Let's mix it up a bit, shall we? Pick three cards and we'll make you a deck with ten copies of each card.
Tavern Brawl Returns After Outage
Yesterday we saw Brawliseum return with the Battle of the Bans brawl. It was disabled later in the afternoon after bugs prevented players from receiving the end of brawl rewards. In its place, we now have Top 3 active until the usual brawl end time.
Will Brawliseum return next week? No clue!
That's insane. Won on turn 2 with this and coin. Thx for that!
Living Roots, Power of the Wild, Wrath
Prorabably not the fastest, but you get to choose atleast, removal versus token build-up. and a little bit draw.
any way to unlock the brawl ?
Maybe unrelated, but anyone else has their Arena Key - in the Quest Log - displayed up-side-down?
You and every fifth person on Reddit.
Only 1 in 5, so still a marginal phenomenon ^^
Yep, same thing for me. I thought I was crazy and just didn't remember how it looked.
One things that springs to mind with all the SN1P-SN4P players is that I'm told you can play them a lot faster if you've more than 1 in your hand as you can play copy 2 before the echo of copy 1 returns to your hand.
This means there's the potential for bans if their cheat detection system takes into account copies played or how quickly. Sure it shouldn't consider the brawl and I like to assume someone would realize the number of bans was ridiculous before they went ahead but my faith in Team 5's internal processes has been somewhat damaged as of late :P
Of course this ban would be reversed - after a delay.
Why would you get a ban for playing two different cards, you're not abusing any bug or anything and if you managed to get two copies in your hand through game mechanics then that's great
Because their cheat detection system already banned people for doing nothing wrong related to SN1P-SN4P . And I don't really trust them to realize people aren't doing anything wrong here :)
yeah I guess, but in this case you're actually playing two different cards each time so I don't think anything should trigger in the cheat detection, for the game server it probably doesnt matter which two different cards are you playing,
if this was the case people would get banned after playing any cards quickly in succession
No SN1P-SN4P is a special case as it's power it limited by animation/echo time. People have abused that by hacking client files to remove the animation allowing them to play more than one should be able to. And some people have been banned incorrectly for this due to being wrongly flagged for abusing SN1P-SN4P.
Ideally the system doesn't go on card ID alone so multiple copies in your hand would be evaluated separately.
And hopefully won't be an issue as Team 5 *should* realize brawl games should be an exception here but didn't hurt to mention it. I just have low confidence in Team 5 to do things right at the moment :)
More like "Some players may still be able to play, we'll have this fix ASAP" ...
I am one of these players.... I get a broken mix of both brawls where I can't do anything but go back if I open the Tavern Brawl. Had a run going before it was disabled...
p.s. How do I spoiler something on outofcards? xD
Seeing the same thing.
im in the same boat unfortunatly
So do I go
...I predict this brawl isn't going to be much fun.
EDIT: even worse...
I’m doing Into the Fray, Frightened Flunky, and Dragon Roar.
Really fun against Freeze Mages with Mana Wyrm, not so much against IF Priests.
Along with others I have a locked in 4 card deck, can’t retire it, AND it shows the rewards chest open. I never got any rewards!