New Rogue Spell - Seal Fate
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A new Rare Rogue Spell, Seal Fate, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Rogue Spell, Seal Fate, has been revealed!
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Compares extremely poorly against Backstab. Invoke is not worth nearly 3 mana.
yeah, it is too bad it is limited only to un-damaged characters.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This card is To My Side! of this set.
Mark my words.
It will see more play than you thought.
Ah and, as always, Preparation if you want to see a dead card in hand if Galakrond, the Nightmare draws it.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
yeah, the rogue glakrond has such a powerful battlecry when fully invoked, so I imagine that all rogue invoke cards will be better than we think
Carrion, my wayward grub.
it is not just battlecry. Invoke means simply "add a lackey to your hand" for rogues. its Galakrond's hero power and you should read this card as,
"Deal 3 damage to an undamaged character(not a minion) and add a random lackey to your hand.)
Think that it costs 2 when you attach lackey generation to a neutral 1/1 beast; EVIL Cable Rat.
A neutral 1/1 beast costs 0; Snowflipper Penguin
Dealing 5 damage to an undamaged character costs 3; Shadow Strike
So this card is well-costed and fair enough in my opinion.
+ Backstab can't deal damage to face, this can. So you can't evaluate this card's damage dealing same as Backstab.
its balancing is like; 2 mana for "Deal 3 damage to an undamaged character" and 1 mana for "Invoke".
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
It seemed overly expensive to me, but your calculations are right. It may see play in many decks with Galakrond.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
I think Rogue Galkrond is very good, so I think this card is good enough.
Looking mediocre, but i like it. I hope Galakrond decks will work!
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
again, if Galakrond Rogue works out it will be a good card, but a 3 mana Backstab is not ok for me
I could see this being a good target for Prep, but beyond that I'm not sure the Invoke mechanic is worth the extra cost.
I don't this this card is as expensive as people make it out to be. backstab is just to darn cheap, no rogue deck goes without it (except odd rogue). In the dalaram expansion people dismissed lackeys as a funny but weak gymic, and look how they turned out. This will see play, as well as all the rogue galakrond package, mark my words.
I don't think the fact that this can go face makes it better (how often did you cast shadow strike on your opponent), but it's an auto-include in galakrond rogue (from what we've seen so far).
Deal 3 damage and get a lackey? Good!
Just rotate Preparation already. It continues to have a degenerate effect on the Rogue's mana costs. There's no reason this needs to cost 3.
Originally I thought it´s really underwhelming, but that was before I learnt that playing an invoke card also does the effect of the Galakrond´s hero power. 3 damage, invoke advancement and a lackey seems good enough for 3 mana.
Looks bad at first til you realize it also gives you a lackey as well. Seems alright
Shadow Strike that trades 2 damage for a lackey/upgrading Galakrond. Not super strong, but strong enough to go into some decks.
Mayble playable, a insanely worse Backstab, but this will be necessary in Galakrond decks.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Compared to Shadow Strike it only loses 2 damage. It's not to bad imo. Despite the Preparation nerf it still provides a good tempo removal, and fits Miracle Rogue very nicely ;)
It's not very effective... 4 mana you deal 3 damage and get a lackey to play, which won't help you much
Invoking is going to be required, and some of the neutral options are worse than this, but this is pretty bad. Its very expensive while also being conditional. Not unplayable, but not anything you are happy about.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Not very interestin... an improved backstab that gives you a lackey. Might see play in arena.
Will have to do if Galakrond Rogue is to succeed.
Probably gonna hhave to hard mulligan for Togwaggle since you generate so many lackeys
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Compared to Backstab it's bad, but it's still somewhat decent removal with an added bonus of Invoking. Might see play
Ok filler for Galakrond decks, but not particulary strong. The 3 mana cost and undamaged condition significantly weakens the card.
I'd say it's the 2nd worst Invoke-Card so far.
But People will still play it cus' Rouge-Galakrond is just that good
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3-mana 3 damage is fair. Nothing but invoke and invoke again and again.
