New Paladin Minion - Nozdormu the Timeless
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Legendary Paladin Minion, Nozdormu the Timeless, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Paladin Minion, Nozdormu the Timeless, has been revealed!
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What is that.
uhhhhh.... what? This is insane.... I think. Will be really interested to see where this goes.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
Do the mana crystals come full or empty? I would expect it to be empty, which means yes you just dropped an 8/8 but your opponent is the first one to get access to a full ten mana. On the other hand if the crystals come in full this is broken.
A puzzle box? What does it say? ... Yogi-Saffron something... sure, let's open it, what is the worst that could happen?
if it works like Mojomaster Zihi then you will gain full mana crystals, but any mana you have already spent this turn will stay empty. So playing this guy at 4 mana will leave you with 6 mana open.
This is just an educated guess, so don't quote me on this.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I think your educated guess will be the result. Reading the card, this is what I understand as well
The Paladin dragon Legendaries are really generous; even your opponent gets restored to full health and/or gets 10 mana crystals!
Well it's over
This card is bonkers, so in mulligan if your against a paladin you have to wonder if he has that card turn 4, do I keep my 7mana + drops or go for the 1 drops? D:
You never know with hearthstone until you get to test it because it's not the most consistent game in the world. Just judging by balance though, I would be shocked if this card left you with 6 mana to spend after coming down as a 4 mana 8/8. That would completely negate the 'cost' of giving the opponent the first turn with ten mana to spare: assuming you have any 6 mana plays you're effectively putting 14 mana worth of stats on the board, not to mention the fact that your opponent probably didn't build their deck or mulligan for spending 10 mana on turn 4.
I think it's pretty safe to assume you're left with empty mana crystals if you play this on turn four, or if not, that it'll work that way after the inevitable nerf.
Now this is some Duel Paladin support!
This ain't no place for a hero
I completely agree there's no way you gain the crystals you just set them to 10.
So this is Astral Communion on a stick..
Not really, Astral Communion discards your whole hand... and doesn’t leave an 8/8 on the board
This ain't no place for a hero
Big game hunter, welcome back to the Tavern
Winner winner chicken dinner
Wow - this seems good but could also backfire pretty hard!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Finally Nozdormu has a good effect,
Now its Illidan Stormrage's turn Blizzard !
Make a Legion themed expansion (or a year) and give some love to Illidan Stormrage !!!
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Ah yes, paladins and their mana ramp mechanic. Why, Blizzard?
*insert a 4 mana 7/7 meme*
Hopefully, no cheap Dragon tutor will ever be printed.
one word: BONKERS!
Well you can use Call to Adventure if you want to run a Big Paladin list
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
If your opponent kept a regular hand, they're now at disadvantage because they can't make full use of the 10 mana, other than dropping some midrange-y dudes, which you probably can answer.
If they got a bricky hand full of expensive cards, you're probably helping them out more than anything.
Interesting card. Time and time again we're proven that symmetrical cards aren't symmetrical at all, and it's not difficult to build around this (especially with Call to Adventure existing).
Really cool and really fun card. Will definitely lead to great games.
Alright, some news on how this works: after being played, you WILL NOT receive any extra mana. It sets both player’s empty mana crystals to 10, but no actual usable mana crystals for the player that played him.In other words, as playable as Temporus...
This ain't no place for a hero
I would say that it is still playable this way, as you could play it on turn 7 instead of turn 4, which would make it give your opponent 2 or 3 more Mana crystals instead of 5 or 6 more. This makes it somewhat similar to an Omega card, in that it is more powerful late-game. Plus, if you're playing against aggro and you have a board clear in hand it can't backfire too much if played on turn 4
Wait, what?
If that's true, then they worded this card quite poorly.
I don't know, if you are playing a control deck and are facing an aggro deck, it would be pretty useful to just jump ahead to the late-game.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It will either backfire against you or utilize your deck to it's full potential
as long the opponent can't deal with the 8/8 or utilize the 10 mana into perfection, you will be in good spot.
this card will most likely backfire against control or tempo style decks when those decks do want mana.
Aggressive decks can differ depending on the costs of the cards, worst case scenario would be that your opponent goes all out after getting 10 mana after this dragon is played. if you can deny that board, you win most of the times.
It's a nice outcome for hare into evolve, highroll into 3 8/8's incomming for trolden.
