawing you cards is pretty sweet. ATM Priest has some heavy variance in their class minions, but that said, in general all class minions are pretty decent. This is obviously a worse hero power than many of the previous deathknights, but at even one upgrade for 7 mana the Battlecry alone is pretty solid, at the full 4 minions its potentially gamebreaking, and a value hero power is never bad.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Good card, and another removal for priests
I like the random priest minions :P I know, Im rank26...
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
So just for the memes, how about Talanji Priest now?
We already have Seance to combo with it and now we can generate infinite minions to pull with her (and most Priest minions are actually fairly big). All we need is enough removal to outlast our opponents to continuously generate more stuff to pull 3 times total.
It's not great, but when's the last time Control Priest had a win condition of its own instead of just being Warrior but worse
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I like the idea of, once the hero is played, being able to use invoke cards to clear off enemy minions. A better execute!
Currently looks like the weakest of the Galakronds to me - Priest already has a ton of board clear/removal so while the battlecry fits the class flavor, it's a little overkill. And the hero power is just RNG so getting bad Priest minions will be a big drain. Too bad
It has a lot of potential due to its powerful effect, but its hero power is very weak which makes it hard to say if it is going to see play in high level deck.
If control priest gets any support I can see Galakrond as very nice tool but definitely not the game changing factor.
Love priest. Don't like combo or res priest.
Want Dragon Priest back but kinda disappointed in this one. Hope I'm wrong but killing 4 minions (which may just be small tokens) and random priest minions seems bad. In the days of mega Control Warrior v Control Priest it would be great but that is long in the past.
All generalizations are false.
This is anduim deathknight but for midrange deck, not combo decks. Still a 7 mana board clear cannot be that easily dismissed. Stil, the worse of the 3 now released galakronds.
Control Priest it's gonna love this one. Looks strong
Good thing I own Princess Talanji, 'cause she will absolutely love the Hero Power. Invoke a bunch of times, hoard the Priest minions, then drop them all at once.
...then lose them to an AoE and cry.
Battlecry similar to Shadowreaper Anduin, nice clean. The hero power itself isn´t bad, but I wonder if it´s just not too slow getting a random minion every turn. Random mage spell turned out to be a failure so...
Gonna be alittle tough to play since its only reactionary Galakrond we've seen so far. Cool tho
At least in wild, this doesn't look like *strong enough* infinite value to warrant play.
I don't think priest need more board clear, specially in wild, but it's ok I guess ..
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Sorry you ugly Dragon, I won't prefer you over the beautiest my dear Tyrande Whisperwind.
I am not playing any heroes with Priest.
I can't bear any other portraits, even it is father of all dragons.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
More Board clear for Priest and the hero power is OK; but not as worthy to invoke just for invoke; more like an additional card in the deck not the main
Very slow idea for a deck, which I don't think will see play. But as others have mentioned, some new kind of Princess Talanji deck might rise. Although in my opinion, it's the worst Galakrond revealed so far.
I don't think it has enough support to survive aggro yet. Priest minions vary too widely in quality and strategy to be useful in anything but control.
the effect is strong, but priest minios are too bad
Can't see this competing with Anduin in Wild, though it's definitelly a pretty decent card for Standard!
The Forgotten Wilds - Druid
Ita almost like the DK version .
I'm a Control-Priest player, and I love it!
Remove the Board AND infinite value? Yes Please!
Regarding Wild: It may not have the Combo-Power level of Razakus, but I think that this could be the Focuspoint of a different style of Control-Priest.
It comes out earlier than Anduin and can clear your Opponents whole Board (guaranteed if you have Brann) and not just the big Minions.
Also, there are some great Priest Minions for Control-Matchups that you can get (Fate Weaver, Talanji, Archbishop,...)
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With Princess Talanji this card could be insane. Otherwise, is a good board clear with some infinite value. Not bad, not overpowered.
Anduyn DK 2.0 but with a nice invoke sinergie
Not the best Galakrond but a good board clear for 7 mana.
The removal effect seems nice and all but other then a pure strategy gameplan I don't think this is a good card. I rate it 1 star! Maybe some more Priest minions come around that are good on their own, but random never seems to do well.
Killing 4 minions is usually enough to clear the board, or at least make sure you survive until next turn.
The hero power is kinda weird though. Random priest minions aren't always ideal, but being able to pump out more and more minions every turn is pretty good value. There is obvious synergy here with Princess Talanji, and when you are generating so many random priest minions, I wouldn't be surprised if you are able to randomly generate a Princess Talanji. There are plenty of good priest minions that can help you to out-value your opponent in the lategame. There are also plenty of bad priest minions that will just be taking up space in your hand. But any free minions is, well, a free minion.
