New Neutral Minion - Shield of Galakrond
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Shield of Galakrond, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Shield of Galakrond, has been revealed!
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This seems like a fair invoke card since they seem to value the invoke effect at around 1 mana.
It's fine.
The best invoke-card is neutral :) Hello?
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
just an ok 5 mana drop and then you see the invoke keyword and bammm hype again for Galakrond meta LOL
Better Invoke than many class cards.
Nice stats and on top an invoke battlecry! May see use!
It might see play if Galakrond doesn't turn out like poor C'thun
Start date: 5/16/14 Current gold: 16,410 Current dust: 17,200 Play wins: 10,786 Legendary from crafting: 26
Cash spent: $125.00 Lifetime gold: 177,110 Dust reserves: 62,985 Arena Wins: 907 Legendary from packs: 127
Definitely better than the other neutral Invoke card we've seen.
It's an Invoke card - so good in Galakrond decks, useless otherwise. So playability will depend entirely on how good the Galakronds are.
Taunt means it can be discovered from Frightened Flunky, which makes you wonder what the Warrior's version of Galakrond will look like.
Ultimately it's fine, as others have noted.
This is an OK taunt, maybe good even.
A taunt yeti that costs one more for a special effect in my book is always good. what differentiated yisera from the Lich king was not just the cost or the random cards it generated, it was the taunt that many time gave you the extra turn or protected important minions. this having taunt, a fair cost and the invocation effect will make it see play in almost every galakrond deck.
This is an invoking card that I´d rather use probably as a Warlock for example. His class invokers are very underwhelming and this card seems good enough with the invoking bonus.
Seems like a auto include for all the Galakrond decks.
Not too bad with Priest or Rogue, don't think it has a place in Warlock though.
This is probably a strong card, but it's hard to tell without seeing the other Invoke cards. Compared to some other revealed ones though, this one seems pretty well stat'ed. It's also a free a card, so can't complain about that :)
Could be a dragon, but its still a good neutral invoke card! We must see the other cards, but in this moment almost every Galakrond decks will run this.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Reasonable neutral Invoke minion. Can be broken or bad according to Galakronds' hero powers. 1 card 5 form. Neutral Invoke cards are so different. Hard to evaluate.
it is;
4/5 Taunt; Add a random priest minion to your hand
4/5 Taunt; Add a random lackey to your hand
4/5 Taunt; Summon two 1/1 imps
at the same time and will be more when we learn other hero powers of Galakrond.
So early to evaluate neutral Invoke cards imo.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Just a card when you want to put more invoke cards in your deck, but could also use filling up your curve a bit.
Great neutral Invoker. Seems like one of the must play ones. Though its not great in aggressive decks its still passable.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
God I hope there's cheaper neutral invokers or else Warlock'S gonna be even more dead than it already is.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Vanilla stats and cost and it has the Invoke effect. Strong card compared to the other Invoke cards that have been revealed so far.
Auto-include in most Galakrond decks, yes. Playable even if it shouldn't trigger Gala's hero powers, like in Arena.
Shield of Galakrond will definitely be played a lot. It is an okay turn 5 play, and it is also one of the best stand-alone invoke cards in terms of cost/attack/health. It is also neutral, so every deck playing galakrond will want to play him.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Playable as long as Galokrond isn't worthless.
good neutral card with cool effect. Has taunt, not bad stats, so it's playable
Stronger than other reveals due to good stats and taunt
A solid card. All Galakrond decks will run this.
Cards that Invoke cannot be created by any means other than copy effects
Fair cost for fair stat..just liek Cthun decks this will be needed in invoke decks..just a meh card..
Ah. I must have missed that part somewhere; thanks for the clarification.
Neutral Taunt are often key to define a meta.
I think we'll see lot of that one, if Galakrond decks are as strong as everyone expect it to be.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I'd say Shield of Galakrond is one of the strongest invoke cards right now. 4-5 body with taunt for 5 mana is OK but invoke makes it very strong IMO. I assume it should see play in any Galakrond deck.
that kind of card makes galakronds deck viable
Probably the one auto include invoke card, simply because it’s looking to be the best one some classes will have access to
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Doesn't seem an impressive card. It might run is some controlish galakrond decks, otherwise I don't see much value out of it.
This card will be played in Galakrond decks just because you have to play the invoke cards to make it works.
That said the card is kinda bad, with invoke the "numbers" come up right ( 4/5 taunt + two 1/1; 3 atk to your hero; add a random priest minion to your hand; add a lackey to your hand; ?????), but nothing that would normally be played in constructed, especially for 5 mana, when other decks are doing broken things.
I hope that the power level of those invoke cards will keep Galakrond decks in check by themselves
Right now I don't see its usage in Standard and I doubt it will see any serious play.
However as more mechs are printed, and also within Wild this card could be pretty nasty to come across. Seems kind of worthless in Arena also, could maybe hide a powerful mech after trading and making it awkward for your opponent to remove I guess.
Unless there is no better invoke cards, this proably won't be included in Galakrond decks
Hope there will be enough Invoke cards to not be forced to put this in our Galakrond decks =D
İ think this is op on galakrond decks.example rogue galakrond.5 4 5 taunt add a lackey to your hand seems so op.
it's the strongest invoke card we've seen so far (and we're pretty far into reveals), this looks like it'll have to see play.
A solid invoke card. It will be played in all Galarok's decks probably
I think this will be a staple in all galakron decks. Seems really solid.
Solid neutral if you want to be invoking.
i think its going to see a lot of play. but it might be the 1st invoke card to cut
Well stated considering the strength of invoke
Pretty much an auto-include in Galakrond decks imo. The aggro ones would still prefer a 4/5 over a 2/2 for 1 more Mana.
A good invoke card for slower Galarkond decks. Don't know if aggressive Galakond decks would wan't to run this but since there aren't that many invoke cards availabe, you might not have a choice.
More dragons? Yes please!
Great body and nice effect since most classes will have some kind of benefit looks best in warlock and shaman since they get extra board presence but the rest seem hunky-dory too
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This card might be played in most Galakrond decks, since each class only got two Invoke class cards. Since the Invoke effect is worth approximately 1 mana, the Chillwind Yeti for 5 mana are OK.
Okay stats, defensively distributed, has Taunt so it can’t just be ignored. Like Big Ol’ Whelp is for dragon decks, Shield of Galakrond will be for Galakrond decks. Unspectatular but solid. A workhorse card.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Seemed pretty meh when first revealed, but now that all the cards are shown this is probably one of the better invoke cards.
The Go-To Invoker for Galakrond. I can see it being played mostly in Warrior and Priest. Solid choice for Rogue and maybe Warlock. Shamans have Corrupt Elementalist, so they don't really need neutral Invokers.
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Great invoke card. Seems better than it looks.
Solid invoke card to play on curve.
Let's see, what this do for Galakrond classes:
Base: 4/5 taunt for 5 +
Turns out, this card is preeety good.
Fun and interactive game.
Chillwind Yeti stats, with an invoke and 1 more mana. Decent, I'd say.