It's also a dragon so when you don't want to play it keeping it in your hand to activate other cards isn't the worst either.
And it's a 4 mana 8/8 on turn 10 aswell albeit less of an impact.
I can see this working against agro if you can play this on turn 3 with coin or turn 4 to ramp into board removal and maybe some healing, that is if you survive past that point tho.
All in all, i think this Nozdormu is more versatile than Temporus, in that a timely play has less chances to backfire.
However, considering an average meta, it is true that he's not as mad as it seems, because you must always plan ahead, and your opponent is likely to have still quite some steam on t4, no matter their archetype.
Otherwise seen: it is a less powerful Kun the Forgotten King, but with an extra option to be played earlier, with a measured risk.
Although by the time the expansion drops, evolve will be wild only again
May all your legendaries be golden.
Perfect for my Even Legendary Wild Paladin
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I assume Draconic Lackey will give everyone a shot at this guy. . . should be fun, haha.
Unlikely because the only way Draconic Lackey could be generated by a Paladin is with EVIL Cable Rat.
Class cards can only be discovered by the class they belong to, not any other classes. Rogues could get it randomly, but not from the Lackey
I like cards with risk attached to it, it makes every turns more thoughtful instead of sleep society.
I forget the exact math, but I think you have about a 30% chance to draw this card by turn 4 if you hard mulligan for it. Assuming you build a deck that's winrate skyrockets after playing this card (for example going from 50% to 60+%), that seems like it could be a thing.
I'm not sure what that deck is, because Duel Paladin is really sketchy. But there's a window for it.
interesting card, can use in a control/big paladin
the hype was high...but we get another shitty dragon
Temporus returned. Prepare Trolden, you will have some work with this card :)
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
I do not expect very much from this card.
I know everyone is obviously looking at the battlecry, but on its face it's still a FOUR-mana 8/8. That will see play late-game for sure - heck on turn turn 10 you could play Nozdormu and then Pharaoh's Blessing for a 12/12 with Divine Shield and Taunt. Or possibly even a 15/15 or 18/18 if you've managed to get some Dragon Speaker love on it
This card makes the 4 mana card pool so interesting for,especially for evolve shaman.And imagine afterwards you bog this to your hand!!!!!
Works only in Big Paladin, or at least that's what I think and man I love that deck.
Calling it right now. Every one will try a big paladin deck only to realize two things: your opponent using the 10 mana first is horrible, and aggro as been killing turn 4 giants for a way long time with just 4-5 mana, imagine what they can do with 10.
Not gonna be bad, but will also not be that good as it seems.
My favorite card revealed until now. The best way to yell "Screw you aggros!"
You get empty mana crystals so - meh
Call to Adventure him in a Big Paladin list; I'm willing to try it, at least. Maybe not a Tier 1 deck, but it should lead to fun moments.
Evolve to this is actually scary. On its own can be a build around card but not sure big paladin? it looks like a meme deck atm
This only works if you can put it into a deck that can make much better use of 10 mana than your opponent. Can very easily backfire. Anyone remember that one priest legendary that did that thing kinda like this ... oh, right, I don't remember it either.
This is going to flop I think. Thanks god it works the way it does, instead of what some people originally believed that it´d give you directly 6 or even 10 mana on your turn on turn 4 if you play it. That would be absolutely broken nonsense. This is going to be similar to the priest dragon that gives another turn. I vote trash
Interested to see how Dragon Paladin will run this one or maybe some Mojomaster Zihi shenanigans.
Even if it only makes it as a tier 3 deck, there's going to be a lot of people, myself included, who are going to be having fun with this in Big Paladin.
Possible meme? Possible strong? I really don't know, really strange and interesting card, could possible be good in a big paladin AGAINST AGGRO or something like that.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
They have been trying Duel! Paladin for years now, and I know people are hyped about this card, but I don't think it will be a viable archetype. But if it is going to take the meta by surprise, this card will be the reason. Giving your opponent free things hasn't turned out so well for similar cards in the past though. Curious to see how this'll turn out.
I mean it can be good if you have equality + consecration/pyromancer in hand for the turn after, but generally I think it's hard to gain more value than your opponent from this one.
Important nuance here, Paladins are as generous as they are righteous, and so are their pets
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I think it's close to Dustfallen for unplayability, unless you can play it against aggro and their hand is empty. Even for combo it's not super helpful; the current combos need empty decks, so you still have to wait it out.