I don't see much reason why you wouldn't want to be playing galakrond in a control priest, there is just way too much value.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Good card for control. And all those random priest minions will be useful even if they’re often below average.
Strong Battlecry, and it'll most likely be worthwhile to Invoke because the Invoke support cards will be decent on their own. The Hero Power should be an upgrade over the base one in terms of value, even though there aren't many incredible Priest minions. Rating it a 3 for now because I'm not sure how a Galakrond Priest deck wins, other than the traditional finisher.
Board clear with Anduin Wild. I guess play Shadow Anduin first then this.
And Madness. And that Quicksand Plague card.
The board will be broken and scarred.
Very good. Anduin, the shadowreaper is slightly better tho
Its a board clear for priest if control priest will be a thing this will see play
It looks unexciting to me. Board clear could actually be what priest needs when lightbomb goes back to Wild, but running the whole invoke package for it? Random priest cards don't sound like gamewinning strategy. Talanji enabler, sure, but I guess that would be too much investment for an inconsistent reward.
I am not a fan of Galakrond yet. If the invoke cards were a little bit stronger in tempo I might see potential here. The effect for priest is good aswell getting rid of a probably a whole board of minions. Especially strong in priest which already has a lot of strong boardclears at hand
For Wild it's mediocre: there are too many crappy minions to get some real value from the Hero Power and the board clear is not something Priest is missing so it's redundant at best. The Class is actually lacking a decent finisher and, sadly, Galakrond doesn't seem to be one.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
A variation from DK Priest but seems pretty useful. Any kind of removal without drawback is a good removal.
I’ve heard a lot of hate for this card, but Princess Talanji might make this good until rotation.
Extremely good control card for priest. Someone will deffinetly make a deck with Convincing Infiltrator + Obsidian Statue and Shadowreaper Anduin.
5 stars but I hope it sucks because priest already has so many boardclears
As great as getting infinite random minions can be, Priest is definitely not one of the better classes for that. Might end up being strong, but it probably won’t be that great because of it.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Resembles Shadowreaper Anduins battlecry without affecting your board and without the annoying machine gun hero power. Instead, it's a value generator aiming to out grind your oponnent which is fine by me. A powerful card with a simple goal.
More dragons? Yes please!
This card is going to be super annoying. Mark my words. Infinite value is never fun to fight against.
This ain't no place for a hero
The battlecry itself can be good, but is it something that we really want in priest that actually has a lot of AOE in standard ( plague of death, mass hysteria... ) ? And I'm not talking of wild with psychic scream, lightning bomb...
The hero power, infinite value, can be strong on papper, but we saw what happened with the new mage quest....
For me it's a 3 star card : good, but not really what priest need right now.
The battlecry is insane but the hero power is too random. It also may ruin the resurrect priest if you get bad minions.
I really like the battlecry and it will ensure a control priest in next months. I hope that the hero power will be not a problem: infinite value in hero power can be good for the game
Seems very powerful, and control Priest is already a thing without it. This card just pushes that deck to the next level, giving it late game infinite value and a big tempo swing when played, removing the opponents board.
This version of Galakrond looks to be much more Control-focused than the others so far.
It reminds me of Deathstalker Rexxar, but I don't think it's as powerful. Despite that, generating extra value each turn makes it a lot easier to grind your opponent out of resources. I definitely think Galakrond Priest will have a home as a control deck in Standard, but I'm not entirely sure how strong it's going to be.
Not the strongest Galakrond so far but I could see it played. Random minion from a small pool has potential to be stronger than D7 mechs.
Galakrond priest is going in a lategame-value deck but for now i don't see how it gets here. Having an incredible amount of value isn't going to win you the game if you don't have the tools to pressure the opponent a little bit or/and having huge powerspike turns because midrange decks will destroy you, you are a free win for combo decks and a good control deck should be able to pressure you enough to just win a good percentage of games.
EDIT: about aggro decks: if you win this matchup is just thanks to the high number of heals and removals until they run out of steam, so the huge amount of value you can get doesn't even matter in this matchup.
For now the huge powerspike turn seems to be Princess Talanji, will it be enough? we will have just to see. For now i think this is the worst Galakrond, by far
Finally a new Hero card for priest! After machinegun Priest has been nerfed, I was looking for that.
Hmn... destroying up to four random minions is pretty nice, assuming you get to Invoke four times. This could compete with other board clears in Standard, and will rise in popularity in the next rotation. But enough of foretelling, this seems... ok.
His Battlecry kind of doesn't impress me, because you have to invest quite a lot of resources to get the final upgrade and even then it's not the entire board clear, but still a welcome one against boards where you are more certain you destroy their strongest minions.
About the Hero Power... it's relatively fine, defintely the best among other Galakronds in terms of average constant value (not counting Rogue's one if it generates tons of Dragonic Lackeys). Priest minions aren't usually the strongest, but I guess they do some nice stuff. Overall a solid Galakrond, being the most grindy one.