3 damage to an undamaged character and invoke which adds a lackey to your hand - not the worst removal for 3 mana. Isn't the strongest card ever, but it will see play in any Galakrond deck IMO.
Its pretty weak. Not unplayable but it does not drive me crazy
Not great, but at least it will likely kill something on curve as well as put a lackey in your hand. I’m not sold on Galakrond Rogue, but if it works, this is probably fine.
Weak effect but for invoking purposes we'll probably see this in some decks..Many other rogue cards are better than this but we'll see how the invoke style plays out..So far I see miracle/tempo rogues having a better chance at this.
Not the best type of removal for rogue, but not so bad that it won't see play in a Galakrond, the Nightmare deck and you get a lackey which is nice.
More dragons? Yes please!
I can see this being in every spell discover options. Would be surprised if it see lots of play out of that context, or I may be underestimating Galakrond's builts.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
very poor, maybe 2 manas seems ok
Needing to run subpar cards like this for Galakrond would definitely be a potential downfall for the deck type as a whole
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Pretty weak when compared to other Invoke cards or backstab. Not really sure about this one.
Doesn't look too good, but might see play in Galakrond decks. Lackeys can definitely give some interesting value.
So this is 3 damage AND add a random Lackey to your hand.
The card will see play from necessity of the Galakrond deck requiring Invoke cards, the tempo plays that this will enable later in the game are huge. The card itself is not insane, but the deck it enables should be very powerful.
Seems really expensive. Compared to other cards in this set in my opinion it should cost 2. Invoke it's just a lackey after all.
The card feels underwhelming and it is, just compare it with backstab.
However is still a removal, and an invoke card that as an immediate effect on the board. I think is the second best invoke card we have so far behind the other rogue invoke card.
It seems that rogue will have the easier time full evolving Galakrond, and looking at how much is strong his battlecry this can be very scary.
I think that a 2 mana cost would have been enough, 3 mana seems a little too overpriced to me.
this looks weak, even for a lackey. why couldnt blizz print dragon cards with this kind of moderation?
I don't like the 3 mana high for me.
However Galak's battlecry in rouge is so strong that can justify the presence of this card to force the archetypeIf it weren't for the lackey generation this would be a terrible card.
Not sure what kind of comment this is?
"If not for the effect of the card, this would be a terrible card."
You can literally say that about anything.
I will still prefer my Backstabany day of the week, please.
This cards can be compared to the Chtun cards, where they had a common effect and then its own effect and stats.
Within this cards there are those whom their own effect or stat is so good that they don't need Chtun or Galakron to be played.
An example of this was C'Thun's Chosen which was played in divine shield paladdin decks.
Is a bad card let's be honest, but you HAVE to invoke Galakrod so, will see play in that deck; it really depends on the other invoke options
Seems like a fair, auto-include in Galakrond Rogue
i feel that its a but overcosted but therandomlacky might make up for it
Probably not quite good enough to see play
random lackey and +1 to backstab seems good in theory although it might fail horribly in practice
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Most classes can pay 2 mana to deal 3 damage to a minion, and adding a lackey to hand is worth the additional 1 mana. This card will definitely see play in Galakrond decks.
Yea this looks to be one of the worst invoke cards. Probably to balance the fact that rogue galakrond is so strong.
Not very efficient in terms of damage and it is limited to undamaged minions. Not sure if it’s good but might just see play because of limited options when it comes to Invoke and medium size removal in Rogue.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
I'm guessing they didn't want Galarogue to be just a new Tempo Rogue, hence the underwhelming effects of Rogue's Invoke cards. This isn't that bad imo, will definitely be played for a fully upgraded Galakrond on curve.
Overall good design due to how good lackeys are for rogue,
Not very good for Rogue. If the meta it's aggro decks then maybe it's good but there are better invoke cards,
To costly for effect. Even invoking Galakrond may not be enough to put this into Galakrond deck.
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