This is one of the hardest cards to judge. Going straight to 10 mana is crazy, and based on how you build your deck and your opponent build their there is a lot going on. Paladin isn't great at broad control or removal, its usually a grinding class that has to carefully manage its resources and IDK how this fits into that plan. Its going to be interesting, that is for sure, but I can't truly judge the card until the whole set is out and even then how the meta shakes up.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
I'm not sold on this card just yet. Playing it on curve might actually be dangerous since your opponent will be the first to benefit from the mana ramp. This could make for some big swings if you drop it on like turn 8-10 though (it's a 4-mana 8/8, for crying out loud), or if you could cheat it out via Duel!. I guess we'll see.
this card will make play around it always
Your opponent is the first one to benefit from this card. Hence, you better have the right card on hand when using this, otherwise could lead you to lose the game.
Not sure how to evaluate this card. Looks good but also gives the other player a huge advantage.
Honestly, this just a prime example of bad design.
It's basically Astral Communion but better, which makes me wonder why it's a Paladin card in the first place. Call to Adventure means you can consistently tutor this for turn 4 and if your opponent can't make use of their 10 mana immediately they're gonna get destroyed by you spamming big things over and over.
Not to mention, Paladin, unlike Druid, actually has a fair bit of removal options.
There'S a reason why ramp is a Druid only thing.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This is an epic looking card, but giving your opponent the first chance to abuse the mana increase never turned out so well in previous cards with similar effects. But this does give a much needed boost (/sarcasm) to to evolve pool that Shamans need xd
What do you mean Paladin isn't great at board control or removal? Equality? Shrink Ray? Time Out? Paladin has some of the best control tools in the game at the moment. Whether or not this type of deck works won't be due to a lack of removal options if you ask me.
This have some serious potential! You could also save it for a good tempo play lategame if you don't want to risk your opponent to destroy you at turn 5.
Another effort for big pally?
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
How is this not broken? What am I missing? If you play this on turn 4 against anything but another greedy deck, you win. Your opponent is going to have a hand full of garbage mid range. They are going to have to empty their hand to deal with the 8/8 you just dropped on TURN 4. Meanwhile, you have a hand full of bigs to throw down every turn. This card just seems like a terrible idea. It's like Astral Communion, except instead of throwing out your hand, you get an 8/8 minion. WTF? I really hope I'm wrong.
Communism is just a red herring
All those tools are double sided. They don't just wipe your opponents board if you lose control. Also Time Out is a stall card, and its value is only really seen in combo decks. Its not some sort of weird OP card in a random tempo deck or something. Equality and Shrink Ray both don't actually clear the board, you need a second card to do that with them, and going 2 for 1 on your removal isn't that impressive. Its true that generally speaking those cards always let you fully clear, but you can only do it a limited number of times, while a class like priest has multiple AoEs of different power level and cost that do the job in 1 card. S
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
that's very good imho! great tempo play good in midrange pally or even control - coz you can faster play your AOE effect cards
4 Mana Nozdormu the Timeless, 5 Mana Shrink Ray. If you managed to draw Nozdormu early (Call to Adventure), and mulliganed for Shrink Ray, you can mitigate the dangers and may have an 80% 7+mana deck. For the early you could have some weapons?
Symmetrical effects are rarely truly symmetrical. Nozdormu ramps both players to ten, but one player (presumably) has a deck built to capitalise on loads of mana whereas the other schmuck is stuck with a regular ol' mana curve.
What do you think happens when you drop a 4 mana 8/8 and give your opponent 10 mana? They are forced to extend onto the board, allowing you to gain a ton of value from board clears and further abuse the difference in value between the two decks.
Maybe Nozdormu might be busted enough to go in any old tempo deck, but the card is clearly most suited toward a very greedy control deck that likes spending lots of mana.
Your Opponent probably won't Mulligan for a 10 Mana Play on Turn 4 and you can slam down some big dudes next turn, so... All Hail Dr. 4 Mana 8-8?