Rating 3.75/5
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
I very like the battlcry! But i'm not sure about the hero power right now because priest have a lot of... hmm... not the strongest minions. I don't know if it weill be good in late game. But value is value. And we'll have a random priest minion every time we invoke so it might work.
so priest minions we can get from hero power currently are:
Good: Omega Medic, Madame Lazul, High Priest Amet, Psychopomp, Fate Weaver, Convincing Infiltrator, Sandhoof Waterbearer, Cabal Shadow Priest, Princess Talanji, Grave Horror
Meh: Northshire Cleric, Chameleos,Squashling, EVIL Conscripter, Envoy of Lazul, Wretched Reclaimer, Auchenai Soulpriest, Lightspawn, Hench-Clan Shadequill, Catrina Muerte
Bad: Test Subject, Spirit of the Dead, Lightwell, Dead Ringer, Auchenai Phantasm, Shadowy Figure, Grandmummy, Sand Drudge, Quartz Elemental, Reckless Experimenter, Temple Enforcer, Coffin Crasher, Lady in White, Zerek, Master Cloner, Prophet Velen, Nightscale Matriarch, Bwonsamdi, the Dead
i don't like the hero power at all and there is a lot of bad and meh minions.
Gives me deathstalker rexar vibes but not on steroids like he was. This hero power is bad but class identity can maybe help it work out fine(unlike rexar who generally is aggro). Plus a lot of priest minion cards are high cost.
Will definitely make a dragon controll priest of some kind.
Strong card I rated 4 stars, the hero power is so much better than the restore 2 health for late game. Comes with 5 armor, 4 minions destroyed and a 5/2 weapon for a cheap 7 mana. I think every single one of these Hero cards are great for their cost.
People think the 4 minions destroyed is just 'another board clear' but that doesn't make it a bad battlecry.
Just the battlecry/evoke effect makes this card super good. Not sure if the hero power is all that great.
our regular priest board clear had arrived...
It has some potential, but isn't very great at all
Strong battlecry and a "infinite value hero power". This card for me is scarry
Love RNG and attrition so I already love this card.
I think control galakron priest will be really strong.
seems a little weaker than the others. its at most a board clear for 7-mana, then the hero power is just random. overall a little underwhelming.
I have always thought Psychic Scream was insufficient to demoralize my opponent. This fits the bill!
Destroying minions is good, getting more resources in the late game is good. This seems like a solid way to close a game with Control Priest.
it's battle cry is a better shadow reaper anduin battlecry since you won't lose your creatures
I'm just not too sure about the hero power but otherwise, this seems great since it kills and gives the weapon
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
The hero power and the battlecry fit into the control archetype, but the invoke cards may be too weak for a pure control deck. I'm spectical if this card will see play in competitive decks.
interesting card to try a control priest, maybe?
I am most excited for a dragon priest in Wild,with the mana reducing guy, which implies having Gallakrond in the deck. The battlecry will be at least one more priest board clear.
Very excited about the Control Priest potential
Yea this seems kinda weak. The hero power just isn't very good and the battlecry is decent but priest already has tons of boardclears.
A very strong midgame-to-lategame AoE effect very similar to Shadowreaper Anduin’s battlecry. The hero power is probably too random to be relevant. There’s quite a few worthwhile Priest minions but you won’t be able to play them immediately alongside your Invoke cards. It’s a more defensive tool which suits Priest’s general playstyle very nicely but if the meta is too fast then such a reactive card might not be enough.
Galakrond rating: 4th best
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
So now priest may have a big weapon, and can heal himself up after attacking. Or use Hoard Pillager to regain it. Weird.
There might be something really good about this HP.
Think about it:
- they said they might HoF Divine Spirit and/or Inner Fire, so Priest will finally be able to get good minions without worrying about this combo.
- when the rotation hits, they will have a clean(er) slate to make new better minions for Priest and the pool won't be corrupted by old ones
The overall control toolkit looks very strong, definitely want to include this. RNG is not good thing, but having guaranteed one more card per turn is better than drawing only 1 card for control styles.
Kills minions and clears the board. That's some strong battlecry. Also, there are cards that can reduce the cost of the minions generated by the hero power.
It's the kind of card that you need to try in order to determine if it's bad, meh or really good.
Getting extra resources sounds pretty good to me. Don't really get hate. When have generating resources like that from early to late game ever been bad?
In combination with the battlecry this Gala feel very strong. I like the hardcore removal priest is getting
Great control card with value generation which gives hope to cards like Princess Talanji. But as far as Galakrond is concerned, I like other versions more.
Fun and interactive game.
This card could make control priest not only playable again but also pretty good.
Strong battlecry but the power too random to be competitive enough
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