Also: Thekal into Noz into Nozari might be the dream curve
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So you're going to build your whole deck around being super greedy and then if you don't draw your one legendary minion by turn 4-6 you just lose the game? Sounds like a real winner of a deck idea. Then you can also just lose to the normal control decks who are happy to have you ramp them to 10 mana as well and still be able to handle your 8/8 because they have solid board clears and single target removal, plus strong late game cards. I mean maybe, just maybe you can outpace someone, but again, hinging everything on drawing 1 specific card for your whole deck to be good is a garbage idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure people will build that deck and play it, but its not going to win that many games unless it just gets slotted into Holy Wrath paladin as random way to power your mana and help you more easily cycle your deck so you can just win the game faster.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
With Call To Adventure, yes, that seems like a strategy you can reliably pull off. Even if you're going first, by turn 3 you've seen 9 cards out of 30 if you full mulligan for Nozdormu or Call to Adventure, giving you better than 2:3 odds of finding at least one on time.
As for the argument that such a deck would lose to other control decks, that doesn't follow because 1) this deck would be built to be greedy whereas most control decks do have to factor in a lack of mana early game and 2) you're not required to play Nozdormu. If, for whatever reason, you think your opponent can make better use of ten mana than you, you can just... not play Nozdormu. It's not like a control deck is going to aggro you down if you play it slow.
And for the record, I'm not saying this deck is guaranteed to be a hit. From my perspective it's lacking either a finisher or something like a hero card which grants infinite value. But the idea that this card couldn't work because paladin lacks control tools is absurd.
As great as the dream is of instantly getting to 10 mana before your opponent’s prepared for it, I really don’t feel like it’s worth the trouble. Your opponent gets first dibs on what to do with all that mana, so you’ll probably be stuck on the back foot for a little while because of it
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Dragon Paladin looks strong atm.
Oh if only I could put this in a Recruit deck.
Could be useless if you don't receive the mana after playing. You risk your enemy playing a 10-mana next turn.
Paladin lacks card draw and single target removal. Yes, its true there is a combo deck designed around drawing your entire deck but most of the card draw comes from low cost neutral minions and [Hearthstone Card (Prismatic Lense) Not Found] which doesn't seem at all good in a deck like this, considering you don't want to make your spells super expensive and unable to combo. Plus you can't play Wild Pyromancer this deck, because it doesn't work with Call to Adventure, so you don't have those extra ways to activate your Equality and Shrink Ray. You also can't play Doomsayer for aggro because of its cost. I don't know how you deal with aggro decks when you aren't playing a minion until turn 4 and you really aren't interacting with the board much either in Paladin. So this deck might somehow be good against combo or control decks by playing super greedy, but I'm still just not seeing it with all these other factors in play. I get you can kind of draw it reliably because of Call but that creates such specific deckbuilding requirements IDK if its actually good.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Just a really good card with a top heavy Paladin deck like Duel!, also very good against aggro decks which usually have more mana than curve anyways. Bad against other control-oriented decks which profit from the mana first. Still a 4 mana 8/8 that has to be dealt with. Very interesting card, curious how it turns out
Even though it gives empty mana crystals, this is stronger than it might seem. This can bait Aggro decks into dumping their hands, then next turn follow up with a board clear and more board pressure.
Also, it might be good with the other Paladin legendary, allowing her buffs that fall on bigger dragons to be played sooner than otherwise.
While the effect is quite intense and might work against some aggro or tempo decks, it might ruin you against a control deck that desperately wants to reach 10 mana and your opponent will be the first one to use that mana. It might work in a big paladin, but i am having a hard time of thinking of a proper way of using this card since the goal of big paladin is playing big minions before your opponent has enough mana to deal with your threats. It reminds me a little of Temporus, obviously not as bad, but against certain decks you will lose when playing this on turn 4. All of this is if you aim on playing him on turn 4. You could just wait later in the game to make a strong tempo play.
More dragons? Yes please!
Well this will increase the tempo of the match considering the opponent has lower curve while you are prepped with high curve minions it would definitely be your advantage. On the other hand, there are so many removals from other classes and giving a smorc hunter 10 mana is just charity..
Mana is Time
Time is Mana
Is see what they did there
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I don't know if it's playable but i'm glad we got some interesting mechanics. I guess it will be either OP or a piece of trash. But the possibility to make something terrific in Hearthstone is always nice =)
Even tho it gives your opponent the advantage first, don't forget you're still getting an 8/8 minion on that turn which your opponent can't ignore. I think this card will be a meta challenger. Big Paladin on its way through!
Very hard to predict where this would be good and how good exactly. I guess it will be a crucial card for some deck, the effect is very unique and dramatic and that usually gets exploited hard. Important thing to note is that this is at least a late game Sea Giant, which meanwhile could serve as Dragon activator. Not bad.
Personally I hate this card design, it basically just says "beat me before turn 4, or you lost" to specific fast decks with cute card-draw engine.
But now my favorite legendary Mojomaster Zihi has finally some use, I'm going to be teching it in a beginning of day for sure, if the paladin class set seems to be the most powerful one. Not a good ideal counter, but will definitely make this card less effective.
This card is amazing, love the turn playing shinenigans in Hearthstone, this completely destroys your opponent's playstyle, and yes he got the first use of the 10 Mana but he has to get rid of an 8/8 on board which makes it use most of the time of 4 mana to do so; so it actually gets only a +1/+2 on mana advantage and then you get your 10 mana turn.
Seems quite powerful, doesn't need to be played on curve and can be kept to eat up a bunch of buffs and then played later on as a very large and cheap threat. Could help a Big Paladin archetype out, where the opponents ramp does not have as much impact as your own.
Definitely a fun card, will certainly see some play because of it.
Meta defining, what else to say. Also there are plenty of ways to get more dragons and play this ones on late game with no downside.
This card will not see any competitive play.
first the question, which deck would run this? a deck that has a lot of threats with high mana cost, the answer is pretty obvious.
So sometimes that deck will play this on turn 4, and have a good chance at winning the game.
If you don't draw this on turn 4 you lose without doing anything.
And i didn't even mentioned that even if you got this early your opponent is the first that got the 10 mana crystals.
This card is freakin' crazy, it will make any aggro deck tremble.
I find this card hillarious.
I can see this card possibly spawning a whole new archetype, and might be good enough to put into dragon decks.
This card has some strong tempo and combo potential, especially in the late game.
will this make big paladin relevant? i think it'll still struggle against all the powerful dragon decks this xpac..
It curves really well, nice catch.
Fun card for sure and counter to all agro deck. Still give to enemy an hypothetical turn 4/5 with 10 mana can be dangerous in some matchup...
So maybe we will see a deck build around this card, but probably it will be good for sure only in tournament
It's unclear to me if this is empty mana crystals, or sets to 10 filled? If the first, just gives your oppenent such a huge advantage. I think it has to be that it gives you some refreshed crystals for you.
Who knows if this is going to backfire more often than not, but getting an 8/8 for 4 is too good to pass up.
If there is 1 bad thing about the card the OP use the mana 1st
So this is like dusk fallen avina since your foe gets the mana first I might look at it differently if you got to use the 6 extra mana but since you cant the outcome doesn't look that great. I guess it works as a counter to mojo master?
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This card might back fire, since your opponent gets the first 10 mana turn.
If you build a deck around this card, e.g., Big Paladin, you want to play this card on turn 4. However, it is not guaranteed a specific card within 4 turns, which makes this card even worse.
4 mana 8/8, lose the game I expect. Maybe win the game against aggro. Such a weird card.
Hard to say no to a 4 mana 8/8, even with a possible downside, its super strong, and later in the game it just slots nicely into the rest of your turn.
Contrary to the wording, Nozdormu will provide empty Mana Crystals, meaning your opponent will get the first turn to play with 10 mana. Obviously the assumption is that your opponent will have mulliganed for a low curve, while you mulligan for a higher curve so your hand is more likely better suited to make use of 10 mana than your opponent, plus you get Nozdormu as an 8/8 body ready to attack next turn. However I think that the potential for spectacular backfires and the inconsistency of drawing a one-off Legendary is going to be too big of a hinderance to give this card much use.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Timing (no pun intended) is just too hard. Zihi saw play as it delays your opponent's powerful play in the late game. This card is just too risky to play in early or mid game as giving your opponent initiative is always a bad thing. 8/8 for 4 is good stats in late game, but the value is not high.
Fun card to play in Big Paladin. Also duel paladin. You can also play it late game for a cheap minion with big stats. Great to evolve into for Shaman
Hard to use, but at least the stats aren't as horrible as with Mojomaster Zihi.
Duel Paladin isn't good now and this won't make it much better.
At first glance I though it refreshes your mana pool to 10 which will be absolutely insane. Real effect is much less amazing. Fact that your oppent will be the first to fully benefit from 10 mana is huge downside, in spite of that 8/8 body for 4 is still ridiculous.
Fun and interactive game.